import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql' import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextNoteCursorEncoded } from '@/lib/cursor' import { getItem, filterClause, whereClause, muteClause, activeOrMine } from './item' import { getInvoice, getWithdrawl } from './wallet' import { pushSubscriptionSchema, ssValidate } from '@/lib/validate' import { replyToSubscription } from '@/lib/webPush' import { getSub } from './sub' export default { Query: { notifications: async (parent, { cursor, inc }, { me, models }) => { const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } }) } const meFull = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) /* So that we can cursor over results, we union notifications together ... this requires we have the same number of columns in all results select "Item".id, NULL as earnedSats, "Item".created_at as created_at from "Item" JOIN "Item" p ON "Item"."parentId" = AND p."userId" = 622 AND "Item"."userId" <> 622 UNION ALL select "Item".id, "Vote".sats as earnedSats, "Vote".created_at as created_at FROM "Item" LEFT JOIN "Vote" on "Vote"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "Vote"."userId" <> 622 AND "Vote".boost = false WHERE "Item"."userId" = 622 ORDER BY created_at DESC; Because we want to "collapse" time adjacent votes in the result select, sum(vote."earnedSats") as "earnedSats", max(vote.voted_at) as "createdAt" from (select "Item".*, "Vote".sats as "earnedSats", "Vote".created_at as voted_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY "Vote".created_at) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY "Item".id ORDER BY "Vote".created_at) as island FROM "Item" LEFT JOIN "Vote" on "Vote"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "Vote"."userId" <> 622 AND "Vote".boost = false WHERE "Item"."userId" = 622) as vote group by, vote.island order by max(vote.voted_at) desc; We can also "collapse" votes occuring within 1 hour intervals of each other (I haven't yet combined with the above collapsing method .. but might be overkill) select "Item".id, sum("Vote".sats) as earnedSats, max("Vote".created_at) as created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY max("Vote".created_at)) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY "Item".id ORDER BY max("Vote".created_at)) as island FROM "Item" LEFT JOIN "Vote" on "Vote"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "Vote"."userId" <> 622 AND "Vote".boost = false WHERE "Item"."userId" = 622 group by "Item".id, date_trunc('hour', "Vote".created_at) order by created_at desc; island approach we used to take (SELECT ${ITEM_SUBQUERY_FIELDS}, max(subquery.voted_at) as "sortTime", sum(subquery.sats) as "earnedSats", false as mention FROM (SELECT ${ITEM_FIELDS}, "ItemAct".created_at as voted_at, "ItemAct".sats, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY "ItemAct".created_at) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY "Item".id ORDER BY "ItemAct".created_at) as island FROM "ItemAct" JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE "ItemAct"."userId" <> $1 AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $2 AND "ItemAct".act <> 'BOOST' AND "Item"."userId" = $1) subquery GROUP BY ${ITEM_SUBQUERY_FIELDS}, subquery.island ORDER BY max(subquery.voted_at) desc LIMIT ${LIMIT}+$3) */ // HACK to make notifications faster, we only return a limited sub set of the unioned // queries ... we only ever need at most LIMIT+current offset in the child queries to // have enough items to return in the union const queries = [] const itemDrivenQueries = [] // Thread subscriptions itemDrivenQueries.push( `SELECT "Item".*, "Item".created_at AS "sortTime", 'Reply' AS type FROM "ThreadSubscription" JOIN "Reply" r ON "ThreadSubscription"."itemId" = r."ancestorId" JOIN "Item" ON r."itemId" = "Item".id ${whereClause( '"ThreadSubscription"."userId" = $1', 'r.created_at >= "ThreadSubscription".created_at', 'r.created_at < $2', 'r."userId" <> $1', ...(meFull.noteAllDescendants ? [] : ['r.level = 1']) )} ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}` ) // User subscriptions // Only include posts or comments created after the corresponding subscription was enabled, not _all_ from history itemDrivenQueries.push( `SELECT "Item".