import { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'
import { useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap'
import { gql } from 'graphql-tag'
import { numWithUnits } from '../lib/format'
import AccordianItem from './accordian-item'
import Qr, { QrSkeleton } from './qr'
import { CopyInput } from './form'
import { INVOICE } from '../fragments/wallet'
import InvoiceStatus from './invoice-status'
import { useMe } from './me'
import { useShowModal } from './modal'
import { sleep } from '../lib/time'
import FundError, { isInsufficientFundsError } from './fund-error'
import { usePaymentTokens } from './payment-tokens'
export function Invoice ({ invoice, onConfirmation, successVerb }) {
let variant = 'default'
let status = 'waiting for you'
let webLn = true
if (invoice.confirmedAt) {
variant = 'confirmed'
status = `${numWithUnits(invoice.satsReceived, { abbreviate: false })} ${successVerb || 'deposited'}`
webLn = false
} else if (invoice.cancelled) {
variant = 'failed'
status = 'cancelled'
webLn = false
} else if (invoice.expiresAt <= new Date()) {
variant = 'failed'
status = 'expired'
webLn = false
useEffect(() => {
if (invoice.confirmedAt) {
}, [invoice.confirmedAt])
const { nostr } = invoice
return (
{JSON.stringify(nostr, null, 2)}
: null}
const Contacts = ({ invoiceHash, invoiceHmac }) => {
const subject = `Support request for payment hash: ${invoiceHash}`
const body = 'Hi, I successfully paid for but the action did not work.'
return (
payment token save this >}
type='text' placeholder={invoiceHash + '|' + invoiceHmac} readOnly noForm
const ActionInvoice = ({ id, hash, hmac, errorCount, repeat, ...props }) => {
const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(INVOICE, {
pollInterval: 1000,
variables: { id }
if (error) {
if (error.message?.includes('invoice not found')) {
return error
if (!data || loading) {
let errorStatus = 'Something went wrong trying to perform the action after payment.'
if (errorCount > 1) {
errorStatus = 'Something still went wrong.\nPlease contact admins for support or to request a refund.'
return (
{errorCount > 0
? (
: null}
const defaultOptions = {
forceInvoice: false,
requireSession: false
export const useInvoiceable = (fn, options = defaultOptions) => {
const me = useMe()
const [createInvoice, { data }] = useMutation(gql`
mutation createInvoice($amount: Int!) {
createInvoice(amount: $amount, expireSecs: 1800) {
const showModal = useShowModal()
const [fnArgs, setFnArgs] = useState()
const { addPaymentToken, removePaymentToken } = usePaymentTokens()
// fix for bug where `showModal` runs the code for two modals and thus executes `onConfirmation` twice
let errorCount = 0
const onConfirmation = useCallback(
(onClose, hmac) => {
return async ({ id, satsReceived, hash }) => {
addPaymentToken(hash, hmac, satsReceived)
await sleep(500)
const repeat = () =>
fn(satsReceived, ...fnArgs, hash, hmac)
.then(() => {
removePaymentToken(hash, hmac)
.catch((error) => {
showModal(onClose => (
), { keepOpen: true })
// prevents infinite loop of calling `onConfirmation`
if (errorCount === 0) await repeat()
}, [fn, fnArgs]
const invoice = data?.createInvoice
useEffect(() => {
if (invoice) {
showModal(onClose => (
), { keepOpen: true }
}, [invoice?.id])
const actionFn = useCallback(async (amount, ...args) => {
if (!me && options.requireSession) {
throw new Error('you must be logged in')
if (!amount || (me && !options.forceInvoice)) {
try {
return await fn(amount, ...args)
} catch (error) {
if (isInsufficientFundsError(error)) {
showModal(onClose => {
return (
{ await fn(amount, ...args, invoiceHash, invoiceHmac) }}
return { keepLocalStorage: true }
throw error
await createInvoice({ variables: { amount } })
// tell onSubmit handler that we want to keep local storage
// even though the submit handler was "successful"
return { keepLocalStorage: true }
}, [fn, setFnArgs, createInvoice])
return actionFn