import React from 'react' import { CLNAutowithdrawSchema } from '@/lib/validate' import { ensureB64 } from '@/lib/format' export const name = 'cln' export const fields = [ { name: 'socket', label: 'rest host and port', type: 'text', placeholder: '55.5.555.55:3010', hint: 'tor or clearnet', clear: true }, { name: 'rune', label: 'invoice only rune', help: { text: 'We only accept runes that *only* allow `method=invoice`.\nRun this to generate one:\n\n```lightning-cli createrune restrictions=\'["method=invoice"]\'```' }, type: 'text', placeholder: 'S34KtUW-6gqS_hD_9cc_PNhfF-NinZyBOCgr1aIrark9NCZtZXRob2Q9aW52b2ljZQ==', hint: 'must be restricted to method=invoice', clear: true }, { name: 'cert', label: 'cert', type: 'text', placeholder: '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', optional: React.createElement( React.Fragment, {}, 'optional if from ', React.createElement('a', { href: '', target: '_blank', rel: 'noreferrer' }, 'CA'), ' (e.g. voltage)'), hint: 'hex or base64 encoded', clear: true } ] export const card = { title: 'CLN', subtitle: React.createElement( React.Fragment, {}, 'autowithdraw to your Core Lightning node via ', React.createElement('a', { href: '', target: '_blank', rel: 'noreferrer' }, 'CLNRest') ), badges: ['receive only', 'non-custodialish'] } export const schema = CLNAutowithdrawSchema export const server = { walletType: 'CLN', walletField: 'walletCLN', resolverName: 'upsertWalletCLN', testConnect: async ( { socket, rune, cert }, { me, models, addWalletLog, cln: { createInvoice } } ) => { try { cert = ensureB64(cert) const inv = await createInvoice({ socket, rune, cert, description: 'SN connection test', msats: 'any', expiry: 0 }) await addWalletLog({ wallet: { type: 'CLN' }, level: 'SUCCESS', message: 'connected to CLN' }, { me, models }) return inv } catch (err) { const details = err.details || err.message || err.toString?.() await addWalletLog({ wallet: { type: 'CLN' }, level: 'ERROR', message: `could not connect to CLN: ${details}` }, { me, models }) throw err } }, createInvoice: async ( { amount }, { socket, rune, cert }, { me, models, lnd, cln: { createInvoice } } ) => { cert = ensureB64(cert) const inv = await createInvoice({ socket, rune, cert, description: me.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : 'autowithdraw to CLN from SN', msats: amount + 'sat', expiry: 360 }) return inv.bolt11 } }