*, "Item".created_at AS "sortTime", 'FollowActivity' AS type FROM "Item" JOIN "UserSubscription" ON "Item"."userId" = "UserSubscription"."followeeId" ${whereClause( '"Item".created_at < $2', '"UserSubscription"."followerId" = $1', `( ("Item"."parentId" IS NULL AND "UserSubscription"."postsSubscribedAt" IS NOT NULL AND "Item".created_at >= "UserSubscription"."postsSubscribedAt") OR ("Item"."parentId" IS NOT NULL AND "UserSubscription"."commentsSubscribedAt" IS NOT NULL AND "Item".created_at >= "UserSubscription"."commentsSubscribedAt") )` )} ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}` ) // Territory subscriptions itemDrivenQueries.push( `SELECT "Item".*, "Item".created_at AS "sortTime", 'TerritoryPost' AS type FROM "Item" JOIN "SubSubscription" ON "Item"."subName" = "SubSubscription"."subName" ${whereClause( '"Item".created_at < $2', '"SubSubscription"."userId" = $1', '"Item"."userId" <> $1', '"Item"."parentId" IS NULL', '"Item".created_at >= "SubSubscription".created_at' )} ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}` ) // mentions if (meFull.noteMentions) { itemDrivenQueries.push( `SELECT "Item".*, "Mention".created_at AS "sortTime", 'Mention' AS type FROM "Mention" JOIN "Item" ON "Mention"."itemId" = "Item".id ${whereClause( '"Item".created_at < $2', '"Mention"."userId" = $1', '"Item"."userId" <> $1' )} ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}` ) } // item mentions if (meFull.noteItemMentions) { itemDrivenQueries.push( `SELECT "Referrer".*, "ItemMention".created_at AS "sortTime", 'ItemMention' AS type FROM "ItemMention" JOIN "Item" "Referee" ON "ItemMention"."refereeId" = "Referee".id JOIN "Item" "Referrer" ON "ItemMention"."referrerId" = "Referrer".id ${whereClause( '"ItemMention".created_at < $2', '"Referrer"."userId" <> $1', '"Referee"."userId" = $1' )} ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}` ) } // Inner union to de-dupe item-driven notifications queries.push( // Only record per item ID `( SELECT DISTINCT ON (id) "Item".id::TEXT, "Item"."sortTime", NULL::BIGINT AS "earnedSats", "Item".type FROM ( ${ => `(${q})`).join(' UNION ALL ')} ) as "Item" ${whereClause( '"Item".created_at < $2', await filterClause(me, models), muteClause(me), activeOrMine(me))} ORDER BY id ASC, CASE WHEN type = 'Mention' THEN 1 WHEN type = 'Reply' THEN 2 WHEN type = 'FollowActivity' THEN 3 WHEN type = 'TerritoryPost' THEN 4 WHEN type = 'ItemMention' THEN 5 END ASC )` ) queries.push( `(SELECT "Item".id::text, "Item"."statusUpdatedAt" AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'JobChanged' AS type FROM "Item" WHERE "Item"."userId" = $1 AND "maxBid" IS NOT NULL AND "statusUpdatedAt" < $2 AND "statusUpdatedAt" <> created_at ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) // territory transfers queries.push( `(SELECT "TerritoryTransfer".id::text, "TerritoryTransfer"."created_at" AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'TerritoryTransfer' AS type FROM "TerritoryTransfer" WHERE "TerritoryTransfer"."newUserId" = $1 AND "TerritoryTransfer"."created_at" <= $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) if (meFull.noteItemSats) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Item".id::TEXT, "Item"."lastZapAt" AS "sortTime", "Item".msats/1000 as "earnedSats", 'Votification' AS type FROM "Item" WHERE "Item"."userId" = $1 AND "Item"."lastZapAt" < $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) } if (meFull.noteForwardedSats) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Item".id::TEXT, "Item"."lastZapAt" AS "sortTime", ("Item".msats / 1000 * "ItemForward".pct / 100) as "earnedSats", 'ForwardedVotification' AS type FROM "Item" JOIN "ItemForward" ON "ItemForward"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "ItemForward"."userId" = $1 WHERE "Item"."userId" <> $1 AND "Item"."lastZapAt" < $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) } if (meFull.noteDeposits) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Invoice".id::text, "Invoice"."confirmedAt" AS "sortTime", FLOOR("msatsReceived" / 1000) as "earnedSats", 'InvoicePaid' AS type FROM "Invoice" WHERE "Invoice"."userId" = $1 AND "confirmedAt" IS NOT NULL AND "isHeld" IS NULL AND "actionState" IS NULL AND created_at < $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) } if (meFull.noteWithdrawals) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Withdrawl".id::text, "Withdrawl".created_at AS "sortTime", FLOOR("msatsPaid" / 1000) as "earnedSats", 'WithdrawlPaid' AS type FROM "Withdrawl" WHERE "Withdrawl"."userId" = $1 AND status = 'CONFIRMED' AND created_at < $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) } if (meFull.noteInvites) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Invite".id, MAX(users.created_at) AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'Invitification' AS