// import server side wallets import * as lnd from '@/wallets/lnd/server' import * as cln from '@/wallets/cln/server' import * as lnAddr from '@/wallets/lightning-address/server' import * as lnbits from '@/wallets/lnbits/server' import * as nwc from '@/wallets/nwc/server' import * as phoenixd from '@/wallets/phoenixd/server' import * as blink from '@/wallets/blink/server' // we import only the metadata of client side wallets import * as lnc from '@/wallets/lnc' import * as webln from '@/wallets/webln' import { walletLogger } from '@/api/resolvers/wallet' import walletDefs from '@/wallets/server' import { parsePaymentRequest } from 'ln-service' import { toPositiveBigInt, toPositiveNumber, formatMsats, formatSats, msatsToSats } from '@/lib/format' import { PAID_ACTION_TERMINAL_STATES, WALLET_CREATE_INVOICE_TIMEOUT_MS } from '@/lib/constants' import { timeoutSignal, withTimeout } from '@/lib/time' import { canReceive } from './common' import wrapInvoice from './wrap' export default [lnd, cln, lnAddr, lnbits, nwc, phoenixd, blink, lnc, webln] const MAX_PENDING_INVOICES_PER_WALLET = 25 export async function * createUserInvoice (userId, { msats, description, descriptionHash, expiry = 360 }, { paymentAttempt, predecessorId, models }) { // get the wallets in order of priority const wallets = await getInvoiceableWallets(userId, { paymentAttempt, predecessorId, models }) msats = toPositiveNumber(msats) for (const { def, wallet } of wallets) { const logger = walletLogger({ wallet, models }) try { logger.info( `↙ incoming payment: ${formatSats(msatsToSats(msats))}`, { amount: formatMsats(msats) }) let invoice try { invoice = await walletCreateInvoice( { wallet, def }, { msats, description, descriptionHash, expiry }, { logger, models }) } catch (err) { throw new Error('failed to create invoice: ' + err.message) } const bolt11 = await parsePaymentRequest({ request: invoice }) logger.info(`created invoice for ${formatSats(msatsToSats(bolt11.mtokens))}`, { bolt11: invoice }) if (BigInt(bolt11.mtokens) !== BigInt(msats)) { if (BigInt(bolt11.mtokens) > BigInt(msats)) { throw new Error('invoice invalid: amount too big') } if (BigInt(bolt11.mtokens) === 0n) { throw new Error('invoice invalid: amount is 0 msats') } if (BigInt(msats) - BigInt(bolt11.mtokens) >= 1000n) { throw new Error('invoice invalid: amount too small') } } yield { invoice, wallet, logger } } catch (err) { console.error('failed to create user invoice:', err) logger.error(err.message, { status: true }) } } } export async function createWrappedInvoice (userId, { msats, feePercent, description, descriptionHash, expiry = 360 }, { paymentAttempt, predecessorId, models, me, lnd }) { // loop over all receiver wallet invoices until we successfully wrapped one for await (const { invoice, logger, wallet } of createUserInvoice(userId, { // this is the amount the stacker will receive, the other (feePercent)% is our fee msats: toPositiveBigInt(msats) * (100n - feePercent) / 100n, description, descriptionHash, expiry }, { paymentAttempt, predecessorId, models })) { let bolt11 try { bolt11 = invoice const { invoice: wrappedInvoice, maxFee } = await wrapInvoice({ bolt11, feePercent }, { msats, description, descriptionHash }, { me, lnd }) return { invoice, wrappedInvoice: wrappedInvoice.request, wallet, maxFee } } catch (e) { console.error('failed to wrap invoice:', e) logger?.error('failed to wrap invoice: ' + e.message, { bolt11 }) } } throw new Error('no wallet to receive available') } export async function getInvoiceableWallets (userId, { paymentAttempt, predecessorId, models }) { // filter out all wallets that have already been tried by recursively following the retry chain of predecessor invoices. // the current predecessor invoice is in state 'FAILED' and not in state 'RETRYING' because we are currently retrying it // so it has not been updated yet. // if predecessorId is not provided, the subquery will be empty and thus no wallets are filtered out. const wallets = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT "Wallet".*, jsonb_build_object( 'id', "users"."id", 'hideInvoiceDesc', "users"."hideInvoiceDesc" ) AS "user" FROM "Wallet" JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" = "Wallet"."userId" WHERE "Wallet"."userId" = ${userId} AND "Wallet"."enabled" = true AND "Wallet"."id" NOT IN ( WITH RECURSIVE "Retries" AS ( -- select the current failed invoice that we are currently retrying -- this failed invoice will be used to start the recursion SELECT "Invoice"."id", "Invoice"."predecessorId" FROM "Invoice" WHERE "Invoice"."id" = ${predecessorId} AND "Invoice"."actionState" = 'FAILED' UNION ALL -- recursive part: use predecessorId to select the previous invoice that failed in the chain -- until there is no more previous invoice SELECT "Invoice"."id", "Invoice"."predecessorId" FROM "Invoice" JOIN "Retries" ON "Invoice"."id" = "Retries"."predecessorId" WHERE "Invoice"."actionState" = 'RETRYING' AND "Invoice"."paymentAttempt" = ${paymentAttempt} ) SELECT "InvoiceForward"."walletId" FROM "Retries" JOIN "InvoiceForward" ON "InvoiceForward"."invoiceId" = "Retries"."id" JOIN "Withdrawl" ON "Withdrawl".id = "InvoiceForward"."withdrawlId" WHERE "Withdrawl"."status" IS DISTINCT FROM 'CONFIRMED' ) ORDER BY "Wallet"."priority" ASC, "Wallet"."id" ASC` const walletsWithDefs = wallets.map(wallet => { const w = walletDefs.find(w => w.walletType === wallet.type) return { wallet, def: w } }) return walletsWithDefs.filter(({ def, wallet }) => canReceive({ def, config: wallet.wallet })) } async function walletCreateInvoice ({ wallet, def }, { msats, description, descriptionHash, expiry = 360 }, { logger, models }) { // check for pending withdrawals const pendingWithdrawals = await models.withdrawl.count({ where: { walletId: wallet.id, status: null } }) // and pending forwards const pendingForwards = await models.invoiceForward.count({ where: { walletId: wallet.id, invoice: { actionState: { notIn: PAID_ACTION_TERMINAL_STATES } } } }) const pending = pendingWithdrawals + pendingForwards if (pendingWithdrawals + pendingForwards >= MAX_PENDING_INVOICES_PER_WALLET) { throw new Error(`too many pending invoices: has ${pending}, max ${MAX_PENDING_INVOICES_PER_WALLET}`) } return await withTimeout( def.createInvoice( { msats, description: wallet.user.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : description, descriptionHash, expiry }, wallet.wallet, { logger, signal: timeoutSignal(WALLET_CREATE_INVOICE_TIMEOUT_MS) } ), WALLET_CREATE_INVOICE_TIMEOUT_MS) }