import { gql, useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import { signIn } from 'next-auth/client' import { useEffect } from 'react' import { Col, Container, Row } from 'react-bootstrap' import AccordianItem from './accordian-item' import Qr, { QrSkeleton } from './qr' import styles from './lightning-auth.module.css' import BackIcon from '../svgs/arrow-left-line.svg' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' function QrAuth ({ k1, encodedUrl, slashtagUrl, callbackUrl }) { const query = gql` { lnAuth(k1: "${k1}") { pubkey k1 } }` const { data } = useQuery(query, { pollInterval: 1000 }) if (data && data.lnAuth.pubkey) { signIn(encodedUrl ? 'lightning' : 'slashtags', {, callbackUrl }) } // output pubkey and k1 return ( <Qr value={encodedUrl || slashtagUrl} asIs={!!slashtagUrl} status='waiting for you' /> ) } function LightningExplainer ({ text, children }) { const router = useRouter() return ( <Container> <div className={styles.login}> <div className='w-100 mb-3 text-muted pointer' onClick={() => router.back()}><BackIcon /></div> <h3 className='w-100 pb-2'> {text || 'Login'} with Lightning </h3> <div className='font-weight-bold text-muted pb-4'>This is the most private way to use Stacker News. Just open your Lightning wallet and scan the QR code.</div> <Row className='w-100 text-muted'> <Col className='pl-0 mb-4' md> <AccordianItem header={`Which wallets can I use to ${(text || 'Login').toLowerCase()}?`} body={ <> <Row className='mb-3 no-gutters'> You can use any wallet that supports lnurl-auth. These are some wallets you can use: </Row> <Row> <Col xs> <ul className='mb-0'> <li>Alby</li> <li>Balance of Satoshis</li> <li>Blixt</li> <li>Breez</li> <li>Blue Wallet</li> <li>Coinos</li> <li>LNBits</li> <li>LNtxtbot</li> </ul> </Col> <Col xs> <ul> <li>Phoenix</li> <li>Simple Bitcoin Wallet</li> <li>Sparrow Wallet</li> <li>ThunderHub</li> <li>Zap Desktop</li> <li>Zeus</li> </ul> </Col> </Row> </> } /> </Col> <Col md className='mx-auto' style={{ maxWidth: '300px' }}> {children} </Col> </Row> </div> </Container> ) } export function LightningAuthWithExplainer ({ text, callbackUrl }) { return ( <LightningExplainer text={text}> <LightningAuth callbackUrl={callbackUrl} /> </LightningExplainer> ) } export function LightningAuth ({ callbackUrl }) { // query for challenge const [createAuth, { data, error }] = useMutation(gql` mutation createAuth { createAuth { k1 encodedUrl } }`) useEffect(() => { createAuth() }, []) if (error) return <div>error</div> return data ? <QrAuth {} callbackUrl={callbackUrl} /> : <QrSkeleton status='generating' /> } export function SlashtagsAuth ({ callbackUrl }) { // query for challenge const [createAuth, { data, error }] = useMutation(gql` mutation createAuth { createAuth { k1 slashtagUrl } }`) useEffect(() => { createAuth() }, []) if (error) return <div>error</div> return data ? <QrAuth {} callbackUrl={callbackUrl} /> : <QrSkeleton status='generating' /> }