import itemStyles from './item.module.css' import styles from './comment.module.css' import Text, { SearchText } from './text' import Link from 'next/link' import Reply from './reply' import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react' import UpVote from './upvote' import Eye from '@/svgs/eye-fill.svg' import EyeClose from '@/svgs/eye-close-line.svg' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import CommentEdit from './comment-edit' import { USER_ID, COMMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT, UNKNOWN_LINK_REL } from '@/lib/constants' import PayBounty from './pay-bounty' import BountyIcon from '@/svgs/bounty-bag.svg' import ActionTooltip from './action-tooltip' import { numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format' import Share from './share' import ItemInfo from './item-info' import Badge from 'react-bootstrap/Badge' import { RootProvider, useRoot } from './root' import { useMe } from './me' import { useQuoteReply } from './use-quote-reply' import { DownZap } from './dont-link-this' import Skull from '@/svgs/death-skull.svg' import { commentSubTreeRootId } from '@/lib/item' import Pin from '@/svgs/pushpin-fill.svg' import LinkToContext from './link-to-context' import Boost from './boost-button' import { gql, useApolloClient } from '@apollo/client' import classNames from 'classnames' function Parent ({ item, rootText }) { const root = useRoot() const ParentFrag = () => ( <> <span> \ </span> <Link href={`/items/${item.parentId}`} className='text-reset'> parent </Link> </> ) return ( <> {Number( !== Number(item.parentId) && <ParentFrag />} <span> \ </span> <Link href={`/items/${}`} className='text-reset'> {rootText || 'on:'} {root?.title} </Link> {root.subName && <Link href={`/~${root.subName}`}> {' '}<Badge className={itemStyles.newComment} bg={null}>{root.subName}</Badge> </Link>} </> ) } const truncateString = (string = '', maxLength = 140) => string.length > maxLength ? `${string.substring(0, maxLength)} […]` : string export function CommentFlat ({ item, rank, siblingComments, ...props }) { const router = useRouter() const [href, as] = useMemo(() => { const rootId = commentSubTreeRootId(item) return [{ pathname: '/items/[id]', query: { id: rootId, commentId: } }, `/items/${rootId}`] }, [item?.id]) return ( <> {rank ? ( <div className={`${itemStyles.rank} pt-2 align-self-start`}> {rank} </div>) : <div />} <LinkToContext className='py-2' onClick={e => { e.preventDefault() router.push(href, as) }} href={href} > <RootProvider root={item.root}> <Comment item={item} {...props} /> </RootProvider> </LinkToContext> </> ) } export default function Comment ({ item, children, replyOpen, includeParent, topLevel, rootText, noComments, noReply, truncate, depth, pin, setDisableRetry, disableRetry }) { const [edit, setEdit] = useState() const { me } = useMe() const isHiddenFreebie = me?.privates?.satsFilter !== 0 && !item.mine && item.freebie && !item.freedFreebie const isDeletedChildless = item?.ncomments === 0 && item?.deletedAt const [collapse, setCollapse] = useState( (isHiddenFreebie || isDeletedChildless || item?.user?.meMute || (item?.outlawed && !me?.privates?.wildWestMode)) && !includeParent ? 'yep' : 'nope') const ref = useRef(null) const router = useRouter() const root = useRoot() const { ref: textRef, quote, quoteReply, cancelQuote } = useQuoteReply({ text: item.text }) const { cache } = useApolloClient() useEffect(() => { const comment = cache.readFragment({ id: `Item:${router.query.commentId}`, fragment: gql` fragment CommentPath on Item { path }` }) if (comment?.path.split('.').includes( { window.localStorage.setItem(`commentCollapse:${}`, 'nope') } setCollapse(window.localStorage.getItem(`commentCollapse:${}`) || collapse) if (Number(router.query.commentId) === Number( { // HACK wait for other comments to uncollapse if they're collapsed setTimeout(() => { ref.current.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'instant', block: 'start' }) ref.current.classList.add('outline-it') }, 100) } }, [, cache, router.query.commentId]) useEffect(() => { if (router.query.commentsViewedAt && me?.id !== item.user?.id && new Date(item.createdAt).getTime() > router.query.commentsViewedAt) { ref.current.classList.add('outline-new-comment') } }, []) const bottomedOut = depth === COMMENT_DEPTH_LIMIT || (item.comments?.comments.length === 0 && item.nDirectComments > 0) // Don't show OP badge when anon user comments on anon user posts const op = === && Number( !== USER_ID.anon ? 'OP' : root.forwards?.some(f => === && Number( !== USER_ID.anon ? 