import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { Checkbox, Form, Input, InputUserSuggest, SubmitButton } from '@/components/form' import Link from 'next/link' import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button' import { gql, useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import Qr, { QrSkeleton } from '@/components/qr' import { CenterLayout } from '@/components/layout' import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup' import { WithdrawlSkeleton } from '@/pages/withdrawals/[id]' import { useMe } from '@/components/me' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { requestProvider } from 'webln' import Alert from 'react-bootstrap/Alert' import { CREATE_WITHDRAWL, SEND_TO_LNADDR } from '@/fragments/wallet' import { getGetServerSideProps } from '@/api/ssrApollo' import { amountSchema, lnAddrSchema, withdrawlSchema } from '@/lib/validate' import Nav from 'react-bootstrap/Nav' import { BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS, FAST_POLL_INTERVAL, SSR } from '@/lib/constants' import { msatsToSats, numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format' import styles from '@/components/user-header.module.css' import HiddenWalletSummary from '@/components/hidden-wallet-summary' import AccordianItem from '@/components/accordian-item' import { lnAddrOptions } from '@/lib/lnurl' import useDebounceCallback from '@/components/use-debounce-callback' import { QrScanner } from '@yudiel/react-qr-scanner' import CameraIcon from '@/svgs/camera-line.svg' import { useShowModal } from '@/components/modal' import { useField } from 'formik' import { useToast } from '@/components/toast' import { WalletLimitBanner } from '@/components/banners' import Plug from '@/svgs/plug.svg' import { decode } from 'bolt11' export const getServerSideProps = getGetServerSideProps({ authRequired: true }) export default function Wallet () { const router = useRouter() if (router.query.type === 'fund') { return ( <CenterLayout> <FundForm /> </CenterLayout> ) } else if (router.query.type?.includes('withdraw')) { return ( <CenterLayout> <WithdrawalForm /> </CenterLayout> ) } else { return ( <CenterLayout> <YouHaveSats /> <WalletLimitBanner /> <WalletForm /> <WalletHistory /> </CenterLayout> ) } } function YouHaveSats () { const me = useMe() const limitReached = me?.privates?.sats >= msatsToSats(BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS) return ( <h2 className={`${me ? 'visible' : 'invisible'} ${limitReached ? 'text-warning' : 'text-success'}`}> you have{' '} <span className='text-monospace'>{me && ( me.privates?.hideWalletBalance ? <HiddenWalletSummary /> : numWithUnits(me.privates?.sats, { abbreviate: false, format: true }) )} </span> </h2> ) } function WalletHistory () { return ( <div className='d-flex flex-column text-center'> <div> <Link href='/satistics?inc=invoice,withdrawal' className='text-muted fw-bold text-underline'> wallet history </Link> </div> </div> ) } export function WalletForm () { return ( <div className='align-items-center text-center pt-5 pb-4'> <Link href='/wallet?type=fund'> <Button variant='success'>fund</Button> </Link> <span className='mx-3 fw-bold text-muted'>or</span> <Link href='/wallet?type=withdraw'> <Button variant='success'>withdraw</Button> </Link> <div className='mt-5'> <Link href='/settings/wallets'> <Button variant='info'>attach wallets <Plug className='fill-white ms-1' width={16} height={16} /></Button> </Link> </div> </div> ) } export function FundForm () { const me = useMe() const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = useState(true) const router = useRouter() const [createInvoice, { called, error }] = useMutation(gql` mutation createInvoice($amount: Int!) { createInvoice(amount: $amount) { id } }`) useEffect(() => { setShowAlert(!window.localStorage.getItem('hideLnAddrAlert')) }, []) if (called && !error) { return <QrSkeleton description status='generating' bolt11Info /> } return ( <> <YouHaveSats /> <WalletLimitBanner /> <div className='w-100 py-5'> {me && showAlert && <Alert variant='success' dismissible onClose={() => { window.localStorage.setItem('hideLnAddrAlert', 'yep') setShowAlert(false) }} > You can also fund your account via lightning address with <strong>{`${}`}</strong> </Alert>} <Form initial={{ amount: 1000 }} schema={amountSchema} onSubmit={async ({ amount }) => { const { data } = await createInvoice({ variables: { amount: Number(amount) } }) router.push(`/invoices/${}`) }} > <Input label='amount' name='amount' required autoFocus append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>} /> <SubmitButton variant='success' className='mt-2'>generate invoice</SubmitButton> </Form> </div> <WalletHistory /> </> ) } export function WithdrawalForm () { const router = useRouter() return ( <div className='w-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-center py-5'> <YouHaveSats /> <Nav className={styles.nav} activeKey={router.query.type} > <Nav.Item> <Link href='/wallet?type=withdraw' passHref legacyBehavior> <Nav.Link eventKey='withdraw'>invoice</Nav.Link> </Link> </Nav.Item> <Nav.Item> <Link href='/wallet?type=lnurl-withdraw' passHref legacyBehavior> <Nav.Link eventKey='lnurl-withdraw'>QR code</Nav.Link> </Link> </Nav.Item> <Nav.Item> <Link href='/wallet?type=lnaddr-withdraw' passHref legacyBehavior> <Nav.Link eventKey='lnaddr-withdraw'>lightning address</Nav.Link> </Link> </Nav.Item> </Nav> <SelectedWithdrawalForm /> </div> ) } export function SelectedWithdrawalForm () { const router = useRouter() switch (router.query.type) { case 'withdraw': return <InvWithdrawal /> case 'lnurl-withdraw': return <LnWithdrawal /> case 'lnaddr-withdraw': return <LnAddrWithdrawal /> } } export function InvWithdrawal () { const router = useRouter() const me = useMe() const [createWithdrawl, { called, error }] = useMutation(CREATE_WITHDRAWL) const maxFeeDefault = me?.privates?.withdrawMaxFeeDefault useEffect(() => { async function effect () { try { const provider = await requestProvider() const { paymentRequest: invoice } = await provider.makeInvoice({ defaultMemo: `Withdrawal for @${} on SN`, maximumAmount: Math.max(me.privates?.sats - maxFeeDefault, 0) }) const { data } = await createWithdrawl({ variables: { invoice, maxFee: maxFeeDefault } }) router.push(`/withdrawals/${}`) } catch (e) { console.log(e.message) } } effect() }, []) if (called && !error) { return <WithdrawlSkeleton status='sending' /> } return ( <> <Form autoComplete='off' initial={{ invoice: '', maxFee: maxFeeDefault }} schema={withdrawlSchema} onSubmit={async ({ invoice, maxFee }) => { const { data } = await createWithdrawl({ variables: { invoice, maxFee: Number(maxFee) } }) router.push(`/withdrawals/${}`) }} > <Input label='invoice' name='invoice' required autoFocus clear append={<InvoiceScanner fieldName='invoice' />} /> <Input label='max fee' name='maxFee' required append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>} /> <SubmitButton variant='success' className='mt-2'>withdraw</SubmitButton> </Form> </> ) } function InvoiceScanner ({ fieldName }) { const showModal = useShowModal() const [,, helpers] = useField(fieldName) const toaster = useToast() return ( <InputGroup.Text style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={() => { showModal(onClose => { return ( <QrScanner onDecode={(result) => { if (result.split('lightning=')[1]) { helpers.setValue(result.split('lightning=')[1].split(/[&?]/)[0].toLowerCase()) } else if (decode(result.replace(/^lightning:/, ''))) { helpers.setValue(result.replace(/^lightning:/, '').toLowerCase()) } else { throw new Error('Not a proper lightning payment request') } onClose() }} onError={(error) => { if (error instanceof DOMException) { console.log(error) } else { toaster.danger('qr scan: ' + error?.message || error?.toString?.