import React, { useRef, useEffect, useContext } from 'react' export const GhostContext = React.createContext(() => {}) export class GhostProvider extends React.Component { state = { ghosts: [] } strike = () => { const should = window.localStorage.getItem('lnAnimate') || 'yes' if (should === 'yes') { this.setState(state => { return { ghosts: [...state.ghosts, this.unstrike(state.ghosts.length)} />] } }) return true } return false } unstrike = (index) => { this.setState(state => { const ghosts = [...state.ghosts] ghosts[index] = null return { ghosts } }) } render () { const { props: { children } } = this return ( {this.state.ghosts} {children} ) } } export const GhostConsumer = GhostContext.Consumer export function useGhost () { return useContext(GhostContext) } function getRandom (min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min } export function Ghost ({ onDone }) { const canvasRef = useRef(null) const textureRef = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { const canvas = canvasRef.current const texture = textureRef.current if (canvas.ghost) return try { canvas.ghost = new GhostCanvas(canvas, texture, { size: getRandom(0.025, 0.075), tail: { dotsNumber: 25, // Math.floor(getRandom(10, 50)), spring: 1.4, // getRandom(1, 1.8), friction: 0.25, // getRandom(0.1, 0.25), maxGravity: 250, gravity: getRandom(5, 250) }, smile: 1, mainColor: [getRandom(0.8, 1), getRandom(0.8, 1), getRandom(0.8, 1)], borderColor: [getRandom(0, 0.2), getRandom(0, 0.2), getRandom(0, 0.2)], // [0.2, 0.5, 0.7], isFlatColor: false, onDone }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }, [canvasRef, textureRef, onDone]) return ( <> ) } const GhostCanvas = (canvas, texture, params) => { const mouseThreshold = 1 const devicePixelRatio = Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio, 2) function getRandomOffscreen () { return Math.random() > 0.5 ? { x: getRandom(0, window.innerWidth), y: Math.random() > 0.5 ? getRandom(-200, -100) : getRandom(window.innerHeight + 100, window.innerHeight + 200) } : { x: Math.random() > 0.5 ? getRandom(-200, -100) : getRandom(window.innerWidth + 100, window.innerWidth + 200), y: getRandom(0, window.innerHeight) } } function getRandomOnScreen () { return { x: getRandom(0.1 * window.innerWidth, 0.9 * window.innerWidth), y: getRandom(0.1 * window.innerHeight, 0.9 * window.innerHeight) } } const mouse = { ...getRandomOffscreen(), tX: 0, tY: 0, moving: false } const textureCtx = texture.getContext('2d') const pointerTrail = new Array(params.tail.dotsNumber) const dotSize = (i) => params.size * window.innerHeight * (1 - 0.2 * Math.pow((3 * i) / params.tail.dotsNumber - 1, 2)) for (let i = 0; i < params.tail.dotsNumber; i++) { pointerTrail[i] = { x: mouse.x, y: mouse.y, vx: 0, vy: 0, opacity: 0.04 + getRandom(0.25, 0.35) * Math.pow(1 - i / params.tail.dotsNumber, 4), bordered: 0.6 * Math.pow(1 - i / pointerTrail.length, 1), r: dotSize(i) } } let uniforms const gl = initShader() if (!gl) return function generateRandomPath () { const startPoint = { x: mouse.x, y: mouse.y } const numSegments = 1 // Adjust for more or fewer segments const path = [] let lastEndPoint = startPoint for (let i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) { const controlPoint1 = getRandomOnScreen() // const controlPoint2 = getRandomOnScreen() const endPoint = getRandomOnScreen() path.push({ bezier: [lastEndPoint, controlPoint1, endPoint, endPoint] }) lastEndPoint = endPoint } path.push({ pause: getRandom(500, 2000) }) const finalPoint = getRandomOffscreen() path.push(finalPoint) return path } const path = generateRandomPath() let currentPathIndex = 0 let pathStartTime = null const segmentDuration = getRandom(750, 1500) // How long each Bezier segment should take function evaluateBezier (bezier, t) { const [p0, p1, p2, p3] = bezier const oneMinusT = 1 - t const x = Math.pow(oneMinusT, 3) * p0.x + 3 * Math.pow(oneMinusT, 2) * t * p1.x + 3 * oneMinusT * t * t * p2.x + t * t * t * p3.x const y = Math.pow(oneMinusT, 3) * p0.y + 3 * Math.pow(oneMinusT, 2) * t * p1.y + 3 * oneMinusT * t * t * p2.y + t * t * t * p3.y return { x, y } } function interpolate (start, end, factor) { return start + (end - start) * factor } function updateMousePositionBasedOnPath (currentTime) { if (!pathStartTime) { pathStartTime = currentTime } const currentSegment = path[currentPathIndex] if (currentSegment.pause) { mouse.moving = false if (currentTime - pathStartTime > currentSegment.pause) { mouse.moving = true currentPathIndex++ pathStartTime = null } return } if (currentSegment.bezier) { const t = (currentTime - pathStartTime) / segmentDuration if (t <= 1) { const position = evaluateBezier(currentSegment.bezier, t) mouse.tX = position.x mouse.tY = position.y } else { currentPathIndex++ pathStartTime = null } return } // Linear segment const factor = (currentTime - pathStartTime) / segmentDuration if (factor < 1) { mouse.tX = interpolate(mouse.x, currentSegment.x, factor) mouse.tY = interpolate(mouse.y, currentSegment.y, factor) } else { currentPathIndex++ pathStartTime = null } } resizeCanvas() render() mouse.moving = true function initShader () { const vsSource = vertShader const fsSource = fragShader const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl') if (!gl) { console.log('WebGL is not supported by your browser.') return } function createShader (gl, sourceCode, type) { const shader = gl.createShader(type) gl.shaderSource(shader, sourceCode) gl.compileShader(shader) if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { console.error( 'An error occurred compiling the shaders: ' + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader) ) gl.deleteShader(shader) return null } return shader } const vertexShader = createShader(gl, vsSource, gl.VERTEX_SHADER) const fragmentShader = createShader(gl, fsSource, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER) function createShaderProgram (gl, vertexShader, fragmentShader) { const program = gl.createProgram() gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader) gl.attachShader(program, fragmentShader) gl.linkProgram(program) if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { console.error( 'Unable to initialize the shader program: ' + gl.getProgramInfoLog(program) ) return null } return program } const shaderProgram = createShaderProgram( gl, vertexShader, fragmentShader ) uniforms = getUniforms(shaderProgram) function getUniforms (program) { const uniforms = [] const uniformCount = gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS ) for (let i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++) { const uniformName = gl.getActiveUniform(program, i).name uniforms[uniformName] = gl.getUniformLocation(program, uniformName) } return uniforms } const vertices = new Float32Array([-1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]) const vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer) gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW) gl.useProgram(shaderProgram) const positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation( shaderProgram, 'a_position' ) gl.enableVertexAttribArray(positionLocation) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer) gl.vertexAttribPointer(positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) const canvasTexture = gl.createTexture() gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, canvasTexture) gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR) gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR) gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture ) gl.uniform1i(uniforms.u_texture, 0) gl.uniform1f(uniforms.u_size, params.size) gl.uniform3f( uniforms.u_main_color, params.mainColor[0], params.mainColor[1], params.mainColor[2] ) gl.uniform3f( uniforms.u_border_color, params.borderColor[0], params.borderColor[1], params.borderColor[2] ) return gl } function updateTexture () { textureCtx.fillStyle = 'black' textureCtx.fillRect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height) pointerTrail.forEach((p, pIdx) => { if (Number.isNaN(mouse.x) || Number.isNaN(mouse.y)) { return } if (pIdx === 0) { p.x = mouse.x p.y = mouse.y } else { p.vx += (pointerTrail[pIdx - 1].x - p.x) * params.tail.spring p.vx *= params.tail.friction p.vy += (pointerTrail[pIdx - 1].y - p.y) * params.tail.spring p.vy *= params.tail.friction p.vy += params.tail.gravity p.x += p.vx p.y += p.vy } const grd = textureCtx.createRadialGradient( p.x, p.y, p.r * p.bordered, p.x, p.y, p.r ) grd.addColorStop( 0, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, ' + p.opacity + ')' ) grd.