type FROM users JOIN "Invite" on users."inviteId" = "Invite".id WHERE "Invite"."userId" = $1 AND users.created_at < $2 GROUP BY "Invite".id ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) queries.push( `(SELECT, users.created_at AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'Referral' AS type FROM users WHERE "users"."referrerId" = $1 AND "inviteId" IS NULL AND users.created_at < $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) } if (meFull.noteEarning) { queries.push( `(SELECT min(id)::text, created_at AS "sortTime", FLOOR(sum(msats) / 1000) as "earnedSats", 'Earn' AS type FROM "Earn" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND created_at < $2 AND (type IS NULL OR type NOT IN ('FOREVER_REFERRAL', 'ONE_DAY_REFERRAL')) GROUP BY "userId", created_at ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) queries.push( `(SELECT min(id)::text, created_at AS "sortTime", FLOOR(sum(msats) / 1000) as "earnedSats", 'Revenue' AS type FROM "SubAct" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND type = 'REVENUE' AND created_at < $2 GROUP BY "userId", "subName", created_at ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) queries.push( `(SELECT min(id)::text, created_at AS "sortTime", FLOOR(sum(msats) / 1000) as "earnedSats", 'ReferralReward' AS type FROM "Earn" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND created_at < $2 AND type IN ('FOREVER_REFERRAL', 'ONE_DAY_REFERRAL') GROUP BY "userId", created_at ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) } if (meFull.noteCowboyHat) { queries.push( `(SELECT id::text, updated_at AS "sortTime", 0 as "earnedSats", 'Streak' AS type FROM "Streak" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND updated_at < $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) } queries.push( `(SELECT "Sub".name::text, "Sub"."statusUpdatedAt" AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'SubStatus' AS type FROM "Sub" WHERE "Sub"."userId" = $1 AND "status" <> 'ACTIVE' AND "statusUpdatedAt" < $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) queries.push( `(SELECT "Reminder".id::text, "Reminder"."remindAt" AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'Reminder' AS type FROM "Reminder" WHERE "Reminder"."userId" = $1 AND "Reminder"."remindAt" < $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) queries.push( `(SELECT "Invoice".id::text, "Invoice"."updated_at" AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'Invoicification' AS type FROM "Invoice" WHERE "Invoice"."userId" = $1 AND "Invoice"."updated_at" < $2 AND "Invoice"."actionState" = 'FAILED' AND ( "Invoice"."actionType" = 'ITEM_CREATE' OR "Invoice"."actionType" = 'ZAP' OR "Invoice"."actionType" = 'DOWN_ZAP' OR "Invoice"."actionType" = 'POLL_VOTE' ) ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT})` ) const notifications = await models.$queryRawUnsafe( `SELECT id, "sortTime", "earnedSats", type, "sortTime" AS "minSortTime" FROM (${queries.join(' UNION ALL ')}) u ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}`,, decodedCursor.time) if (decodedCursor.offset === 0) { await models.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { checkedNotesAt: new Date() } }) } return { lastChecked: meFull.checkedNotesAt, cursor: notifications.length === LIMIT ? nextNoteCursorEncoded(decodedCursor, notifications) : null, notifications } } }, Mutation: { savePushSubscription: async (parent, { endpoint, p256dh, auth, oldEndpoint }, { me, models }) => { if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } }) } await ssValidate(pushSubscriptionSchema, { endpoint, p256dh, auth }) let dbPushSubscription if (oldEndpoint) { dbPushSubscription = await models.pushSubscription.update({ data: { userId:, endpoint, p256dh, auth }, where: { endpoint: oldEndpoint } }) console.log(`[webPush] updated subscription of user ${}: old=${oldEndpoint} new=${endpoint}`) } else { dbPushSubscription = await models.pushSubscription.create({ data: { userId:, endpoint, p256dh, auth } }) console.log(`[webPush] created subscription for user ${}: endpoint=${endpoint}`) } await replyToSubscription(, { title: 'Stacker News notifications are now active' }) return dbPushSubscription }, deletePushSubscription: async (parent, { endpoint }, { me, models }) => { if (!me) { throw new GraphQLError('you must be logged in', { extensions: { code: 'UNAUTHENTICATED' } }) } const subscription = await models.pushSubscription.findFirst({ where: { endpoint, userId: