import { useMe } from '@/components/me' import useVault from '@/components/vault/use-vault' import { useCallback } from 'react' import { canReceive, canSend, getStorageKey, saveWalletLocally, siftConfig, upsertWalletVariables } from './common' import { useMutation } from '@apollo/client' import { generateMutation } from './graphql' import { REMOVE_WALLET } from '@/fragments/wallet' import { useWalletLogger } from '@/components/wallet-logger' import { useWallets } from '.' import validateWallet from './validate' export function useWalletConfigurator (wallet) { const { me } = useMe() const { reloadLocalWallets } = useWallets() const { encrypt, isActive } = useVault() const { logger } = useWalletLogger(wallet?.def) const [upsertWallet] = useMutation(generateMutation(wallet?.def)) const [removeWallet] = useMutation(REMOVE_WALLET) const _saveToServer = useCallback(async (serverConfig, clientConfig, validateLightning) => { const variables = await upsertWalletVariables( { def: wallet.def, config: { ...serverConfig, ...clientConfig } }, isActive && encrypt, { validateLightning }) await upsertWallet({ variables }) }, [encrypt, isActive, wallet.def]) const _saveToLocal = useCallback(async (newConfig) => { saveWalletLocally(, newConfig, me?.id) reloadLocalWallets() }, [me?.id,, reloadLocalWallets]) const _validate = useCallback(async (config, validateLightning = true) => { const { serverWithShared, clientWithShared } = siftConfig(wallet.def.fields, config) let clientConfig = clientWithShared let serverConfig = serverWithShared if (canSend({ def: wallet.def, config: clientConfig })) { let transformedConfig = await validateWallet(wallet.def, clientWithShared, { skipGenerated: true }) if (transformedConfig) { clientConfig = Object.assign(clientConfig, transformedConfig) } if (wallet.def.testSendPayment && validateLightning) { transformedConfig = await wallet.def.testSendPayment(clientConfig, { me, logger }) if (transformedConfig) { clientConfig = Object.assign(clientConfig, transformedConfig) } // validate again to ensure generated fields are valid await validateWallet(wallet.def, clientConfig) } } else if (canReceive({ def: wallet.def, config: serverConfig })) { const transformedConfig = await validateWallet(wallet.def, serverConfig) if (transformedConfig) { serverConfig = Object.assign(serverConfig, transformedConfig) } } else if (wallet.def.requiresConfig) { throw new Error('configuration must be able to send or receive') } return { clientConfig, serverConfig } }, [wallet]) const _detachFromServer = useCallback(async () => { await removeWallet({ variables: { id: } }) }, [wallet.config?.id]) const _detachFromLocal = useCallback(async () => { window.localStorage.removeItem(getStorageKey(, me?.id)) reloadLocalWallets() }, [me?.id,, reloadLocalWallets]) const save = useCallback(async (newConfig, validateLightning = true) => { const { clientConfig, serverConfig } = await _validate(newConfig, validateLightning) // if vault is active, encrypt and send to server regardless of wallet type if (isActive) { await _saveToServer(serverConfig, clientConfig, validateLightning) await _detachFromLocal() } else { if (canSend({ def: wallet.def, config: clientConfig })) { await _saveToLocal(clientConfig) } else { // if it previously had a client config, remove it await _detachFromLocal() } if (canReceive({ def: wallet.def, config: serverConfig })) { await _saveToServer(serverConfig, clientConfig, validateLightning) } else if ( { // we previously had a server config if (wallet.vaultEntries.length > 0) { // we previously had a server config with vault entries, save it await _saveToServer(serverConfig, clientConfig, validateLightning) } else { // we previously had a server config without vault entries, remove it await _detachFromServer() } } } }, [isActive, wallet.def, _saveToServer, _saveToLocal, _validate, _detachFromLocal, _detachFromServer]) const detach = useCallback(async () => { if (isActive) { // if vault is active, detach all wallets from server await _detachFromServer() } else { if ( { await _detachFromServer() } // if vault is not active and has a client config, delete from local storage await _detachFromLocal() } }, [isActive, _detachFromServer, _detachFromLocal]) return { save, detach } }