import { AuthenticationError } from 'apollo-server-micro' import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '../../lib/cursor' import { getItem } from './item' import { getInvoice } from './wallet' export default { Query: { notifications: async (parent, { cursor, inc }, { me, models }) => { const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) if (!me) { throw new AuthenticationError('you must be logged in') } const meFull = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) /* So that we can cursor over results, we union notifications together ... this requires we have the same number of columns in all results select "Item".id, NULL as earnedSats, "Item".created_at as created_at from "Item" JOIN "Item" p ON "Item"."parentId" = AND p."userId" = 622 AND "Item"."userId" <> 622 UNION ALL select "Item".id, "Vote".sats as earnedSats, "Vote".created_at as created_at FROM "Item" LEFT JOIN "Vote" on "Vote"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "Vote"."userId" <> 622 AND "Vote".boost = false WHERE "Item"."userId" = 622 ORDER BY created_at DESC; Because we want to "collapse" time adjacent votes in the result select, sum(vote."earnedSats") as "earnedSats", max(vote.voted_at) as "createdAt" from (select "Item".*, "Vote".sats as "earnedSats", "Vote".created_at as voted_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY "Vote".created_at) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY "Item".id ORDER BY "Vote".created_at) as island FROM "Item" LEFT JOIN "Vote" on "Vote"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "Vote"."userId" <> 622 AND "Vote".boost = false WHERE "Item"."userId" = 622) as vote group by, vote.island order by max(vote.voted_at) desc; We can also "collapse" votes occuring within 1 hour intervals of each other (I haven't yet combined with the above collapsing method .. but might be overkill) select "Item".id, sum("Vote".sats) as earnedSats, max("Vote".created_at) as created_at, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY max("Vote".created_at)) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY "Item".id ORDER BY max("Vote".created_at)) as island FROM "Item" LEFT JOIN "Vote" on "Vote"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "Vote"."userId" <> 622 AND "Vote".boost = false WHERE "Item"."userId" = 622 group by "Item".id, date_trunc('hour', "Vote".created_at) order by created_at desc; island approach we used to take (SELECT ${ITEM_SUBQUERY_FIELDS}, max(subquery.voted_at) as "sortTime", sum(subquery.sats) as "earnedSats", false as mention FROM (SELECT ${ITEM_FIELDS}, "ItemAct".created_at as voted_at, "ItemAct".sats, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY "ItemAct".created_at) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY "Item".id ORDER BY "ItemAct".created_at) as island FROM "ItemAct" JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE "ItemAct"."userId" <> $1 AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $2 AND "ItemAct".act <> 'BOOST' AND "Item"."userId" = $1) subquery GROUP BY ${ITEM_SUBQUERY_FIELDS}, subquery.island ORDER BY max(subquery.voted_at) desc LIMIT ${LIMIT}+$3) */ // HACK to make notifications faster, we only return a limited sub set of the unioned // queries ... we only ever need at most LIMIT+current offset in the child queries to // have enough items to return in the union const queries = [] if (inc === 'replies') { queries.push( `SELECT DISTINCT "Item".id::TEXT, "Item".created_at AS "sortTime", NULL::BIGINT as "earnedSats", 'Reply' AS type FROM "Item" JOIN "Item" p ON ${meFull.noteAllDescendants ? '"Item".path <@ p.path' : '"Item"."parentId" ='} WHERE p."userId" = $1 AND "Item"."userId" <> $1 AND "Item".created_at <= $2` ) } else { queries.push( `(SELECT DISTINCT "Item".id::TEXT, "Item".created_at AS "sortTime", NULL::BIGINT as "earnedSats", 'Reply' AS type FROM "Item" JOIN "Item" p ON ${meFull.noteAllDescendants ? '"Item".path <@ p.path' : '"Item"."parentId" ='} WHERE p."userId" = $1 AND "Item"."userId" <> $1 AND "Item".created_at <= $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}+$3)` ) queries.push( `(SELECT "Item".id::text, "Item"."statusUpdatedAt" AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'JobChanged' AS type FROM "Item" WHERE "Item"."userId" = $1 AND "maxBid" IS NOT NULL AND status <> 'STOPPED' AND "statusUpdatedAt" <= $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}+$3)` ) if (meFull.noteItemSats) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Item".id::TEXT, MAX("ItemAct".created_at) AS "sortTime", sum("ItemAct".sats) as "earnedSats", 'Votification' AS type FROM "Item" JOIN "ItemAct" ON "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE "ItemAct"."userId" <> $1 AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $2 AND "ItemAct".act <> 'BOOST' AND "Item"."userId" = $1 GROUP BY "Item".id ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}+$3)` ) } if (meFull.noteMentions) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Item".id::TEXT, "Mention".created_at AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'Mention' AS type FROM "Mention" JOIN "Item" ON "Mention"."itemId" = "Item".id LEFT JOIN "Item" p ON "Item"."parentId" = WHERE "Mention"."userId" = $1 AND "Mention".created_at <= $2 AND "Item"."userId" <> $1 AND (p."userId" IS NULL OR p."userId" <> $1) ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}+$3)` ) } if (meFull.noteDeposits) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Invoice".id::text, "Invoice"."confirmedAt" AS "sortTime", FLOOR("msatsReceived" / 1000) as "earnedSats", 'InvoicePaid' AS type FROM "Invoice" WHERE "Invoice"."userId" = $1 AND "confirmedAt" IS NOT NULL AND created_at <= $2 ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}+$3)` ) } if (meFull.noteInvites) { queries.push( `(SELECT "Invite".id, MAX(users.created_at) AS "sortTime", NULL as "earnedSats", 'Invitification' AS type FROM users JOIN "Invite" on users."inviteId" = "Invite".id WHERE "Invite"."userId" = $1 AND users.created_at <= $2 GROUP BY "Invite".id ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC LIMIT ${LIMIT}+$3)` ) } } const notifications = await models.$queryRaw( `${queries.join(' UNION ALL ')} ORDER BY "sortTime" DESC OFFSET $3 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`,, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) let earn if (decodedCursor.offset === 0) { if (meFull.noteEarning) { const earnings = await models.$queryRaw( `SELECT MAX("Earn".id)::text, MAX("Earn".created_at) AS "sortTime", FLOOR(SUM(msats) / 1000) as "earnedSats", 'Earn' AS type FROM "Earn" WHERE "Earn"."userId" = $1 AND created_at >= $2`,, meFull.checkedNotesAt) if (earnings.length > 0 && earnings[0].earnedSats > 0) { earn = earnings[0] } } await models.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { checkedNotesAt: new Date() } }) } return { lastChecked: meFull.checkedNotesAt, earn, cursor: notifications.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null, notifications } } }, Notification: { __resolveType: async (n, args, { models }) => n.type }, Votification: { item: async (n, args, { models }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models }) }, Reply: { item: async (n, args, { models }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models }) }, JobChanged: { item: async (n, args, { models }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models }) }, Mention: { mention: async (n, args, { models }) => true, item: async (n, args, { models }) => getItem(n, { id: }, { models }) }, InvoicePaid: { invoice: async (n, args, { me, models }) => getInvoice(n, { id: }, { me, models }) }, Invitification: { invite: async (n, args, { models }) => { return await models.invite.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) } } } // const ITEM_SUBQUERY_FIELDS = // `, subquery."createdAt", subquery."updatedAt", subquery.title, subquery.text, // subquery.url, subquery."userId", subquery."parentId", subquery.path` // const ITEM_GROUP_FIELDS = // `"Item".id, "Item".created_at, "Item".updated_at, "Item".title, // "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path")` // const ITEM_FIELDS = // `"Item".id, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title, // "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", ltree2text("Item"."path") AS path`