if (!data || loading) {
const retry = !!onRetry
let errorStatus = 'Something went wrong trying to perform the action after payment.'
if (retryError > 0) {
errorStatus = 'Something still went wrong.\nYou can retry or cancel the invoice to return your funds.'
return (
? (
: null}
const defaultOptions = {
requireSession: false,
forceInvoice: false
export const useInvoiceable = (onSubmit, options = defaultOptions) => {
const me = useMe()
const [createInvoice] = useMutation(gql`
mutation createInvoice($amount: Int!) {
createInvoice(amount: $amount, hodlInvoice: true, expireSecs: 180) {
const [cancelInvoice] = useMutation(gql`
mutation cancelInvoice($hash: String!, $hmac: String!) {
cancelInvoice(hash: $hash, hmac: $hmac) {
const showModal = useShowModal()
const provider = useWebLN()
const client = useApolloClient()
const pollInvoice = (id) => client.query({ query: INVOICE, fetchPolicy: 'no-cache', variables: { id } })
const onSubmitWrapper = useCallback(async (
{ cost, ...formValues },
{ variables, optimisticResponse, update, flowId, ...submitArgs }) => {
// some actions require a session
if (!me && options.requireSession) {
throw new Error('you must be logged in')
// id for toast flows
if (!flowId) flowId = (+new Date()).toString(16)
// educated guesses where action might pass in the invoice amount
// (field 'cost' has highest precedence)
cost ??= formValues.amount
// attempt action for the first time
if (!cost || (me && !options.forceInvoice)) {
try {
const insufficientFunds = me?.privates.sats < cost
return await onSubmit(formValues,
{ ...submitArgs, flowId, variables, optimisticsResponse: insufficientFunds ? null : optimisticResponse, update })
} catch (error) {
if (!payOrLoginError(error) || !cost) {
// can't handle error here - bail
throw error
// initial attempt of action failed. we will create an invoice, pay and retry now.
const { data, error } = await createInvoice({ variables: { amount: cost } })
if (error) {
throw error
const inv = data.createInvoice
// If this is a zap, we need to manually be optimistic to have a consistent
// UX across custodial and WebLN zaps since WebLN zaps don't call GraphQL
// mutations which implement optimistic responses natively.
// Therefore, we check if this is a zap and then wrap the WebLN payment logic
// with manual cache update calls.
const itemId = optimisticResponse?.act?.id
const isZap = !!itemId
let _update
if (isZap && update) {
_update = () => {
const fragment = {
id: `Item:${itemId}`,
fragment: gql`
fragment ItemMeSats on Item {
const item = client.cache.readFragment(fragment)
update(client.cache, { data: optimisticResponse })
// undo function
return () => client.cache.writeFragment({ ...fragment, data: item })
// wait until invoice is paid or modal is closed
const { modalOnClose, webLn, gqlCacheUpdateUndo } = await waitForPayment({
invoice: inv,
gqlCacheUpdate: _update,
const retry = () => onSubmit(
{ hash: inv.hash, hmac: inv.hmac, ...formValues },
// unset update function since we already ran an cache update if we paid using WebLN
// also unset update function if null was explicitly passed in
{ ...submitArgs, variables, update: webLn ? null : undefined })
// first retry
try {
const ret = await retry()
return ret
} catch (error) {
console.error('retry error:', error)
// retry until success or cancel
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cancelAndReject = async () => {
await cancelInvoice({ variables: { hash: inv.hash, hmac: inv.hmac } })
reject(new Error('invoice canceled'))
showModal(onClose => {
return (
await cancelAndReject()
onRetry={async () => {
resolve(await retry())
}, { keepOpen: true, onClose: cancelAndReject })
}, [onSubmit, provider, createInvoice, !!me])
return onSubmitWrapper
const INVOICE_CANCELED_ERROR = 'invoice canceled'
const waitForPayment = async ({ invoice, showModal, provider, pollInvoice, gqlCacheUpdate, flowId }) => {
if (provider.enabled) {
try {
return await waitForWebLNPayment({ provider, invoice, pollInvoice, gqlCacheUpdate, flowId })
} catch (err) {
// check for errors which mean that QR code will also fail
if (err.message === INVOICE_CANCELED_ERROR) {
throw err
// QR code as fallback
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
showModal(onClose => {
return (
resolve({ modalOnClose: onClose })}
}, { keepOpen: true, onClose: reject })
const waitForWebLNPayment = async ({ provider, invoice, pollInvoice, gqlCacheUpdate, flowId }) => {
let undoUpdate
try {
// try WebLN provider first
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// be optimistic and pretend zap was already successful for consistent zapping UX
undoUpdate = gqlCacheUpdate?.()
// can't use await here since we might be paying JIT invoices
// and sendPaymentAsync is not supported yet.
// see https://www.webln.guide/building-lightning-apps/webln-reference/webln.sendpaymentasync
provider.sendPayment({ ...invoice, flowId })
// WebLN payment will never resolve here for JIT invoices
// since they only get resolved after settlement which can't happen here
.then(() => resolve({ webLn: true, gqlCacheUpdateUndo: undoUpdate }))
.catch(err => {
const interval = setInterval(async () => {
try {
const { data, error } = await pollInvoice(invoice.id)
if (error) {
return reject(error)
const { invoice: inv } = data
if (inv.isHeld && inv.satsReceived) {
resolve({ webLn: true, gqlCacheUpdateUndo: undoUpdate })
if (inv.cancelled) {
} catch (err) {
}, 1000)
} catch (err) {
console.error('WebLN payment failed:', err)
throw err
export const useInvoiceModal = (onPayment, deps) => {
const onPaymentMemo = useCallback(onPayment, deps)
return useInvoiceable(onPaymentMemo, { replaceModal: true })
export const payOrLoginError = (error) => {
const matches = ['insufficient funds', 'you must be logged in or pay']
if (Array.isArray(error)) {
return error.some(({ message }) => matches.some(m => message.includes(m)))
return matches.some(m => error.toString().includes(m))