import { getGetServerSideProps } from '@/api/ssrApollo' import Layout from '@/components/layout' import styles from '@/styles/wallet.module.css' import Link from 'next/link' import { useWallets } from '@/wallets/index' import { useCallback, useState } from 'react' import { useIsClient } from '@/components/use-client' import WalletCard from '@/components/wallet-card' import { useToast } from '@/components/toast' export const getServerSideProps = getGetServerSideProps({ authRequired: true }) export default function Wallet ({ ssrData }) { const { wallets, setPriorities } = useWallets() const toast = useToast() const isClient = useIsClient() const [sourceIndex, setSourceIndex] = useState(null) const [targetIndex, setTargetIndex] = useState(null) const reorder = useCallback(async (sourceIndex, targetIndex) => { const newOrder = [...wallets.filter(w => w.config?.enabled)] const [source] = newOrder.splice(sourceIndex, 1) const newTargetIndex = sourceIndex < targetIndex ? targetIndex - 1 : targetIndex const priorities = newOrder.slice(0, newTargetIndex) .concat(source) .concat(newOrder.slice(newTargetIndex)) .map((w, i) => ({ wallet: w, priority: i })) await setPriorities(priorities) }, [setPriorities, wallets]) const onDragStart = useCallback((i) => (e) => { // e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move' // We can only use the DataTransfer API inside the drop event // see // e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', name) // That's why we use React state instead setSourceIndex(i) }, [setSourceIndex]) const onDragEnter = useCallback((i) => (e) => { setTargetIndex(i) }, [setTargetIndex]) const onReorderError = useCallback((err) => { console.error(err) toast.danger('failed to reorder wallets') }, [toast]) const onDragEnd = useCallback((e) => { setSourceIndex(null) setTargetIndex(null) if (sourceIndex === targetIndex) return reorder(sourceIndex, targetIndex).catch(onReorderError) }, [sourceIndex, targetIndex, reorder, onReorderError]) const onTouchStart = useCallback((i) => (e) => { if (sourceIndex !== null) { reorder(sourceIndex, i).catch(onReorderError) setSourceIndex(null) } else { setSourceIndex(i) } }, [sourceIndex, reorder, onReorderError]) return (

attach wallets

attach wallets to supplement your SN wallet
wallet logs
{, i) => { const draggable = isClient && w.config?.enabled return (
) } )}
) }