import { Checkbox, Form, Input, MarkdownInput, SubmitButton } from './form'
import TextareaAutosize from 'react-textarea-autosize'
import { InputGroup, Modal } from 'react-bootstrap'
import * as Yup from 'yup'
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import Info from '../svgs/information-fill.svg'
import AccordianItem from './accordian-item'
import styles from '../styles/post.module.css'
import { useLazyQuery, gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import Link from 'next/link'
Yup.addMethod(Yup.string, 'or', function (schemas, msg) {
return this.test({
name: 'or',
message: msg,
test: value => {
if (Array.isArray(schemas) && schemas.length > 1) {
const resee = => schema.isValidSync(value))
return resee.some(res => res)
} else {
throw new TypeError('Schemas is not correct array schema')
exclusive: false
function satsMo2Min (monthly) {
return Number.parseFloat(monthly / 30 / 24 / 60).toFixed(2)
// need to recent list items
export default function JobForm ({ item, sub }) {
const storageKeyPrefix = item ? undefined : `${}-job`
const router = useRouter()
const [pull, setPull] = useState(satsMo2Min(item?.maxBid || sub.baseCost))
const [info, setInfo] = useState()
const [getAuctionPosition, { data }] = useLazyQuery(gql`
query AuctionPosition($id: ID, $bid: Int!) {
auctionPosition(sub: "${}", id: $id, bid: $bid)
{ fetchPolicy: 'network-only' })
const [upsertJob] = useMutation(gql`
mutation upsertJob($id: ID, $title: String!, $text: String!,
$url: String!, $maxBid: Int!, $status: String) {
upsertJob(sub: "${}", id: $id title: $title, text: $text,
url: $url, maxBid: $maxBid, status: $status) {
const JobSchema = Yup.object({
title: Yup.string().required('required').trim(),
text: Yup.string().required('required').trim(),
url: Yup.string()
.or([Yup.string().email(), Yup.string().url()], 'invalid url or email')
maxBid: Yup.number('must be number')
.integer('must be integer').min(sub.baseCost, 'must be at least 10000')
.max(100000000, 'must be less than 100000000')
.test('multiple', 'must be a multiple of 1000 sats', (val) => val % 1000 === 0)
const position = data?.auctionPosition
useEffect(() => {
const initialMaxBid = Number(item?.maxBid || localStorage.getItem(storageKeyPrefix + '-maxBid')) || sub.baseCost
getAuctionPosition({ variables: { id: item?.id, bid: initialMaxBid } })
}, [])
return (
If your post's (A's) max bid is higher than another post (B) by at least
1000 sats/mo your post will rank higher and your wallet will pay 1000
sats/mo more than B.
If another post (C) comes along whose max bid is higher than B's but less
than your's (A's), C will pay 1000 sats/mo more than B, and you will pay 1000 sats/mo
more than C.
If a post (D) comes along whose max bid is higher than your's (A's), D
will pay 1000 stat/mo more than you (A), and the amount you (A) pays won't