CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION item_comments_zaprank_with_me(_item_id int, _global_seed int, _me_id int, _level int, _where text, _order_by text) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE PARALLEL SAFE AS $$ DECLARE result jsonb; BEGIN IF _level < 1 THEN RETURN '[]'::jsonb; END IF; EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_item ON COMMIT DROP AS' || ' SELECT "Item".*, "Item".created_at at time zone ''UTC'' AS "createdAt", "Item".updated_at at time zone ''UTC'' AS "updatedAt", ' || ' to_jsonb(users.*) || jsonb_build_object(''meMute'', "Mute"."mutedId" IS NOT NULL) AS user, ' || ' COALESCE("ItemAct"."meMsats", 0) AS "meMsats", COALESCE("ItemAct"."meDontLikeMsats", 0) AS "meDontLikeMsats", ' || ' "Bookmark"."itemId" IS NOT NULL AS "meBookmark", "ThreadSubscription"."itemId" IS NOT NULL AS "meSubscription", ' || ' GREATEST(g.tf_hot_score, l.tf_hot_score) AS personal_hot_score, GREATEST(g.tf_top_score, l.tf_top_score) AS personal_top_score ' || ' FROM "Item" ' || ' JOIN users ON = "Item"."userId" ' || ' LEFT JOIN "Mute" ON "Mute"."muterId" = $5 AND "Mute"."mutedId" = "Item"."userId"' || ' LEFT JOIN "Bookmark" ON "Bookmark"."userId" = $5 AND "Bookmark"."itemId" = "Item".id ' || ' LEFT JOIN "ThreadSubscription" ON "ThreadSubscription"."userId" = $5 AND "ThreadSubscription"."itemId" = "Item".id ' || ' LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( ' || ' SELECT "itemId", sum("ItemAct".msats) FILTER (WHERE act = ''FEE'' OR act = ''TIP'') AS "meMsats", ' || ' sum("ItemAct".msats) FILTER (WHERE act = ''DONT_LIKE_THIS'') AS "meDontLikeMsats" ' || ' FROM "ItemAct" ' || ' WHERE "ItemAct"."userId" = $5 ' || ' AND "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id ' || ' GROUP BY "ItemAct"."itemId" ' || ' ) "ItemAct" ON true ' || ' LEFT JOIN zap_rank_personal_view g ON g."viewerId" = $6 AND = "Item".id ' || ' LEFT JOIN zap_rank_personal_view l ON l."viewerId" = $5 AND = ' || ' WHERE "Item".path <@ (SELECT path FROM "Item" WHERE id = $1) ' || _where || ' ' USING _item_id, _level, _where, _order_by, _me_id, _global_seed; EXECUTE '' || 'SELECT COALESCE(jsonb_agg(sub), ''[]''::jsonb) AS comments ' || 'FROM ( ' || ' SELECT "Item".*, item_comments_zaprank_with_me("Item".id, $6, $5, $2 - 1, $3, $4) AS comments ' || ' FROM t_item "Item" ' || ' WHERE "Item"."parentId" = $1 ' || _order_by || ' ) sub' INTO result USING _item_id, _level, _where, _order_by, _me_id, _global_seed; RETURN result; END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION item_comments(_item_id int, _level int, _where text, _order_by text) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE PARALLEL SAFE AS $$ DECLARE result jsonb; BEGIN IF _level < 1 THEN RETURN '[]'::jsonb; END IF; EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_item ON COMMIT DROP AS' || ' SELECT "Item".*, "Item".created_at at time zone ''UTC'' AS "createdAt", "Item".updated_at at time zone ''UTC'' AS "updatedAt", ' || ' to_jsonb(users.*) as user ' || ' FROM "Item" ' || ' JOIN users ON = "Item"."userId" ' || ' WHERE "Item".path <@ (SELECT path FROM "Item" WHERE id = $1) ' || _where USING _item_id, _level, _where, _order_by; EXECUTE '' || 'SELECT COALESCE(jsonb_agg(sub), ''[]''::jsonb) AS comments ' || 'FROM ( ' || ' SELECT "Item".*, item_comments("Item".id, $2 - 1, $3, $4) AS comments ' || ' FROM t_item "Item"' || ' WHERE "Item"."parentId" = $1 ' || _order_by || ' ) sub' INTO result USING _item_id, _level, _where, _order_by; RETURN result; END $$;