import { ANON_ITEM_SPAM_INTERVAL, ITEM_SPAM_INTERVAL, PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS, USER_ID } from '@/lib/constants' import { notifyItemMention, notifyItemParents, notifyMention, notifyTerritorySubscribers, notifyUserSubscribers, notifyThreadSubscribers } from '@/lib/webPush' import { getItemMentions, getMentions, performBotBehavior } from './lib/item' import { msatsToSats, satsToMsats } from '@/lib/format' import { GqlInputError } from '@/lib/error' export const anonable = true export const paymentMethods = [ PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.FEE_CREDIT, PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.REWARD_SATS, PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.OPTIMISTIC, PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.PESSIMISTIC ] export async function getCost ({ subName, parentId, uploadIds, boost = 0, bio }, { models, me }) { const sub = (parentId || bio) ? null : await models.sub.findUnique({ where: { name: subName } }) const baseCost = sub ? satsToMsats(sub.baseCost) : 1000n // cost = baseCost * 10^num_items_in_10m * 100 (anon) or 1 (user) + upload fees + boost const [{ cost }] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT ${baseCost}::INTEGER * POWER(10, item_spam(${parseInt(parentId)}::INTEGER, ${me?.id ?? USER_ID.anon}::INTEGER, ${me?.id && !bio ? ITEM_SPAM_INTERVAL : ANON_ITEM_SPAM_INTERVAL}::INTERVAL)) * ${me ? 1 : 100}::INTEGER + (SELECT "nUnpaid" * "uploadFeesMsats" FROM upload_fees(${me?.id || USER_ID.anon}::INTEGER, ${uploadIds}::INTEGER[])) + ${satsToMsats(boost)}::INTEGER as cost` // sub allows freebies (or is a bio or a comment), cost is less than baseCost, not anon, // cost must be greater than user's balance, and user has not disabled freebies const freebie = (parentId || bio) && cost <= baseCost && !!me && me?.msats < cost && !me?.disableFreebies && me?.mcredits < cost return freebie ? BigInt(0) : BigInt(cost) } export async function perform (args, context) { const { invoiceId, parentId, uploadIds = [], forwardUsers = [], options: pollOptions = [], boost = 0, } = args const { tx, me, cost } = context const boostMsats = satsToMsats(boost) const deletedUploads = [] for (const uploadId of uploadIds) { if (!await tx.upload.findUnique({ where: { id: uploadId } })) { deletedUploads.push(uploadId) } } if (deletedUploads.length > 0) { throw new Error(`upload(s) ${deletedUploads.join(', ')} are expired, consider reuploading.`) } let invoiceData = {} if (invoiceId) { invoiceData = { invoiceId, invoiceActionState: 'PENDING' } await tx.upload.updateMany({ where: { id: { in: uploadIds } }, data: invoiceData }) } const itemActs = [] if (boostMsats > 0) { itemActs.push({ msats: boostMsats, act: 'BOOST', userId: data.userId, ...invoiceData }) } if (cost > 0) { itemActs.push({ msats: cost - boostMsats, act: 'FEE', userId: data.userId, ...invoiceData }) data.cost = msatsToSats(cost - boostMsats) } const mentions = await getMentions(args, context) const itemMentions = await getItemMentions(args, context) // start with median vote if (me) { const [row] = await tx.$queryRaw`SELECT COALESCE(percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY "weightedVotes" - "weightedDownVotes"), 0) AS median FROM "Item" WHERE "userId" = ${}::INTEGER` if (row?.median < 0) { data.weightedDownVotes = -row.median } } const itemData = { parentId: parentId ? parseInt(parentId) : null,, ...invoiceData, boost, threadSubscriptions: { createMany: { data: [ { userId: data.userId },{ userId }) => ({ userId })) ] } }, itemForwards: { createMany: { data: forwardUsers } }, pollOptions: { createMany: { data: => ({ option })) } }, itemUploads: { create: => ({ uploadId: id })) }, itemActs: { createMany: { data: itemActs } }, mentions: { createMany: { data: mentions } }, itemReferrers: { create: itemMentions } } let item if ( && me) { item = (await tx.user.update({ where: { id: data.userId }, include: { bio: true }, data: { bio: { create: itemData } } })).bio } else { try { item = await tx.item.create({ data: itemData }) } catch (err) { if (err.message.includes('violates exclusion constraint \\"Item_unique_time_constraint\\"')) { const message = `you already submitted this ${itemData.title ? 'post' : 'comment'}` throw new GqlInputError(message) } throw err } } // store a reference to the item in the invoice if (invoiceId) { await tx.invoice.update({ where: { id: invoiceId }, data: { actionId: } }) } await performBotBehavior(item, context) // ltree is unsupported in Prisma, so we have to query it manually (FUCK!) return (await tx.