import { lnAddrOptions } from './lnurl' import { lnAddrSchema, ssValidate } from './validate' export async function fetchLnAddrInvoice ({ addr, amount, maxFee, comment, ...payer }, { me, models, lnd, autoWithdraw = false, lnService: { decodePaymentRequest, getIdentity } }) { const options = await lnAddrOptions(addr) await ssValidate(lnAddrSchema, { addr, amount, maxFee, comment, ...payer }, options) if (payer) { payer = { ...payer, identifier: payer.identifier ? `${}` : undefined } payer = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(payer).filter(([, value]) => !!value) ) } const milliamount = 1000 * amount const callback = new URL(options.callback) callback.searchParams.append('amount', milliamount) if (comment?.length) { callback.searchParams.append('comment', comment) } let stringifiedPayerData = '' if (payer && Object.entries(payer).length) { stringifiedPayerData = JSON.stringify(payer) callback.searchParams.append('payerdata', stringifiedPayerData) } // call callback with amount and conditionally comment const res = await (await fetch(callback.toString())).json() if (res.status === 'ERROR') { throw new Error(res.reason) } // decode invoice try { const decoded = await decodePaymentRequest({ lnd, request: }) const ourPubkey = (await getIdentity({ lnd })).public_key if (autoWithdraw && decoded.destination === ourPubkey && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { // unset lnaddr so we don't trigger another withdrawal with same destination await models.wallet.deleteMany({ // TODO: replace hardcoded 'LIGHTNING_ADDRESS' with wallet.type where: { userId:, type: 'LIGHTNING_ADDRESS' } }) throw new Error('automated withdrawals to other stackers are not allowed') } if (!decoded.mtokens || BigInt(decoded.mtokens) !== BigInt(milliamount)) { throw new Error('invoice has incorrect amount') } } catch (e) { console.log(e) throw e } return res }