'fwd' : null const bountyPaid = root.bountyPaidTo?.includes(Number( return ( <div ref={ref} className={includeParent ? '' : `${styles.comment} ${collapse === 'yep' ? styles.collapsed : ''}`} onMouseEnter={() => ref.current.classList.add('outline-new-comment-unset')} onTouchStart={() => ref.current.classList.add('outline-new-comment-unset')} > <div className={`${itemStyles.item} ${styles.item}`}> {item.outlawed && !me?.privates?.wildWestMode ? <Skull className={styles.dontLike} width={24} height={24} /> : item.mine ? <Boost item={item} className={styles.upvote} /> : item.meDontLikeSats > item.meSats ? <DownZap width={24} height={24} className={styles.dontLike} item={item} /> : pin ? <Pin width={22} height={22} className={} /> : <UpVote item={item} className={styles.upvote} collapsed={collapse === 'yep'} />} <div className={`${itemStyles.hunk} ${styles.hunk}`}> <div className='d-flex align-items-center'> {item.user?.meMute && !includeParent && collapse === 'yep' ? ( <span className={`${itemStyles.other} ${styles.other} pointer`} onClick={() => { setCollapse('nope') window.localStorage.setItem(`commentCollapse:${}`, 'nope') }} >reply from someone you muted </span>) : <ItemInfo item={item} commentsText='replies' commentTextSingular='reply' className={`${itemStyles.other} ${styles.other}`} embellishUser={op && <><span> </span><Badge bg={op === 'fwd' ? 'secondary' : 'boost'} className={`${styles.op} bg-opacity-75`}>{op}</Badge></>} onQuoteReply={quoteReply} nested={!includeParent} setDisableRetry={setDisableRetry} disableRetry={disableRetry} extraInfo={ <> {includeParent && <Parent item={item} rootText={rootText} />} {bountyPaid && <ActionTooltip notForm overlayText={`${numWithUnits(root.bounty)} paid`}> <BountyIcon className={`${styles.bountyIcon} ${'fill-success vertical-align-middle'}`} height={16} width={16} /> </ActionTooltip>} </> } edit={edit} toggleEdit={e => { setEdit(!edit) }} editText={edit ? 'cancel' : 'edit'} />} {!includeParent && (collapse === 'yep' ? <Eye className={styles.collapser} height={10} width={10} onClick={() => { setCollapse('nope') window.localStorage.setItem(`commentCollapse:${}`, 'nope') }} /> : <EyeClose className={styles.collapser} height={10} width={10} onClick={() => { setCollapse('yep') window.localStorage.setItem(`commentCollapse:${}`, 'yep') }} />)} {topLevel && ( <span className='d-flex ms-auto align-items-center'> <Share title={item?.title} path={`/items/${item?.id}`} /> </span> )} </div> {edit ? ( <CommentEdit comment={item} onSuccess={() => { setEdit(!edit) }} /> ) : ( <div className={styles.text} ref={textRef}> {item.searchText ? <SearchText text={item.searchText} /> : ( <Text itemId={} topLevel={topLevel} rel={item.rel ?? UNKNOWN_LINK_REL} outlawed={item.outlawed} imgproxyUrls={item.imgproxyUrls}> {item.outlawed && !me?.privates?.wildWestMode ? '*stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your [settings](/settings) to see outlawed content.*' : truncate ? truncateString(item.text) : item.text} </Text>)} </div> )} </div> </div> {collapse !== 'yep' && ( bottomedOut ? <div className={styles.children}><div className={classNames(styles.comment, 'mt-3')}><ReplyOnAnotherPage item={item} /></div></div> : ( <div className={styles.children}> {item.outlawed && !me?.privates?.wildWestMode ? <div className='py-2' /> : !noReply && <Reply depth={depth + 1} item={item} replyOpen={replyOpen} onCancelQuote={cancelQuote} onQuoteReply={quoteReply} quote={quote}> {root.bounty && !bountyPaid && <PayBounty item={item} />} </Reply>} {children} <div className={styles.comments}> {!noComments && item.comments?.comments ? ( <> { => ( <Comment depth={depth + 1} key={} item={item} /> ))} {item.comments.comments.length < item.nDirectComments && <ViewAllReplies id={} nhas={item.ncomments} />} </> ) : null} {/* TODO: add link to more comments if they're limited */} </div> </div> ) )} </div> ) } export function ViewAllReplies ({ id, nshown, nhas }) { const text = `view all ${nhas} replies` return ( <div className={`d-block fw-bold ${styles.comment} pb-2 ps-3`}> <Link href={`/items/${id}`} as={`/items/${id}`} className='text-muted'> {text} </Link> </div> ) } function ReplyOnAnotherPage ({ item }) { const root = useRoot() const rootId = commentSubTreeRootId(item, root) let text = 'reply on another page' if (item.ncomments > 0) { text = `view all ${item.ncomments} replies` } return ( <Link href={`/items/${rootId}?commentId=${}`} as={`/items/${rootId}`} className='d-block pb-2 fw-bold text-muted'> {text} </Link> ) } export function CommentSkeleton ({ skeletonChildren }) { return ( <div className={styles.comment}> <div className={`${itemStyles.item} ${itemStyles.skeleton} ${styles.item} ${styles.skeleton}`}> <UpVote className={styles.upvote} /> <div className={`${itemStyles.hunk} ${styles.hunk}`}> <div className={itemStyles.other}> <span className={`${itemStyles.otherItem} clouds`} /> <span className={`${itemStyles.otherItem} clouds`} /> <span className={`${itemStyles.otherItem} clouds`} /> <span className={`${itemStyles.otherItem} ${itemStyles.otherItemLonger} clouds`} /> </div> <div className={`${styles.text} clouds`} /> </div> </div> <div className={`${itemStyles.children} ${styles.children} ${styles.skeleton}`}> <div className={styles.replyPadder}> <div className={`${itemStyles.other} ${styles.reply} clouds`} /> </div> <div className={`${styles.comments} ms-sm-1 ms-md-3`}> {skeletonChildren ? <CommentSkeleton skeletonChildren={skeletonChildren - 1} /> : null} </div> </div> </div> ) }