Number( } }) if (!subscription) { throw new GraphQLError('endpoint not found', { extensions: { code: 'BAD_INPUT' } }) } const deletedSubscription = await models.pushSubscription.delete({ where: { id: } }) console.log(`[webPush] deleted subscription ${} of user ${deletedSubscription.userId} due to client request`) return deletedSubscription } }, Notification: { __resolveType: async (n, args, { models }) => n.type }, Votification: { item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models, me }) }, ForwardedVotification: { item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models, me }) }, Reply: { item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models, me }) }, FollowActivity: { item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models, me }) }, TerritoryPost: { item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models, me }) }, Reminder: { item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => { const { itemId } = await models.reminder.findUnique({ where: { id: Number( } }) return await getItem(n, { id: itemId }, { models, me }) } }, TerritoryTransfer: { sub: async (n, args, { models, me }) => { const transfer = await models.territoryTransfer.findUnique({ where: { id: Number( }, include: { sub: true } }) return transfer.sub } }, JobChanged: { item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models, me }) }, SubStatus: { sub: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getSub(n, { name: }, { models, me }) }, Revenue: { subName: async (n, args, { models }) => { const subAct = await models.subAct.findUnique({ where: { id: Number( } }) return subAct.subName } }, Streak: { days: async (n, args, { models }) => { const res = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT "endedAt" - "startedAt" AS days FROM "Streak" WHERE id = ${Number(} AND "endedAt" IS NOT NULL ` return res.length ? res[0].days : null } }, Earn: { sources: async (n, args, { me, models }) => { const [sources] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(` SELECT FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'POST') / 1000) AS posts, FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'COMMENT') / 1000) AS comments, FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'TIP_POST') / 1000) AS "tipPosts", FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'TIP_COMMENT') / 1000) AS "tipComments" FROM "Earn" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND created_at <= $2 AND created_at >= $3 `, Number(, new Date(n.sortTime), new Date(n.minSortTime)) sources.posts ||= 0 sources.comments ||= 0 sources.tipPosts ||= 0 sources.tipComments ||= 0 if (sources.posts + sources.comments + sources.tipPosts + sources.tipComments > 0) { return sources } return null } }, ReferralReward: { sources: async (n, args, { me, models }) => { const [sources] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(` SELECT COALESCE(FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'FOREVER_REFERRAL') / 1000), 0) AS forever, COALESCE(FLOOR(sum(msats) FILTER(WHERE type = 'ONE_DAY_REFERRAL') / 1000), 0) AS "oneDay" FROM "Earn" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND created_at = $2 `, Number(, new Date(n.sortTime)) if (sources.forever + sources.oneDay > 0) { return sources } return null } }, Mention: { mention: async (n, args, { models }) => true, item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models, me }) }, ItemMention: { item: async (n, args, { models, me }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models, me }) }, InvoicePaid: { invoice: async (n, args, { me, models }) => getInvoice(n, { id: }, { me, models }) }, Invoicification: { invoice: async (n, args, { me, models }) => getInvoice(n, { id: }, { me, models }) }, WithdrawlPaid: { withdrawl: async (n, args, { me, models }) => getWithdrawl(n, { id: }, { me, models }) }, Invitification: { invite: async (n, args, { models }) => { return await models.invite.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) } } } // const ITEM_SUBQUERY_FIELDS = // `, subquery."createdAt", subquery."updatedAt", subquery.title, subquery.text, // subquery.url, subquery."userId", subquery."parentId", subquery.path` // const ITEM_GROUP_FIELDS = // `"Item".id, "Item".created_at, "Item".updated_at, "Item".title, // "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path")` // const ITEM_FIELDS = // `"Item".id, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title, // "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path") AS path`