import { notifyEarner } from '@/lib/webPush.js' import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' import { proportions } from '@/lib/madness.js' import { SN_NO_REWARDS_IDS } from '@/lib/constants.js' const TOTAL_UPPER_BOUND_MSATS = 1_000_000_000 export async function earn ({ name }) { // grab a greedy connection const models = new PrismaClient() try { // compute how much sn earned yesterday const [{ sum: sumDecimal }] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT sum(total) as sum FROM rewards( date_trunc('day', now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' - interval '1 day'), date_trunc('day', now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' - interval '1 day'), '1 day'::INTERVAL, 'day')` // XXX primsa will return a Decimal ( // because sum of a BIGINT returns a NUMERIC type ( // and Decimal is what prisma maps it to // // so check it before coercing to Number if (!sumDecimal || sumDecimal.lessThanOrEqualTo(0)) { console.log('done', name, 'no sats to award today') return } // extra sanity check on rewards ... if it's more than upper bound, we // probably have a bug somewhere or we've grown A LOT if (sumDecimal.greaterThan(TOTAL_UPPER_BOUND_MSATS)) { console.log('done', name, 'error: too many sats to award today', sumDecimal) return } const sum = Number(sumDecimal) console.log(name, 'giving away', sum, 'msats', 'rewarding all') /* How earnings (used to) work: 1/3: top 21% posts over last 36 hours, scored on a relative basis 1/3: top 21% comments over last 36 hours, scored on a relative basis 1/3: top upvoters of top posts/comments, scored on: - their trust - how much they tipped - how early they upvoted it - how the post/comment scored Now: 80% of earnings go to top 100 stackers by value, and 10% each to their forever and one day referrers */ // get earners { userId, id, type, rank, proportion, foreverReferrerId, oneDayReferrerId } const earners = await models.$queryRaw` WITH earners AS ( SELECT AS "userId", users."referrerId" AS "foreverReferrerId", proportion, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY proportion DESC))::INTEGER AS rank FROM user_values( date_trunc('day', now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' - interval '1 day'), date_trunc('day', now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' - interval '1 day'), '1 day'::INTERVAL, 'day') uv JOIN users ON = WHERE NOT ( = ANY (${SN_NO_REWARDS_IDS})) ORDER BY proportion DESC LIMIT 100 ) SELECT earners.*, COALESCE( mode() WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY "OneDayReferral"."referrerId"), earners."foreverReferrerId") AS "oneDayReferrerId" FROM earners LEFT JOIN "OneDayReferral" ON "OneDayReferral"."refereeId" = earners."userId" WHERE "OneDayReferral".created_at >= date_trunc('day', now() AT TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago' - interval '1 day') GROUP BY earners."userId", earners."foreverReferrerId", earners.proportion, earners.rank ORDER BY rank ASC` // in order to group earnings for users we use the same createdAt time for // all earnings const createdAt = new Date(new Date().getTime()) // stmts is an array of prisma promises we'll call after the loop const stmts = [] // this is just a sanity check because it seems like a good idea let total = 0 const notifications = {} for (const [i, earner] of earners.entries()) { const foreverReferrerEarnings = Math.floor(parseFloat(earner.proportion * sum * 0.1)) // 10% of earnings let oneDayReferrerEarnings = Math.floor(parseFloat(earner.proportion * sum * 0.1)) // 10% of earnings const earnerEarnings = Math.floor(parseFloat(proportions[i] * sum)) - foreverReferrerEarnings - oneDayReferrerEarnings total += earnerEarnings + foreverReferrerEarnings + oneDayReferrerEarnings if (total > sum) { console.log(name, 'total exceeds sum', total, '>', sum) return } console.log( 'stacker', earner.userId, 'earned', earnerEarnings, 'proportion', earner.proportion, 'rank', earner.rank, 'type', earner.type, 'foreverReferrer', earner.foreverReferrerId, 'foreverReferrerEarnings', foreverReferrerEarnings, 'oneDayReferrer', earner.oneDayReferrerId, 'oneDayReferrerEarnings', oneDayReferrerEarnings) if (earnerEarnings > 0) { stmts.push(...earnStmts({ msats: earnerEarnings, userId: earner.userId, createdAt, type: earner.type, rank: earner.rank }, { models })) const userN = notifications[earner.userId] || {} // sum total const prevMsats = userN.msats || 0 const msats = earnerEarnings + prevMsats // sum total per earn type (POST, COMMENT, TIP_COMMENT, TIP_POST) const prevEarnTypeMsats = userN[earner.type]?.msats || 0 const earnTypeMsats = earnerEarnings + prevEarnTypeMsats // best (=lowest) rank per earn type const prevEarnTypeBestRank = userN[earner.type]?.bestRank const earnTypeBestRank = prevEarnTypeBestRank ? Math.min(prevEarnTypeBestRank, Number(earner.rank)) : Number(earner.rank) notifications[earner.userId] = { ...userN, msats, [earner.type]: { msats: earnTypeMsats, bestRank: earnTypeBestRank } } } if (earner.foreverReferrerId && foreverReferrerEarnings > 0) { stmts.push(...earnStmts({ msats: foreverReferrerEarnings, userId: earner.foreverReferrerId, createdAt, type: 'FOREVER_REFERRAL', rank: earner.rank }, { models })) } else if (earner.oneDayReferrerId) { // if the person doesn't have a forever referrer yet, they give double to their one day referrer oneDayReferrerEarnings += foreverReferrerEarnings } if (earner.oneDayReferrerId && oneDayReferrerEarnings > 0) { stmts.push(...earnStmts({ msats: oneDayReferrerEarnings, userId: earner.oneDayReferrerId, createdAt, type: 'ONE_DAY_REFERRAL', rank: earner.rank }, { models })) } } // execute all the transactions await models.$transaction(stmts) Promise.allSettled( Object.entries(notifications).map(([userId, earnings]) => notifyEarner(parseInt(userId, 10), earnings)) ).catch(console.error) } finally { models.$disconnect().catch(console.error) } } function earnStmts (data, { models }) { const { msats, userId } = data return [ models.earn.create({ data }), models.user.update({ where: { id: userId }, data: { msats: { increment: msats }, stackedMsats: { increment: msats } } })] }