ALTER TABLE "Item" RENAME COLUMN "noSatsAt" TO "statusUpdatedAt"; -- charge the user for the auction item CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION run_auction(item_id INTEGER) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE bid INTEGER; user_id INTEGER; user_msats INTEGER; item_status "Status"; BEGIN PERFORM ASSERT_SERIALIZED(); -- extract data we need SELECT ("maxBid" * 5 / 216), "userId", status INTO bid, user_id, item_status FROM "Item" WHERE id = item_id; SELECT msats INTO user_msats FROM users WHERE id = user_id; -- check if user wallet has enough sats IF bid > user_msats THEN -- if not, set status = NOSATS and statusUpdatedAt to now_utc if not already set IF item_status <> 'NOSATS' THEN UPDATE "Item" SET status = 'NOSATS', "statusUpdatedAt" = now_utc() WHERE id = item_id; END IF; ELSE -- if so, deduct from user UPDATE users SET msats = msats - bid WHERE id = user_id; -- update item status = ACTIVE and statusUpdatedAt = null if NOSATS IF item_status = 'NOSATS' THEN UPDATE "Item" SET status = 'ACTIVE', "statusUpdatedAt" = now_utc() WHERE id = item_id; END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;