import { useApolloClient } from '@apollo/client' import { useMe } from './me' import { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { datePivot, timeSince } from '@/lib/time' import { ANON_USER_ID, JIT_INVOICE_TIMEOUT_MS } from '@/lib/constants' import { HAS_NOTIFICATIONS } from '@/fragments/notifications' import Item from './item' import { RootProvider } from './root' import Comment from './comment' const toType = t => ({ ERROR: `${t}_ERROR`, PENDING: `${t}_PENDING` }) export const Types = { Zap: toType('ZAP'), Reply: toType('REPLY'), Bounty: toType('BOUNTY'), PollVote: toType('POLL_VOTE') } const ClientNotificationContext = createContext() export function ClientNotificationProvider ({ children }) { const [notifications, setNotifications] = useState([]) const client = useApolloClient() const me = useMe() // anons don't have access to /notifications // but we'll store client notifications anyway for simplicity's sake const storageKey = `client-notifications:${me?.id || ANON_USER_ID}` useEffect(() => { const loaded = loadNotifications(storageKey, client) setNotifications(loaded) }, [storageKey]) const notify = useCallback((type, props) => { const id = crypto.randomUUID() const sortTime = new Date() const expiresAt = +datePivot(sortTime, { milliseconds: JIT_INVOICE_TIMEOUT_MS }) const isError = type.endsWith('ERROR') const n = { __typename: type, id, sortTime: +sortTime, pending: !isError, expiresAt, ...props } setNotifications(notifications => [n, ...notifications]) saveNotification(storageKey, n) if (isError) { client?.writeQuery({ query: HAS_NOTIFICATIONS, data: { hasNewNotes: true } }) } return id }, [storageKey, client]) const unnotify = useCallback((id) => { setNotifications(notifications => notifications.filter(n => !== id)) removeNotification(storageKey, id) }, [storageKey]) const value = useMemo(() => ({ notifications, notify, unnotify }), [notifications, notify, unnotify]) return ( {children} ) } export function ClientNotifyProvider ({ children, additionalProps }) { const ctx = useClientNotifications() const notify = useCallback((type, props) => { return ctx.notify(type, { ...props, ...additionalProps }) }, [ctx.notify]) const value = useMemo(() => ({ ...ctx, notify }), [ctx, notify]) return ( {children} ) } export function useClientNotifications () { return useContext(ClientNotificationContext) } function ClientNotification ({ n, message }) { if (n.pending) { const expired = n.expiresAt < +new Date() if (!expired) return null n.reason = 'invoice expired' } // remove payment hashes due to x-overflow n.reason = n.reason.replace(/(: )?[a-f0-9]{64}/, '') return (
{n.reason ? `${message}: ${n.reason}` : message} {timeSince(new Date(n.sortTime))} {!n.item ? null : n.item.title ? : (
) } export function ClientZap ({ n }) { const message = `failed to zap ${n.sats || n.amount} sats` return } export function ClientReply ({ n }) { const message = 'failed to submit reply' return } export function ClientBounty ({ n }) { const message = 'failed to pay bounty' return } export function ClientPollVote ({ n }) { const message = 'failed to submit poll vote' return } function loadNotifications (storageKey, client) { const stored = window.localStorage.getItem(storageKey) if (!stored) return [] const filtered = JSON.parse(stored).filter(({ sortTime }) => { // only keep notifications younger than 24 hours return new Date(sortTime) >= datePivot(new Date(), { hours: -24 }) }) let hasNewNotes = false const mapped = => { if (!n.pending) return n // anything that is still pending when we load the page was interrupted // so we immediately mark it as failed instead of waiting until it expired const type = n.__typename.replace('PENDING', 'ERROR') const reason = 'payment was interrupted' hasNewNotes = true return { ...n, __typename: type, pending: false, reason } }) if (hasNewNotes) { client?.writeQuery({ query: HAS_NOTIFICATIONS, data: { hasNewNotes: true } }) } window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(mapped)) return filtered } function saveNotification (storageKey, n) { const stored = window.localStorage.getItem(storageKey) if (stored) { window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify([...JSON.parse(stored), n])) } else { window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify([n])) } } function removeNotification (storageKey, id) { const stored = window.localStorage.getItem(storageKey) if (stored) { window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(stored).filter(n => !== id))) } }