#!/bin/bash function initialize { ####################### generate and save control password ######################## cp -f /etc/tor/torrc.template /tordata/torrc TOR_PASSWORD="" if [ -f /tordata/.env.torpass ]; then source /tordata/.env.torpass; fi if [ -z "$torPassword" ]; then TOR_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 32) echo "TOR_PASSWORD=$TOR_PASSWORD" > /tordata/.env.torpass fi TOR_PASSWORD_HASH=$(tor --hash-password "$TOR_PASSWORD" 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1) echo "Replacing %HashedControlPassword% with $TOR_PASSWORD_HASH" sed -i "s|%HashedControlPassword%|$TOR_PASSWORD_HASH|g" /tordata/torrc ################################################################################## } function mergeServices { cat /services.conf >> /tordata/torrc } # There is a circular dependency between tor and lnd: # <-> tor needs lnd to be running to resolve the hidden service target # <-> lnd needs to wait for tor to start and generate the hidden service address # Afaik there isn't an "official" solution for this issue. # # This workaround starts tor the first time without the lnd hidden service # and then re-start tor with the full configuration after the lnd service is ready. if [ -f /tordata/start.timestamp ]; then # Remove leftovers from a previous run rm /tordata/start.timestamp fi if [ "$1" = "check" ]; then if [ ! -f /tordata/start.timestamp ]; then # if still initializing we just check if the hidden service was generated and use this as a healthcheck if [ -f /tordata/hidden_service/hostname ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi else # run the real healthcheck echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE "'$TOR_PASSWORD'"\nGETINFO status/circuit-established\nQUIT' | nc 9051 | grep OK || exit 1 exit 0 fi else # Step 1: we start tor with a fake hidden service that points to port 8080, # just to get it to generate the hidden service data, then we kill it immediately after echo "Initializing..." initialize tor -f /tordata/torrc & pid=$! sleep 60 kill $pid # debug ls /tordata/hidden_service/ # Step 2: we merge the service configuration and start tor again echo "Starting tor..." initialize mergeServices date +%s > /tordata/start.timestamp tor -f /tordata/torrc fi