()) } onClose() }} /> ) }) }} > <CameraIcon height={20} width={20} fill='var(--bs-body-color)' /> </InputGroup.Text> ) } function LnQRWith ({ k1, encodedUrl }) { const router = useRouter() const query = gql` { lnWith(k1: "${k1}") { withdrawalId k1 } }` const { data } = useQuery(query, SSR ? {} : { pollInterval: FAST_POLL_INTERVAL, nextFetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' }) if (data?.lnWith?.withdrawalId) { router.push(`/withdrawals/${data.lnWith.withdrawalId}`) } return <Qr value={encodedUrl} status='waiting for you' /> } export function LnWithdrawal () { // query for challenge const [createWith, { data, error }] = useMutation(gql` mutation createWith { createWith { k1 encodedUrl } }`) const toaster = useToast() useEffect(() => { createWith().catch(e => { toaster.danger('withdrawal creation: ' + e?.message || e?.toString?.()) }) }, [createWith, toaster]) if (error) return <QrSkeleton status='error' /> if (!data) { return <QrSkeleton status='generating' /> } return <LnQRWith {} /> } export function LnAddrWithdrawal () { const me = useMe() const router = useRouter() const [sendToLnAddr, { called, error }] = useMutation(SEND_TO_LNADDR) const defaultOptions = { min: 1 } const [addrOptions, setAddrOptions] = useState(defaultOptions) const [formSchema, setFormSchema] = useState(lnAddrSchema()) const maxFeeDefault = me?.privates?.withdrawMaxFeeDefault const onAddrChange = useDebounceCallback(async (formik, e) => { if (!e?.target?.value) { setAddrOptions(defaultOptions) setFormSchema(lnAddrSchema()) return } let options try { options = await lnAddrOptions( setAddrOptions(options) setFormSchema(lnAddrSchema(options)) } catch (e) { console.log(e) setAddrOptions(defaultOptions) setFormSchema(lnAddrSchema()) } }, 500, [setAddrOptions, setFormSchema]) return ( <> {called && !error && <WithdrawlSkeleton status='sending' />} <Form // hide/show instead of add/remove from react tree to avoid re-initializing the form state on error style={{ display: !(called && !error) ? 'block' : 'none' }} initial={{ addr: '', amount: 1, maxFee: maxFeeDefault, comment: '', identifier: false, name: '', email: '' }} schema={formSchema} onSubmit={async ({ amount, maxFee, ...values }) => { const { data } = await sendToLnAddr({ variables: { amount: Number(amount), maxFee: Number(maxFee), ...values } }) router.push(`/withdrawals/${}`) }} > <InputUserSuggest label='lightning address' name='addr' required autoFocus onChange={onAddrChange} transformUser={user => ({ ...user, name: `${}` })} selectWithTab filterUsers={(query) => { const [, domain] = query.split('@') return !domain || ''.startsWith(domain) }} /> <Input label='amount' name='amount' type='number' step={10} required min={addrOptions.min} max={addrOptions.max} append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>} /> <Input label='max fee' name='maxFee' type='number' step={10} required append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>} /> {(addrOptions?.commentAllowed || addrOptions?.payerData) && <div className='my-3 border border-3 rounded'> <div className='p-3'> <AccordianItem show header={<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '92%' }}>attach</div>} body={ <> {addrOptions.commentAllowed && <Input as='textarea' label={<>comment <small className='text-muted ms-2'>optional</small></>} name='comment' maxLength={addrOptions.commentAllowed} />} {addrOptions.payerData?.identifier && <Checkbox name='identifier' required={addrOptions.payerData.identifier.mandatory} label={ <>your {me?.name} identifier {!addrOptions.payerData.identifier.mandatory && <>{' '}<small className='text-muted ms-2'>optional</small></>} </> } />} {addrOptions.payerData?.name && <Input name='name' required={} label={ <>name{! && <>{' '}<small className='text-muted ms-2'>optional</small></>} </> } />} {addrOptions.payerData?.email && <Input name='email' required={} label={ <> email{! && <>{' '}<small className='text-muted ms-2'>optional</small></>} </> } />} </> } /> </div> </div>} <SubmitButton variant='success' className='mt-2'>send</SubmitButton> </Form> </> ) }