import { paidActions } from '@/api/paidAction' import { datePivot } from '@/lib/time' import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client' import { getInvoice, settleHodlInvoice } from 'ln-service' async function transitionInvoice (jobName, { invoiceId, fromState, toState, toData, onTransition }, { models, lnd, boss }) {`${jobName}: transitioning invoice ${invoiceId} from ${fromState} to ${toState}`) let dbInvoice try { dbInvoice = await models.invoice.findUnique({ where: { id: invoiceId } }) console.log('invoice is in state', dbInvoice.actionState) if (['FAILED', 'PAID'].includes(dbInvoice.actionState)) { console.log('invoice is already in a terminal state, skipping transition') return } const lndInvoice = await getInvoice({ id: dbInvoice.hash, lnd }) const data = toData(lndInvoice) if (!Array.isArray(fromState)) { fromState = [fromState] } await models.$transaction(async tx => { dbInvoice = await tx.invoice.update({ include: { user: true }, where: { id: invoiceId, actionState: { in: fromState } }, data: { actionState: toState, } }) // our own optimistic concurrency check if (!dbInvoice) { console.log('record not found, assuming concurrent worker transitioned it') return } await onTransition({ lndInvoice, dbInvoice, tx }) }, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted }) console.log('transition succeeded') } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Prisma.PrismaClientKnownRequestError) { if (e.code === 'P2025') { console.log('record not found, assuming concurrent worker transitioned it') return } if (e.code === 'P2034') { console.log('write conflict, assuming concurrent worker is transitioning it') return } } console.error('unexpected error', e) boss.send( jobName, { invoiceId }, { startAfter: datePivot(new Date(), { minutes: 1 }), priority: 1000 }) } finally { console.groupEnd() } } export async function settleAction ({ data: { invoiceId }, models, lnd, boss }) { return await transitionInvoice('settleAction', { invoiceId, fromState: ['HELD', 'PENDING'], toState: 'PAID', toData: invoice => { if (!invoice.is_confirmed) { throw new Error('invoice is not confirmed') } return { confirmedAt: new Date(invoice.confirmed_at), confirmedIndex: invoice.confirmed_index, msatsReceived: BigInt(invoice.received_mtokens) } }, onTransition: async ({ dbInvoice, tx }) => { await paidActions[dbInvoice.actionType].onPaid?.({ invoice: dbInvoice }, { models, tx, lnd }) await tx.$executeRaw`INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data) VALUES ('checkStreak', jsonb_build_object('id', ${dbInvoice.userId}))` } }, { models, lnd, boss }) } export async function holdAction ({ data: { invoiceId }, models, lnd, boss }) { return await transitionInvoice('holdAction', { invoiceId, fromState: 'PENDING_HELD', toState: 'HELD', toData: invoice => { if (!invoice.is_held) { throw new Error('invoice is not held') } return { isHeld: true, msatsReceived: BigInt(invoice.received_mtokens) } }, onTransition: async ({ dbInvoice, tx }) => { // make sure settled or cancelled in 60 seconds to minimize risk of force closures const expiresAt = new Date(Math.min(dbInvoice.expiresAt, datePivot(new Date(), { seconds: 60 }))) // do outside of transaction because we don't want this to rollback if the rest of the job fails await models.$executeRaw` INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, retrylimit, retrybackoff, startafter) VALUES ('finalizeHodlInvoice', jsonb_build_object('hash', ${dbInvoice.hash}), 21, true, ${expiresAt})` // perform the action now that we have the funds try { const args = { ...dbInvoice.actionArgs, invoiceId: } const result = await paidActions[dbInvoice.actionType].perform(args, { models, tx, lnd, cost: dbInvoice.msatsReceived, me: dbInvoice.user }) await tx.invoice.update({ where: { id: }, data: { actionResult: result } }) } catch (e) { // store the error in the invoice, nonblocking and outside of this tx, finalizing immediately models.invoice.update({ where: { id: }, data: { actionError: e.message } }).catch(e => console.error('failed to cancel invoice', e)) boss.send('finalizeHodlInvoice', { hash: dbInvoice.hash }) throw e } // settle the invoice, allowing us to transition to PAID await settleHodlInvoice({ secret: dbInvoice.preimage, lnd }) } }, { models, lnd, boss }) } export async function settleActionError ({ data: { invoiceId }, models, lnd, boss }) { return await transitionInvoice('settleActionError', { invoiceId, // any of these states can transition to FAILED fromState: ['PENDING', 'PENDING_HELD', 'HELD'], toState: 'FAILED', toData: invoice => { if (!invoice.is_canceled) { throw new Error('invoice is not cancelled') } return { cancelled: true } }, onTransition: async ({ dbInvoice, tx }) => { await paidActions[dbInvoice.actionType].onFail?.({ invoice: dbInvoice }, { models, tx, lnd }) } }, { models, lnd, boss }) }