import { Card } from 'react-bootstrap' import styles from '@/styles/wallet.module.css' import Plug from '@/svgs/plug.svg' import Gear from '@/svgs/settings-5-fill.svg' import Link from 'next/link' import { Status, isConfigured } from '@/wallets/common' import DraggableIcon from '@/svgs/draggable.svg' import RecvIcon from '@/svgs/arrow-left-down-line.svg' import SendIcon from '@/svgs/arrow-right-up-line.svg' import { useWalletImage } from '@/components/wallet-image' import { useWalletStatus, statusToClass } from '@/components/wallet-status' import { useWalletSupport } from '@/components/wallet-support' export default function WalletCard ({ wallet, draggable, onDragStart, onDragEnter, onDragEnd, onTouchStart, sourceIndex, targetIndex, index }) { const image = useWalletImage(wallet) const status = useWalletStatus(wallet) const support = useWalletSupport(wallet) return ( <Card className={styles.card} // we attach the drag listeners to the whole card to have a proper drag image draggable={draggable} onDragStart={onDragStart} onDragEnter={onDragEnter} onDragEnd={onDragEnd} > <div className={styles.indicators}> {status.any !== Status.Disabled && <DraggableIcon className={styles.drag} width={16} height={16} />} {support.recv && <RecvIcon className={`${styles.indicator} ${statusToClass(status.recv)}`} />} {support.send && <SendIcon className={`${styles.indicator} ${statusToClass(status.send)}`} />} </div> <Card.Body // we attach touch listener only to card body to not interfere with wallet link onTouchStart={onTouchStart} className={draggable ? (`${sourceIndex === index ? styles.drag : ''} ${draggable && targetIndex === index ? styles.drop : ''}`) : ''} style={{ cursor: draggable ? 'move' : 'default' }} > <div className='d-flex text-center align-items-center h-100'> {image ? <img className={styles.walletLogo} {...image} /> : <Card.Title className={styles.walletLogo}>{wallet.def.card.title}</Card.Title>} </div> </Card.Body> <Link href={`/wallets/${}`}> <Card.Footer className={styles.attach}> {isConfigured(wallet) ? <>configure<Gear width={14} height={14} /></> : <>attach<Plug width={14} height={14} /></>} </Card.Footer> </Link> </Card> ) }