import { Checkbox, Form, Input, MarkdownInput, SubmitButton } from './form' import Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row' import Col from 'react-bootstrap/Col' import Image from 'react-bootstrap/Image' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import Info from './info' import styles from '@/styles/post.module.css' import { useLazyQuery, gql } from '@apollo/client' import Avatar from './avatar' import { jobSchema } from '@/lib/validate' import { BOOST_MIN, BOOST_MULT, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH, MEDIA_URL } from '@/lib/constants' import { UPSERT_JOB } from '@/fragments/paidAction' import useItemSubmit from './use-item-submit' import { BoostInput } from './adv-post-form' import { numWithUnits, giveOrdinalSuffix } from '@/lib/format' import useDebounceCallback from './use-debounce-callback' import FeeButton from './fee-button' import CancelButton from './cancel-button' // need to recent list items export default function JobForm ({ item, sub }) { const storageKeyPrefix = item ? undefined : `${}-job` const [logoId, setLogoId] = useState(item?.uploadId) const [getAuctionPosition, { data }] = useLazyQuery(gql` query AuctionPosition($id: ID, $boost: Int) { auctionPosition(sub: "${item?.subName || sub?.name}", id: $id, boost: $boost) }`, { fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' }) const getPositionDebounce = useDebounceCallback((...args) => getAuctionPosition(...args), 1000, [getAuctionPosition]) useEffect(() => { if (item?.boost) { getPositionDebounce({ variables: { boost: item.boost, id: } }) } }, [item?.boost]) const extraValues = logoId ? { logo: Number(logoId) } : {} const onSubmit = useItemSubmit(UPSERT_JOB, { item, sub, extraValues }) return ( <> <Form className='pb-5 pt-3' initial={{ title: item?.title || '', company: item?.company || '', location: item?.location || '', remote: item?.remote || false, boost: item?.boost || '', text: item?.text || '', url: item?.url || '', stop: false, start: false }} schema={jobSchema({ existingBoost: item?.boost })} storageKeyPrefix={storageKeyPrefix} requireSession onSubmit={onSubmit} > <div className='form-group'> <label className='form-label'>logo</label> <div className='position-relative' style={{ width: 'fit-content' }}> <Image src={logoId ? `${MEDIA_URL}/${logoId}` : '/jobs-default.png'} width='135' height='135' roundedCircle /> <Avatar onSuccess={setLogoId} /> </div> </div> <Input label='job title' name='title' required autoFocus clear maxLength={MAX_TITLE_LENGTH} /> <Input label='company' name='company' required clear /> <Row className='me-0'> <Col> <Input label='location' name='location' clear /> </Col> <Col className='d-flex ps-0' xs='auto'> <Checkbox label={<div className='fw-bold'>remote</div>} name='remote' hiddenLabel groupClassName={styles.inlineCheckGroup} /> </Col> </Row> <MarkdownInput topLevel label='description' name='text' minRows={6} required /> <Input label={<>how to apply <small className='text-muted ms-2'>url or email address</small></>} name='url' required clear /> <BoostInput label={ <div className='d-flex align-items-center'>boost <Info> <ol className='line-height-md'> <li>Boost ranks jobs higher based on the amount</li> <li>The minimum boost is {numWithUnits(BOOST_MIN, { abbreviate: false })}</li> <li>Boost must be divisible by {numWithUnits(BOOST_MULT, { abbreviate: false })}</li> <li>100% of boost goes to the territory founder and top stackers as rewards</li> </ol> </Info> </div> } hint={<span className='text-muted'>{data?.auctionPosition ? `your job will rank ${giveOrdinalSuffix(data.auctionPosition)}` : 'higher boost ranks your job higher'}</span>} onChange={(_, e) => getPositionDebounce({ variables: { boost: Number(, id: item?.id } })} /> <JobButtonBar itemId={item?.id} /> </Form> </> ) } export function JobButtonBar ({ itemId, disable, className, children, handleStop, onCancel, hasCancel = true, createText = 'post', editText = 'save', stopText = 'remove' }) { return ( <div className={`mt-3 ${className}`}> <div className='d-flex justify-content-between'> {itemId && <SubmitButton valueName='status' value='STOPPED' variant='grey-medium'>{stopText}</SubmitButton>} {children} <div className='d-flex align-items-center ms-auto'> {hasCancel && <CancelButton onClick={onCancel} />} <FeeButton text={itemId ? editText : createText} variant='secondary' disabled={disable} /> </div> </div> </div> ) }