export class InvoiceCanceledError extends Error { constructor (invoice, actionError) { super(actionError ?? `invoice canceled: ${invoice.hash}`) this.name = 'InvoiceCanceledError' this.invoice = invoice this.actionError = actionError } } export class InvoiceExpiredError extends Error { constructor (invoice) { super(`invoice expired: ${invoice.hash}`) this.name = 'InvoiceExpiredError' this.invoice = invoice } } export class WalletError extends Error {} export class WalletPaymentError extends WalletError {} export class WalletConfigurationError extends WalletError {} export class WalletNotEnabledError extends WalletConfigurationError { constructor (name) { super(`wallet is not enabled: ${name}`) this.name = 'WalletNotEnabledError' this.wallet = name this.reason = 'wallet is not enabled' } } export class WalletSendNotConfiguredError extends WalletConfigurationError { constructor (name) { super(`wallet send is not configured: ${name}`) this.name = 'WalletSendNotConfiguredError' this.wallet = name this.reason = 'wallet send is not configured' } } export class WalletSenderError extends WalletPaymentError { constructor (name, invoice, message) { super(`${name} failed to pay invoice ${invoice.hash}: ${message}`) this.name = 'WalletSenderError' this.wallet = name this.invoice = invoice this.reason = message } } export class WalletReceiverError extends WalletPaymentError { constructor (invoice) { super(`payment forwarding failed for invoice ${invoice.hash}`) this.name = 'WalletReceiverError' this.invoice = invoice } } export class WalletsNotAvailableError extends WalletConfigurationError { constructor () { super('no wallet available') this.name = 'WalletsNotAvailableError' } } export class AnonWalletError extends WalletConfigurationError { constructor () { super('anon cannot pay with wallets') this.name = 'AnonWalletError' } } export class WalletAggregateError extends WalletError { constructor (errors, invoice) { super('WalletAggregateError') this.name = 'WalletAggregateError' this.errors = errors.reduce((acc, e) => { if (Array.isArray(e?.errors)) { acc.push(...e.errors) } else { acc.push(e) } return acc }, []) this.invoice = invoice } } export class WalletPaymentAggregateError extends WalletPaymentError { constructor (errors, invoice) { super('WalletPaymentAggregateError') this.name = 'WalletPaymentAggregateError' this.errors = errors.reduce((acc, e) => { if (Array.isArray(e?.errors)) { acc.push(...e.errors) } else { acc.push(e) } return acc }, []).filter(e => e instanceof WalletPaymentError) this.invoice = invoice } }