import { $applyNodeReplacement, $getNodeByKey, $getSelection, $isNodeSelection, $setSelection, CLICK_COMMAND, COMMAND_PRIORITY_HIGH, COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW, createEditor, DecoratorNode, DRAGSTART_COMMAND, KEY_BACKSPACE_COMMAND, KEY_DELETE_COMMAND, KEY_ENTER_COMMAND, KEY_ESCAPE_COMMAND, SELECTION_CHANGE_COMMAND } from 'lexical' import { useRef, Suspense, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react' import { useLexicalNodeSelection } from '@lexical/react/useLexicalNodeSelection' import { useLexicalComposerContext } from '@lexical/react/LexicalComposerContext' import { mergeRegister } from '@lexical/utils' const imageCache = new Set() function useSuspenseImage (src) { if (!imageCache.has(src)) { throw new Promise((resolve) => { const img = new Image() img.src = src img.onload = () => { imageCache.add(src) resolve(null) } }) } } function LazyImage ({ altText, className, imageRef, src, width, height, maxWidth }) { useSuspenseImage(src) return ( {altText} ) } function convertImageElement (domNode) { if (domNode instanceof HTMLImageElement) { const { alt: altText, src } = domNode const node = $createImageNode({ altText, src }) return { node } } return null } export class ImageNode extends DecoratorNode { __src; __altText; __width; __height; __maxWidth; __showCaption; __caption; // Captions cannot yet be used within editor cells __captionsEnabled; static getType () { return 'image' } static clone (node) { return new ImageNode( node.__src, node.__altText, node.__maxWidth, node.__width, node.__height, node.__showCaption, node.__caption, node.__captionsEnabled, node.__key ) } static importJSON (serializedNode) { const { altText, height, width, maxWidth, caption, src, showCaption } = serializedNode const node = $createImageNode({ altText, height, maxWidth, showCaption, src, width }) const nestedEditor = node.__caption const editorState = nestedEditor.parseEditorState(caption.editorState) if (!editorState.isEmpty()) { nestedEditor.setEditorState(editorState) } return node } exportDOM () { const element = document.createElement('img') element.setAttribute('src', this.__src) element.setAttribute('alt', this.__altText) return { element } } static importDOM () { return { img: (node) => ({ conversion: convertImageElement, priority: 0 }) } } constructor ( src, altText, maxWidth, width, height, showCaption, caption, captionsEnabled, key ) { super(key) this.__src = src this.__altText = altText this.__maxWidth = maxWidth this.__width = width || 'inherit' this.__height = height || 'inherit' this.__showCaption = showCaption || false this.__caption = caption || createEditor() this.__captionsEnabled = captionsEnabled || captionsEnabled === undefined } exportJSON () { return { altText: this.getAltText(), caption: this.__caption.toJSON(), height: this.__height === 'inherit' ? 0 : this.__height, maxWidth: this.__maxWidth, showCaption: this.__showCaption, src: this.getSrc(), type: 'image', version: 1, width: this.__width === 'inherit' ? 0 : this.__width } } setWidthAndHeight ( width, height ) { const writable = this.getWritable() writable.__width = width writable.__height = height } setShowCaption (showCaption) { const writable = this.getWritable() writable.__showCaption = showCaption } // View createDOM (config) { const span = document.createElement('span') const theme = config.theme const className = theme.image if (className !== undefined) { span.className = className } return span } updateDOM () { return false } getSrc () { return this.__src } getAltText () { return this.__altText } decorate () { return ( ) } } export function $createImageNode ({ altText, height, maxWidth = 500, captionsEnabled, src, width, showCaption, caption, key }) { return $applyNodeReplacement( new ImageNode( src, altText, maxWidth, width, height, showCaption, caption, captionsEnabled, key ) ) } export function $isImageNode ( node ) { return node instanceof ImageNode } export default function ImageComponent ({ src, altText, nodeKey, width, height, maxWidth, resizable, showCaption, caption, captionsEnabled }) { const imageRef = useRef(null) const buttonRef = useRef(null) const [isSelected, setSelected, clearSelection] = useLexicalNodeSelection(nodeKey) const [editor] = useLexicalComposerContext() // const [selection, setSelection] = useState(null) const activeEditorRef = useRef(null) const onDelete = useCallback( (payload) => { if (isSelected && $isNodeSelection($getSelection())) { const event = payload event.preventDefault() const node = $getNodeByKey(nodeKey) if ($isImageNode(node)) { node.remove() } setSelected(false) } return false }, [isSelected, nodeKey, setSelected] ) const onEnter = useCallback( (event) => { const latestSelection = $getSelection() const buttonElem = buttonRef.current if ( isSelected && $isNodeSelection(latestSelection) && latestSelection.getNodes().length === 1 ) { if (showCaption) { // Move focus into nested editor $setSelection(null) event.preventDefault() caption.focus() return true } else if ( buttonElem !== null && buttonElem !== document.activeElement ) { event.preventDefault() buttonElem.focus() return true } } return false }, [caption, isSelected, showCaption] ) const onEscape = useCallback( (event) => { if ( activeEditorRef.current === caption || buttonRef.current === ) { $setSelection(null) editor.update(() => { setSelected(true) const parentRootElement = editor.getRootElement() if (parentRootElement !== null) { parentRootElement.focus() } }) return true } return false }, [caption, editor, setSelected] ) useEffect(() => { return mergeRegister( // editor.registerUpdateListener(({ editorState }) => { // setSelection( => $getSelection())) // }), editor.registerCommand( SELECTION_CHANGE_COMMAND, (_, activeEditor) => { activeEditorRef.current = activeEditor return false }, COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW ), editor.registerCommand( CLICK_COMMAND, (payload) => { const event = payload if ( === imageRef.current) { if (event.shiftKey) { setSelected(!isSelected) } else { clearSelection() setSelected(true) } return true } return false }, COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW ), editor.registerCommand( DRAGSTART_COMMAND, (payload) => { const event = payload if ( === imageRef.current) { if (event.shiftKey) { setSelected(!isSelected) } else { clearSelection() setSelected(true) } return true } return false }, COMMAND_PRIORITY_HIGH ), editor.registerCommand( DRAGSTART_COMMAND, (event) => { if ( === imageRef.current) { // TODO This is just a temporary workaround for FF to behave like other browsers. // Ideally, this handles drag & drop too (and all browsers). event.preventDefault() return true } return false }, COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW ), editor.registerCommand( KEY_DELETE_COMMAND, onDelete, COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW ), editor.registerCommand( KEY_BACKSPACE_COMMAND, onDelete, COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW ), editor.registerCommand(KEY_ENTER_COMMAND, onEnter, COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW), editor.registerCommand( KEY_ESCAPE_COMMAND, onEscape, COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW ) ) }, [ clearSelection, editor, isSelected, nodeKey, onDelete, onEnter, onEscape, setSelected ]) // const draggable = isSelected && $isNodeSelection(selection) // const isFocused = isSelected return ( <>
) }