import Link from 'next/link' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import Badge from 'react-bootstrap/Badge' import Dropdown from 'react-bootstrap/Dropdown' import Countdown from './countdown' import { abbrNum, numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format' import { newComments, commentsViewedAt } from '@/lib/new-comments' import { datePivot, timeSince } from '@/lib/time' import { DeleteDropdownItem } from './delete' import styles from './item.module.css' import { useMe } from './me' import DontLikeThisDropdownItem, { OutlawDropdownItem } from './dont-link-this' import BookmarkDropdownItem from './bookmark' import SubscribeDropdownItem from './subscribe' import { CopyLinkDropdownItem, CrosspostDropdownItem } from './share' import Badges from './badge' import { USER_ID } from '@/lib/constants' import ActionDropdown from './action-dropdown' import MuteDropdownItem from './mute' import { DropdownItemUpVote } from './upvote' import { useRoot } from './root' import { MuteSubDropdownItem, PinSubDropdownItem } from './territory-header' import UserPopover from './user-popover' import { useQrPayment } from './payment' import { useRetryCreateItem } from './use-item-submit' import { useToast } from './toast' import { useShowModal } from './modal' import classNames from 'classnames' export default function ItemInfo ({ item, full, commentsText = 'comments', commentTextSingular = 'comment', className, embellishUser, extraInfo, edit, toggleEdit, editText, onQuoteReply, extraBadges, nested, pinnable, showActionDropdown = true, showUser = true, setDisableRetry, disableRetry }) { const editThreshold = datePivot(new Date(item.invoice?.confirmedAt ?? item.createdAt), { minutes: 10 }) const { me } = useMe() const router = useRouter() const [hasNewComments, setHasNewComments] = useState(false) const root = useRoot() const sub = item?.sub || root?.sub useEffect(() => { if (!full) { setHasNewComments(newComments(item)) } }, [item]) // allow anon edits if they have the correct hmac for the item invoice // (the server will verify the hmac) const [anonEdit, setAnonEdit] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { const invParams = window.localStorage.getItem(`item:${}:hash:hmac`) setAnonEdit(!!invParams && !me && Number( === USER_ID.anon) }, []) // deleted items can never be edited and every item has a 10 minute edit window // except bios, they can always be edited but they should never show the countdown const noEdit = !!item.deletedAt || ( >= editThreshold) || const canEdit = !noEdit && ((me && item.mine) || anonEdit) // territory founders can pin any post in their territory // and OPs can pin any root reply in their post const isPost = !item.parentId const mySub = (me && sub && Number( === sub.userId) const myPost = (me && root && Number( === Number( const rootReply = item.path.split('.').length === 2 const canPin = (isPost && mySub) || (myPost && rootReply) const meSats = (me ? item.meSats : item.meAnonSats) || 0 return (
{!(item.position && (pinnable || !item.subName)) && !(!item.parentId && Number(item.user?.id) === && <> {numWithUnits(item.sats)} \ } {item.boost > 0 && <> {abbrNum(item.boost)} boost \ } { const viewedAt = commentsViewedAt(item) if (viewedAt) { e.preventDefault() router.push( `/items/${}?commentsViewedAt=${viewedAt}`, `/items/${}`) } }} title={numWithUnits(item.commentSats)} className='text-reset position-relative' > {numWithUnits(item.ncomments, { abbreviate: false, unitPlural: commentsText, unitSingular: commentTextSingular })} {hasNewComments && {' '} } \ {showUser && @{} {embellishUser} } {timeSince(new Date(item.createdAt))} {item.prior && <> \ yesterday } {item.subName && {' '}{item.subName} } {sub?.nsfw && nsfw} {(item.outlawed && !item.mine && {' '}outlawed ) || (item.freebie && !item.position && {' '}freebie )} {(item.apiKey && <>{' '}bot )} {extraBadges} { showActionDropdown && <> {(item.parentId || item.text) && onQuoteReply && quote reply} {me && } {me && } {item.otsHash && opentimestamp } {item?.noteId && (`${item.noteId}`, '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer,nofollow')}> nostr note )} {item && item.mine && !item.noteId && !item.isJob && !item.parentId && } {me && !item.position && !item.mine && !item.deletedAt && (item.meDontLikeSats > meSats ? : )} {me && sub && !item.mine && !item.outlawed && Number( === Number(sub.userId) && sub.moderated && <>
} {item.mine && item.invoice?.id && <>
view invoice } {me && !nested && !item.mine && sub && Number( !== Number(sub.userId) && <>
} {canPin && <>
} {item.mine && !item.position && !item.deletedAt && ! && <>
} {me && !item.mine && <>
} {extraInfo}
) } function InfoDropdownItem ({ item }) { const { me } = useMe() const showModal = useShowModal() const onClick = () => { showModal((onClose) => { return (
created at
{me && ( <>
sats from me
) }) } return ( details ) } function PaymentInfo ({ item, disableRetry, setDisableRetry }) { const { me } = useMe() const toaster = useToast() const retryCreateItem = useRetryCreateItem({ id: }) const waitForQrPayment = useQrPayment() const [disableInfoRetry, setDisableInfoRetry] = useState(disableRetry) if (item.deletedAt) return null const disableDualRetry = disableRetry || disableInfoRetry function setDisableDualRetry (value) { setDisableInfoRetry(value) setDisableRetry?.(value) } let Component let onClick if (me && item.invoice?.actionState && item.invoice?.actionState !== 'PAID') { if (item.invoice?.actionState === 'FAILED') { Component = () => retry payment onClick = async () => { if (disableDualRetry) return setDisableDualRetry(true) try { const { error } = await retryCreateItem({ variables: { invoiceId: parseInt(item.invoice?.id) } }) if (error) throw error } catch (error) { toaster.danger(error.message) } finally { setDisableDualRetry(false) } } } else { Component = () => ( pending ) onClick = () => waitForQrPayment({ id: item.invoice?.id }, null, { cancelOnClose: false }).catch(console.error) } } else { return null } return ( <> \ ) } function EditInfo ({ item, edit, canEdit, setCanEdit, toggleEdit, editText, editThreshold }) { const router = useRouter() if (canEdit) { return ( <> \ toggleEdit ? toggleEdit() : router.push(`/items/${}/edit`)} > {editText || 'edit'} {(!item.invoice?.actionState || item.invoice?.actionState === 'PAID') ? { setCanEdit(false) }} /> : 10:00} ) } if (edit && !canEdit) { // if we're still editing after timer ran out return ( <> \ toggleEdit ? toggleEdit() : router.push(`/items/${}`)} > cancel 00:00 ) } return null }