import serialize from '../api/resolvers/serial.js'
import { getInvoice, getPayment, cancelHodlInvoice } from 'ln-service'
import { datePivot } from '../lib/time.js'

const walletOptions = { startAfter: 5, retryLimit: 21, retryBackoff: true }

// TODO this should all be done via websockets
export function checkInvoice ({ boss, models, lnd }) {
  return async function ({ data: { hash, isHeldSet } }) {
    let inv
    try {
      inv = await getInvoice({ id: hash, lnd })
    } catch (err) {
      console.log(err, hash)
      // on lnd related errors, we manually retry so we don't exponentially backoff
      await boss.send('checkInvoice', { hash }, walletOptions)

    // check if invoice still exists since HODL invoices get deleted after usage
    const dbInv = await models.invoice.findUnique({ where: { hash } })
    if (!dbInv) return

    const expired = new Date(inv.expires_at) <= new Date()

    if (inv.is_confirmed && !inv.is_held) {
      // never mark hodl invoices as confirmed here because
      // we manually confirm them when we settle them
      await serialize(models,
        models.$executeRaw`SELECT confirm_invoice(${}, ${Number(inv.received_mtokens)})`)
      return boss.send('nip57', { hash })

    if (inv.is_canceled) {
      return serialize(models,
          where: {
          data: {
            cancelled: true

    if (inv.is_held && !isHeldSet) {
      // this is basically confirm_invoice without setting confirmed_at since it's not settled yet
      // and without setting the user balance since that's done inside the same tx as the HODL invoice action.
      await serialize(models,
        models.invoice.update({ where: { hash }, data: { msatsReceived: Number(inv.received_mtokens), isHeld: true } }))
      // remember that we already executed this if clause
      // (even though the query above is idempotent but imo, this makes the flow more clear)
      isHeldSet = true

    if (!expired) {
      // recheck in 5 seconds if the invoice is younger than 5 minutes
      // otherwise recheck in 60 seconds
      const startAfter = new Date(inv.created_at) > datePivot(new Date(), { minutes: -5 }) ? 5 : 60
      await boss.send('checkInvoice', { hash, isHeldSet }, { ...walletOptions, startAfter })

    if (expired && inv.is_held) {
      await cancelHodlInvoice({ id: hash, lnd })

export function checkWithdrawal ({ boss, models, lnd }) {
  return async function ({ data: { id, hash } }) {
    let wdrwl
    let notFound = false
    try {
      wdrwl = await getPayment({ id: hash, lnd })
    } catch (err) {
      if (err[1] === 'SentPaymentNotFound') {
        notFound = true
      } else {
        // on lnd related errors, we manually retry so we don't exponentially backoff
        await boss.send('checkWithdrawal', { id, hash }, walletOptions)

    if (wdrwl?.is_confirmed) {
      const fee = Number(wdrwl.payment.fee_mtokens)
      const paid = Number(wdrwl.payment.mtokens) - fee
      await serialize(models, models.$executeRaw`
      SELECT confirm_withdrawl(${id}::INTEGER, ${paid}, ${fee})`)
    } else if (wdrwl?.is_failed || notFound) {
      let status = 'UNKNOWN_FAILURE'
      if (wdrwl?.failed.is_insufficient_balance) {
        status = 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE'
      } else if (wdrwl?.failed.is_invalid_payment) {
        status = 'INVALID_PAYMENT'
      } else if (wdrwl?.failed.is_pathfinding_timeout) {
        status = 'PATHFINDING_TIMEOUT'
      } else if (wdrwl?.failed.is_route_not_found) {
        status = 'ROUTE_NOT_FOUND'
      await serialize(models, models.$executeRaw`
      SELECT reverse_withdrawl(${id}::INTEGER, ${status}::"WithdrawlStatus")`)
    } else {
      // we need to requeue to check again in 5 seconds
      const startAfter = new Date(wdrwl.created_at) > datePivot(new Date(), { minutes: -5 }) ? 5 : 60
      await boss.send('checkWithdrawal', { id, hash }, { ...walletOptions, startAfter })