$queryRaw` SELECT *, ltree2text(path) AS path, created_at AS "createdAt", updated_at AS "updatedAt" FROM "Item" WHERE id = ${}::INTEGER` )[0] } export async function retry ({ invoiceId, newInvoiceId }, { tx }) { await tx.itemAct.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId }, data: { invoiceId: newInvoiceId, invoiceActionState: 'PENDING' } }) await tx.item.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId }, data: { invoiceId: newInvoiceId, invoiceActionState: 'PENDING' } }) await tx.upload.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId }, data: { invoiceId: newInvoiceId, invoiceActionState: 'PENDING' } }) return (await tx.$queryRaw` SELECT *, ltree2text(path) AS path, created_at AS "createdAt", updated_at AS "updatedAt" FROM "Item" WHERE "invoiceId" = ${newInvoiceId}::INTEGER` )[0] } export async function onPaid ({ invoice, id }, context) { const { tx } = context let item if (invoice) { item = await tx.item.findFirst({ where: { invoiceId: }, include: { user: true } }) await tx.itemAct.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'PAID' } }) await tx.item.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'PAID', invoicePaidAt: new Date() } }) await tx.upload.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'PAID', paid: true } }) } else if (id) { item = await tx.item.findUnique({ where: { id }, include: { user: true, itemUploads: { include: { upload: true } } } }) await tx.upload.updateMany({ where: { id: { in:{ uploadId }) => uploadId) } }, data: { paid: true } }) } else { throw new Error('No item found') } await tx.$executeRaw`INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, startafter, priority) VALUES ('timestampItem', jsonb_build_object('id', ${}::INTEGER), now() + interval '10 minutes', -2)` await tx.$executeRaw` INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, retrylimit, retrybackoff, startafter) VALUES ('imgproxy', jsonb_build_object('id', ${}::INTEGER), 21, true, now() + interval '5 seconds')` if (item.boost > 0) { await tx.$executeRaw` INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, retrylimit, retrybackoff, startafter, keepuntil) VALUES ('expireBoost', jsonb_build_object('id', ${}::INTEGER), 21, true, now() + interval '30 days', now() + interval '40 days')` } if (item.parentId) { // denormalize ncomments, lastCommentAt, and "weightedComments" for ancestors, and insert into reply table await tx.$executeRaw` WITH comment AS ( SELECT "Item".*, FROM "Item" JOIN users ON "Item"."userId" = WHERE "Item".id = ${}::INTEGER ), ancestors AS ( UPDATE "Item" SET ncomments = "Item".ncomments + 1, "lastCommentAt" = GREATEST("Item"."lastCommentAt", comment.created_at), "weightedComments" = "Item"."weightedComments" + CASE WHEN comment."userId" = "Item"."userId" THEN 0 ELSE END, "nDirectComments" = "Item"."nDirectComments" + CASE WHEN comment."parentId" = "Item".id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM comment WHERE "Item".path @> comment.path AND "Item".id <> RETURNING "Item".* ) INSERT INTO "Reply" (created_at, updated_at, "ancestorId", "ancestorUserId", "itemId", "userId", level) SELECT comment.created_at, comment.updated_at,, ancestors."userId",, comment."userId", nlevel(comment.path) - nlevel(ancestors.path) FROM ancestors, comment` } } export async function nonCriticalSideEffects ({ invoice, id }, { models }) { const item = await models.item.findFirst({ where: invoice ? { invoiceId: } : { id: parseInt(id) }, include: { mentions: true, itemReferrers: { include: { refereeItem: true } }, user: true } }) if (item.parentId) { notifyItemParents({ item, models }).catch(console.error) notifyThreadSubscribers({ models, item }).catch(console.error) } for (const { userId } of item.mentions) { notifyMention({ models, item, userId }).catch(console.error) } for (const { refereeItem } of item.itemReferrers) { notifyItemMention({ models, referrerItem: item, refereeItem }).catch(console.error) } notifyUserSubscribers({ models, item }).catch(console.error) notifyTerritorySubscribers({ models, item }).catch(console.error) } export async function onFail ({ invoice }, { tx }) { await tx.itemAct.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'FAILED' } }) await tx.item.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'FAILED' } }) await tx.upload.updateMany({ where: { invoiceId: }, data: { invoiceActionState: 'FAILED' } }) } export async function describe ({ parentId }, context) { return `SN: create ${parentId ? `reply to #${parentId}` : 'item'}` }