import { msatsToSats, satsToMsats } from '@/lib/format' import { createWithdrawal } from '@/api/resolvers/wallet' import { createInvoice } from 'wallets/server' export async function autoWithdraw ({ data: { id }, models, lnd }) { const user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id } }) if (user.autoWithdrawThreshold === null || user.autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent === null) return const threshold = satsToMsats(user.autoWithdrawThreshold) const excess = Number(user.msats - threshold) // excess must be greater than 10% of threshold if (excess < Number(threshold) * 0.1) return const maxFeeMsats = Math.ceil(excess * (user.autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent / 100.0)) const msats = excess - maxFeeMsats // must be >= 1 sat if (msats < 1000) return // maxFee is expected to be in sats, ie "msatsFeePaying" is always divisible by 1000 const maxFee = msatsToSats(maxFeeMsats) // check that // 1. the user doesn't have an autowithdraw pending // 2. we have not already attempted to autowithdraw this fee recently const [pendingOrFailed] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM "Withdrawl" WHERE "userId" = ${id} AND "autoWithdraw" AND (status IS NULL OR ( status <> 'CONFIRMED' AND now() < created_at + interval '1 hour' AND "msatsFeePaying" >= ${satsToMsats(maxFee)} )) )` if (pendingOrFailed.exists) return const { invoice, wallet } = await createInvoice(id, { msats, description: 'SN: autowithdrawal', expiry: 360 }, { models }) return await createWithdrawal(null, { invoice, maxFee }, { me: { id }, models, lnd, walletId: }) }