import { Checkbox, Form, Input, MarkdownInput, SubmitButton } from './form' import Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row' import Col from 'react-bootstrap/Col' import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup' import Image from 'react-bootstrap/Image' import BootstrapForm from 'react-bootstrap/Form' import Alert from 'react-bootstrap/Alert' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import Info from './info' import AccordianItem from './accordian-item' import styles from '../styles/post.module.css' import { useLazyQuery, gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import Link from 'next/link' import { usePrice } from './price' import Avatar from './avatar' import ActionTooltip from './action-tooltip' import { jobSchema } from '../lib/validate' import CancelButton from './cancel-button' function satsMin2Mo (minute) { return minute * 30 * 24 * 60 } function PriceHint ({ monthly }) { const { price, fiatSymbol } = usePrice() if (!price || !monthly) { return null } const fixed = (n, f) => Number.parseFloat(n).toFixed(f) const fiat = fixed((price / 100000000) * monthly, 0) return <span className='text-muted'>{monthly} sats/mo which is {fiatSymbol}{fiat}/mo</span> } // need to recent list items export default function JobForm ({ item, sub }) { const storageKeyPrefix = item ? undefined : `${}-job` const router = useRouter() const [logoId, setLogoId] = useState(item?.uploadId) const [upsertJob] = useMutation(gql` mutation upsertJob($sub: String!, $id: ID, $title: String!, $company: String!, $location: String, $remote: Boolean, $text: String!, $url: String!, $maxBid: Int!, $status: String, $logo: Int) { upsertJob(sub: $sub, id: $id, title: $title, company: $company, location: $location, remote: $remote, text: $text, url: $url, maxBid: $maxBid, status: $status, logo: $logo) { id } }` ) return ( <> <Form className='pb-5 pt-3' initial={{ title: item?.title || '', company: item?.company || '', location: item?.location || '', remote: item?.remote || false, text: item?.text || '', url: item?.url || '', maxBid: item?.maxBid || 0, stop: false, start: false }} schema={jobSchema} storageKeyPrefix={storageKeyPrefix} onSubmit={(async ({ maxBid, stop, start, ...values }) => { let status if (start) { status = 'ACTIVE' } else if (stop) { status = 'STOPPED' } const { error } = await upsertJob({ variables: { id: item?.id, sub: item?.subName || sub?.name, maxBid: Number(maxBid), status, logo: Number(logoId), ...values } }) if (error) { throw new Error({ message: error.toString() }) } if (item) { await router.push(`/items/${}`) } else { await router.push(`/~${}/recent`) } })} > <div className='form-group'> <label className='form-label'>logo</label> <div className='position-relative' style={{ width: 'fit-content' }}> <Image src={logoId ? `https://${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_AWS_UPLOAD_BUCKET}${logoId}` : '/jobs-default.png'} width='135' height='135' roundedCircle /> <Avatar onSuccess={setLogoId} /> </div> </div> <Input label='job title' name='title' required autoFocus clear /> <Input label='company' name='company' required clear /> <Row className='me-0'> <Col> <Input label='location' name='location' clear /> </Col> <Col className='d-flex ps-0' xs='auto'> <Checkbox label={<div className='fw-bold'>remote</div>} name='remote' hiddenLabel groupClassName={styles.inlineCheckGroup} /> </Col> </Row> <MarkdownInput topLevel label='description' name='text' minRows={6} required /> <Input label={<>how to apply <small className='text-muted ms-2'>url or email address</small></>} name='url' required clear /> <PromoteJob item={item} sub={sub} /> {item && <StatusControl item={item} />} <div className='d-flex align-items-center justify-content-end mt-3'> {item ? ( <div className='d-flex'> <CancelButton /> <SubmitButton variant='secondary'>save</SubmitButton> </div> ) : ( <ActionTooltip overlayText='1000 sats'> <SubmitButton variant='secondary'>post <small> 1000 sats</small></SubmitButton> </ActionTooltip> )} </div> </Form> </> ) } function PromoteJob ({ item, sub }) { const [monthly, setMonthly] = useState(satsMin2Mo(item?.maxBid || 0)) const [getAuctionPosition, { data }] = useLazyQuery(gql` query AuctionPosition($id: ID, $bid: Int!) { auctionPosition(sub: "${item?.subName || sub?.name}", id: $id, bid: $bid) }`, { fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' }) const position = data?.auctionPosition useEffect(() => { const initialMaxBid = Number(item?.maxBid) || 0 getAuctionPosition({ variables: { id: item?.id, bid: initialMaxBid } }) setMonthly(satsMin2Mo(initialMaxBid)) }, []) return ( <AccordianItem show={item?.maxBid > 0} header={<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '92%' }}>promote</div>} body={ <> <Input label={ <div className='d-flex align-items-center'>bid <Info> <ol className='fw-bold'> <li>The higher your bid the higher your job will rank</li> <li>You can increase, decrease, or remove your bid at anytime</li> <li>You can edit or stop your job at anytime</li> <li>If you run out of sats, your job will stop being promoted until you fill your wallet again</li> </ol> </Info> <small className='text-muted ms-2'>optional</small> </div> } name='maxBid' onChange={async (formik, e) => { if ( >= 0 && <= 100000000) { setMonthly(satsMin2Mo( getAuctionPosition({ variables: { id: item?.id, bid: Number( } }) } else { setMonthly(satsMin2Mo(0)) } }} append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats/min</InputGroup.Text>} hint={<PriceHint monthly={monthly} />} /> <><div className='fw-bold text-muted'>This bid puts your job in position: {position}</div></> </> } /> ) } function StatusControl ({ item }) { let StatusComp if (item.status !== 'STOPPED') { StatusComp = () => { return ( <> <AccordianItem header={<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '92%' }}>I want to stop my job</div>} headerColor='var(--bs-danger)' body={ <Checkbox label={<div className='fw-bold text-danger'>stop my job</div>} name='stop' inline /> } /> </> ) } } else if (item.status === 'STOPPED') { StatusComp = () => { return ( <AccordianItem header={<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '92%' }}>I want to resume my job</div>} headerColor='var(--bs-success)' body={ <Checkbox label={<div className='fw-bold text-success'>resume my job</div>} name='start' inline /> } /> ) } } return ( <div className='my-3 border border-3 rounded'> <div className='p-3'> <BootstrapForm.Label>job control</BootstrapForm.Label> {item.status === 'NOSATS' && <Alert variant='warning'>your promotion ran out of sats. <Link href='/wallet?type=fund' className='text-reset text-underline'>fund your wallet</Link> or reduce bid to continue promoting your job</Alert>} <StatusComp /> </div> </div> ) }