import { satsToMsats } from '@/lib/format' export const anonable = false export const supportsPessimism = true export const supportsOptimism = true export async function getCost ({ id }, { me, models }) { const pollOption = await models.pollOption.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(id) }, include: { item: true } }) return satsToMsats(pollOption.item.pollCost) } export async function perform ({ invoiceId, id }, { me, cost, tx }) { const pollOption = await tx.pollOption.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(id) } }) const itemId = parseInt(pollOption.itemId) let invoiceData = {} if (invoiceId) { invoiceData = { invoiceId, invoiceActionState: 'PENDING' } // store a reference to the item in the invoice await tx.invoice.update({ where: { id: invoiceId }, data: { actionId: itemId } }) } // the unique index on userId, itemId will prevent double voting await tx.itemAct.create({ data: { msats: cost, itemId, userId:, act: 'POLL', ...invoiceData } }) await tx.pollBlindVote.create({ data: { userId:, itemId, ...invoiceData } }) await tx.pollVote.create({ data: { pollOptionId:, itemId, ...invoiceData } }) return { id } } export async function retry ({ invoiceId, newInvoiceId }, { tx }) { await tx.itemAct.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId }, data: { invoiceId: newInvoiceId, invoiceActionState: 'PENDING' } }) await tx.pollBlindVote.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId }, data: { invoiceId: newInvoiceId, invoiceActionState: 'PENDING' } }) await tx.pollVote.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId }, data: { invoiceId: newInvoiceId, invoiceActionState: 'PENDING' } }) const { pollOptionId } = await tx.pollVote.findFirst({ where: { invoiceId: newInvoiceId } }) return { id: pollOptionId } } export async function onPaid ({ invoice }, { tx }) { if (!invoice) return await tx.itemAct.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'PAID' } }) await tx.pollBlindVote.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'PAID' } }) // anonymize the vote await tx.pollVote.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceId: null, invoiceActionState: null } }) } export async function onFail ({ invoice }, { tx }) { await tx.itemAct.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'FAILED' } }) await tx.pollBlindVote.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'FAILED' } }) await tx.pollVote.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'FAILED' } }) } export async function describe ({ id }, { actionId }) { return `SN: vote on poll #${id ?? actionId}` }