import Link from 'next/link' import Image from 'react-bootstrap/Image' import { abbrNum, numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format' import styles from './item.module.css' import userStyles from './user-header.module.css' import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import MoreFooter from './more-footer' import { useData } from './use-data' import Badges from './badge' import { useMe } from './me' import { MEDIA_URL } from '@/lib/constants' import { NymActionDropdown } from '@/components/user-header' import classNames from 'classnames' import CheckCircle from '@/svgs/checkbox-circle-fill.svg' // all of this nonsense is to show the stat we are sorting by first const Stacked = ({ user }) => (user.optional.stacked !== null && <span>{abbrNum(user.optional.stacked)} stacked</span>) const Spent = ({ user }) => (user.optional.spent !== null && <span>{abbrNum(user.optional.spent)} spent</span>) const Posts = ({ user }) => ( <Link href={`/${}/posts`} className='text-reset'> {numWithUnits(user.nposts, { unitSingular: 'post', unitPlural: 'posts' })} </Link>) const Comments = ({ user }) => ( <Link href={`/${}/comments`} className='text-reset'> {numWithUnits(user.ncomments, { unitSingular: 'comment', unitPlural: 'comments' })} </Link>) const Referrals = ({ user }) => (user.optional.referrals !== null && <span>{numWithUnits(user.optional.referrals, { unitSingular: 'referral', unitPlural: 'referrals' })}</span>) const Seperator = () => (<span> \ </span>) const STAT_POS = { stacked: 0, spent: 1, posts: 2, comments: 3, referrals: 4 } const STAT_COMPONENTS = [Stacked, Spent, Posts, Comments, Referrals] function seperate (arr, seperator) { return arr.flatMap((x, i) => i < arr.length - 1 ? [x, seperator] : [x]) } export function UserListRow ({ user, stats, className, onNymClick, showHat = true, selected }) { return ( <div className={`${styles.item} mb-2`} key={}> <Link href={`/${}`}> <Image src={user.photoId ? `${MEDIA_URL}/${user.photoId}` : '/dorian400.jpg'} width='32' height='32' className={`${userStyles.userimg} me-2`} /> </Link> <div className={`${styles.hunk} ${className}`}> <Link href={`/${}`} className={`d-inline-flex align-items-center text-reset ${selected ? 'fw-bold text-underline' : 'text-muted'}`} style={{ textUnderlineOffset: '0.25em' }} onClick={onNymClick} > @{}{showHat && <Badges badgeClassName='fill-grey' height={14} width={14} user={user} />}{selected && <CheckCircle className='ms-3 fill-primary' height={14} width={14} />} </Link> {stats && ( <div className={styles.other}> {, i) => <Comp key={i} user={user} />)} </div> )} </div> </div> ) } export function UserBase ({ user, className, children, nymActionDropdown }) { return ( <div className={classNames(styles.item, className)}> <Link href={`/${}`}> <Image src={user.photoId ? `${MEDIA_URL}/${user.photoId}` : '/dorian400.jpg'} width='32' height='32' className={`${userStyles.userimg} me-2`} /> </Link> <div className={styles.hunk}> <div className='d-flex'> <Link href={`/${}`} className={`${styles.title} d-inline-flex align-items-center text-reset`}> @{}<Badges badgeClassName='fill-grey' height={14} width={14} user={user} /> </Link> {nymActionDropdown && <NymActionDropdown user={user} className='' />} </div> {children} </div> </div> ) } export function User ({ user, rank, statComps, className = 'mb-2', Embellish, nymActionDropdown = false }) { const { me } = useMe() const showStatComps = statComps && statComps.length > 0 return ( <> {rank ? ( <div className={styles.rank}> {rank} </div>) : <div />} <UserBase user={user} nymActionDropdown={nymActionDropdown} className={(me?.id === && me.privates?.hideFromTopUsers) ? userStyles.hidden : 'mb-2'}> {showStatComps && <div className={styles.other}> {, i) => <Comp key={i} user={user} />)} </div>} {Embellish && <Embellish rank={rank} user={user} />} </UserBase> </> ) } function UserHidden ({ rank, user, Embellish }) { return ( <> {rank ? ( <div className={styles.rank}> {rank} </div>) : <div />} <div className={`${styles.item} mb-2`}> <span> <Image src='/dorian400.jpg' width='32' height='32' className={`${userStyles.userimg} me-2 opacity-50`} /> </span> <div className={`${styles.hunk} d-flex justify-content-center flex-column`}> <div className={`${styles.title} text-muted d-inline-flex align-items-center`}> stacker is in hiding </div> {Embellish && <Embellish rank={rank} user={user} />} </div> </div> </> ) } const DEFAULT_STAT_COMPONENTS = seperate(STAT_COMPONENTS, Seperator) export function ListUsers ({ users, rank, statComps = DEFAULT_STAT_COMPONENTS, Embellish, nymActionDropdown }) { return ( <div className={styles.grid}> {, i) => ( user ? <User key={} user={user} rank={rank && i + 1} statComps={statComps} Embellish={Embellish} nymActionDropdown={nymActionDropdown} /> : <UserHidden key={i} rank={rank && i + 1} user={user} Embellish={Embellish} /> ))} </div> ) } export default function UserList ({ ssrData, query, variables, destructureData, rank, footer = true, nymActionDropdown, statCompsProp }) { const { data, fetchMore } = useQuery(query, { variables }) const dat = useData(data, ssrData) const [statComps, setStatComps] = useState(DEFAULT_STAT_COMPONENTS) useEffect(() => { // shift the stat we are sorting by to the front const comps = [...STAT_COMPONENTS] setStatComps(seperate([...comps.splice(STAT_POS[variables?.by || 0], 1), ...comps], Seperator)) }, [variables?.by]) const { users, cursor } = useMemo(() => { if (!dat) return {} if (destructureData) { return destructureData(dat) } else { return dat } }, [dat]) if (!dat) { return <UsersSkeleton /> } return ( <> <ListUsers users={users} rank={rank} statComps={statCompsProp ?? statComps} nymActionDropdown={nymActionDropdown} /> {footer && <MoreFooter cursor={cursor} count={users?.length} fetchMore={fetchMore} Skeleton={UsersSkeleton} noMoreText='NO MORE' />} </> ) } export function UsersSkeleton () { const users = new Array(21).fill(null) return ( <div>{, i) => ( <UserSkeleton key={i} className='mb-2'> <div className={styles.other}> <span className={`${styles.otherItem} clouds`} /> <span className={`${styles.otherItem} clouds`} /> <span className={`${styles.otherItem} ${styles.otherItemLonger} clouds`} /> <span className={`${styles.otherItem} ${styles.otherItemLonger} clouds`} /> </div> </UserSkeleton> ))} </div> ) } export function UserSkeleton ({ children, className }) { return ( <div className={`${styles.item} ${styles.skeleton} ${className}`}> <Image src={`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ASSET_PREFIX}/clouds.jpeg`} width='32' height='32' className={`${userStyles.userimg} clouds me-2`} /> <div className={styles.hunk}> <div className={`${} clouds text-reset`} /> {children} </div> </div> ) }