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)') textureCtx.beginPath() textureCtx.fillStyle = grd textureCtx.arc(p.x, p.y, p.r, 0, Math.PI * 2) textureCtx.fill() }) } function render () { if (currentPathIndex > path.length - 1) { params.onDone() return } const currentTime = updateMousePositionBasedOnPath(currentTime) gl.uniform1f(uniforms.u_time, currentTime) gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4) if (mouse.moving) { -= 0.05 = Math.max(, -0.1) params.tail.gravity -= 10 * params.size params.tail.gravity = Math.max(params.tail.gravity, 0) } else { += 0.01 = Math.min(, 1) if (params.tail.gravity > 30 * params.size) { params.tail.gravity = (30 + 9 * (1 + Math.sin(0.002 * currentTime))) * params.size } else { params.tail.gravity += params.size } } mouse.x += (mouse.tX - mouse.x) * mouseThreshold mouse.y += (mouse.tY - mouse.y) * mouseThreshold gl.uniform1f(uniforms.u_smile, gl.uniform2f( uniforms.u_pointer, mouse.x / window.innerWidth, 1 - mouse.y / window.innerHeight ) gl.uniform2f( uniforms.u_target_pointer, mouse.tX / window.innerWidth, 1 - mouse.tY / window.innerHeight ) updateTexture() gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture ) window.requestAnimationFrame(render) } function resizeCanvas () { canvas.width = window.innerWidth * devicePixelRatio canvas.height = window.innerHeight * devicePixelRatio texture.width = window.innerWidth texture.height = window.innerHeight gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) gl.uniform1f(uniforms.u_ratio, canvas.width / canvas.height) for (let i = 0; i < params.tail.dotsNumber; i++) { pointerTrail[i].r = dotSize(i) } } } const vertShader = ` precision mediump float; varying vec2 vUv; attribute vec2 a_position; void main() { vUv = .5 * (a_position + 1.); gl_Position = vec4(a_position, 0.0, 1.0); }` const fragShader = ` precision mediump float; varying vec2 vUv; uniform float u_time; uniform float u_ratio; uniform float u_size; uniform vec2 u_pointer; uniform float u_smile; uniform vec2 u_target_pointer; uniform vec3 u_main_color; uniform vec3 u_border_color; uniform float u_flat_color; uniform sampler2D u_texture; #define TWO_PI 6.28318530718 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 vec3 mod289(vec3 x) { return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0; } vec2 mod289(vec2 x) { return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0; } vec3 permute(vec3 x) { return mod289(((x*34.0)+1.0)*x); } float snoise(vec2 v) { const vec4 C = vec4(0.211324865405187, 0.366025403784439, -0.577350269189626, 0.024390243902439); vec2 i = floor(v + dot(v, C.yy)); vec2 x0 = v - i + dot(i, C.xx); vec2 i1; i1 = (x0.x > x0.y) ? vec2(1.0, 0.0) : vec2(0.0, 1.0); vec4 x12 = x0.xyxy + C.xxzz; x12.xy -= i1; i = mod289(i); vec3 p = permute(permute(i.y + vec3(0.0, i1.y, 1.0)) + i.x + vec3(0.0, i1.x, 1.0)); vec3 m = max(0.5 - vec3(dot(x0, x0), dot(x12.xy, x12.xy), dot(,, 0.0); m = m*m; m = m*m; vec3 x = 2.0 * fract(p * C.www) - 1.0; vec3 h = abs(x) - 0.5; vec3 ox = floor(x + 0.5); vec3 a0 = x - ox; m *= 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * (a0*a0 + h*h); vec3 g; g.x = a0.x * x0.x + h.x * x0.y; g.yz = a0.yz * x12.xz + h.yz * x12.yw; return 130.0 * dot(m, g); } vec2 rotate(vec2 v, float angle) { float r_sin = sin(angle); float r_cos = cos(angle); return vec2(v.x * r_cos - v.y * r_sin, v.x * r_sin + v.y * r_cos); } float eyes(vec2 uv) { uv.y -= .5; uv.x *= 1.; uv.y *= .8; uv.x = abs(uv.x); uv.y += u_smile * .3 * pow(uv.x, 1.3); uv.x -= (.6 + .2 * u_smile); float d = clamp(length(uv), 0., 1.); return 1. - pow(d, .08); } float mouth(vec2 uv) { uv.y += 1.5; uv.x *= (.5 + .5 * abs(1. - u_smile)); uv.y *= (3. - 2. * abs(1. - u_smile)); uv.y -= u_smile * 4. * pow(uv.x, 2.); float d = clamp(length(uv), 0., 1.); return 1. - pow(d, .07); } float face(vec2 uv, float rotation) { uv = rotate(uv, rotation); uv /= (.27 * u_size); float eyes_shape = 10. * eyes(uv); float mouth_shape = 20. * mouth(uv); float col = 0.; col = mix(col, 1., eyes_shape); col = mix(col, 1., mouth_shape); return col; } void main() { vec2 point = u_pointer; point.x *= u_ratio; vec2 uv = vUv; uv.x *= u_ratio; uv -= point; float texture = texture2D(u_texture, vec2(vUv.x, 1. - vUv.y)).r; float shape = texture; float noise = snoise(uv * vec2(.7 / u_size, .6 / u_size) + vec2(0., .0015 * u_time)); noise += 1.2; noise *= 2.1; noise += smoothstep(-.8, -.2, (uv.y) / u_size); float face = face(uv, 5. * (u_target_pointer.x - u_pointer.x)); shape -= face; shape *= noise; vec3 border = (1. - u_border_color); border.g += .2 * sin(.005 * u_time); border *= .5; vec3 color = u_main_color; color -= (1. - u_flat_color) * border * smoothstep(.0, .01, shape); shape = u_flat_color * smoothstep(.8, 1., shape) + (1. - u_flat_color) * shape; color *= shape; gl_FragColor = vec4(color, shape); }`