import Layout from '../../components/layout' import * as Yup from 'yup' import { Form, Input, SubmitButton } from '../../components/form' import { InputGroup } from 'react-bootstrap' import { gql, useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import { INVITE_FIELDS } from '../../fragments/invites' import AccordianItem from '../../components/accordian-item' import styles from '../../styles/invites.module.css' import Invite from '../../components/invite' export const InviteSchema = Yup.object({ gift: Yup.number().typeError('must be a number') .min(0, 'must be positive').integer('must be whole').required(), limit: Yup.number().typeError('must be a number') .positive('must be positive').integer('must be whole') }) function InviteForm () { const [createInvite] = useMutation( gql` ${INVITE_FIELDS} mutation createInvite($gift: Int!, $limit: Int) { createInvite(gift: $gift, limit: $limit) { ...InviteFields } }`, { update (cache, { data: { createInvite } }) { cache.modify({ fields: { invites (existingInviteRefs = []) { const newInviteRef = cache.writeFragment({ data: createInvite, fragment: INVITE_FIELDS }) return [newInviteRef, ...existingInviteRefs] } } }) } } ) return ( <Form initial={{ gift: 100, limit: undefined }} schema={InviteSchema} onSubmit={async ({ limit, gift }) => { const { error } = await createInvite({ variables: { gift: Number(gift), limit: limit ? Number(limit) : limit } }) if (error) { throw new Error({ message: error.String() }) } }} > <Input label='gift' name='gift' append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>} required /> <Input label={<>invitee limit <small className='text-muted ml-2'>optional</small></>} name='limit' /> <SubmitButton variant='secondary'>create</SubmitButton> </Form> ) } function InviteList ({ name, invites }) { return ( <div className='mt-4'> <AccordianItem show headerColor='#6c757d' header={<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '92%' }}>{name}</div>} body={ <div className={styles.invites}>{ => { return <Invite invite={invite} key={} active={name === 'active'} /> })} </div> } /> </div> ) } export default function Invites () { const { data } = useQuery( gql` ${INVITE_FIELDS} { invites { ...InviteFields } } `, { fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' }) const [active, inactive] = data && data.invites ? data.invites.reduce((result, invite) => { result[ invite.revoked || (invite.limit && invite.invitees.length >= invite.limit) ? 1 : 0].push(invite) return result }, [[], []]) : [[], []] return ( <Layout> <div className='text-center'> <h2 className='mt-3 mb-0'> invite links </h2> <small className='d-block text-muted font-weight-bold mx-5'>send these to people you trust somewhat, e.g. group chats or DMs</small> </div> <InviteForm /> {active.length > 0 && <InviteList name='active' invites={active} />} {inactive.length > 0 && <InviteList name='inactive' invites={inactive} />} </Layout> ) }