import { Form, MarkdownInput, SubmitButton } from '../components/form'
import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
import styles from './reply.module.css'
import { COMMENTS } from '../fragments/comments'
import { useMe } from './me'
import { useEffect, useState, useRef, useCallback } from 'react'
import Link from 'next/link'
import FeeButton from './fee-button'
import { commentsViewedAfterComment } from '../lib/new-comments'
import { commentSchema } from '../lib/validate'
import Info from './info'
export function ReplyOnAnotherPage ({ parentId }) {
return (
reply on another page
function FreebieDialog () {
return (
you have no sats, so this one is on us
Free comments have limited visibility and are listed at the bottom of the comment section until other stackers zap them.
Free comments will not cover comments that cost more than 1 sat.
To get fully visibile and unrestricted comments right away, fund your account with a few sats or earn some on Stacker News.
export default function Reply ({ item, onSuccess, replyOpen, children, placeholder }) {
const [reply, setReply] = useState(replyOpen)
const me = useMe()
const parentId =
useEffect(() => {
setReply(replyOpen || !!window.localStorage.getItem('reply-' + parentId + '-' + 'text'))
}, [])
const [upsertComment] = useMutation(
mutation upsertComment($text: String!, $parentId: ID!, $hash: String, $hmac: String) {
upsertComment(text: $text, parentId: $parentId, hash: $hash, hmac: $hmac) {
comments {
}`, {
update (cache, { data: { upsertComment } }) {
id: `Item:${parentId}`,
fields: {
comments (existingCommentRefs = []) {
const newCommentRef = cache.writeFragment({
data: upsertComment,
fragment: COMMENTS,
fragmentName: 'CommentsRecursive'
return [newCommentRef, ...existingCommentRefs]
const ancestors = item.path.split('.')
// update all ancestors
ancestors.forEach(id => {
id: `Item:${id}`,
fields: {
ncomments (existingNComments = 0) {
return existingNComments + 1
// so that we don't see indicator for our own comments, we record this comments as the latest time
// but we also have record num comments, in case someone else commented when we did
const root = ancestors[0]
commentsViewedAfterComment(root, upsertComment.createdAt)
const onSubmit = useCallback(async ({ amount, hash, hmac, ...values }, { resetForm }) => {
await upsertComment({ variables: { parentId, hash, hmac, ...values } })
resetForm({ text: '' })
setReply(replyOpen || false)
}, [upsertComment, setReply])
const replyInput = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => {
if (replyInput.current && reply && !replyOpen) replyInput.current.focus()
}, [reply])
return (
: (
{reply ? 'cancel' : 'reply'}
{/* HACK if we need more items, we should probably do a comment toolbar */}