import { msatsToSats } from '@/lib/format' import { getAgent } from '@/lib/proxy' import { assertContentTypeJson } from '@/lib/url' import fetch from 'cross-fetch' export * from '@/wallets/lnbits' export async function testCreateInvoice ({ url, invoiceKey }) { return await createInvoice({ msats: 1000, expiry: 1 }, { url, invoiceKey }) } export async function createInvoice ( { msats, description, descriptionHash, expiry }, { url, invoiceKey }) { const path = '/api/v1/payments' const headers = new Headers() headers.append('Accept', 'application/json') headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json') headers.append('X-Api-Key', invoiceKey) // lnbits doesn't support msats so we have to floor to nearest sat const sats = msatsToSats(msats) const body = JSON.stringify({ amount: sats, unit: 'sat', expiry, memo: description, out: false }) let hostname = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '') const agent = getAgent({ hostname }) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && hostname.startsWith('localhost:')) { // to make it possible to attach LNbits for receives during local dev hostname = 'lnbits:5000' } const res = await fetch(`${agent.protocol}//${hostname}${path}`, { method: 'POST', headers, agent, body }) if (!res.ok) { assertContentTypeJson(res) const errBody = await res.json() throw new Error(errBody.detail) } const payment = await res.json() return payment.payment_request }