import { UserInputError, AuthenticationError } from 'apollo-server-micro' import { ensureProtocol } from '../../lib/url' import serialize from './serial' import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '../../lib/cursor' import { getMetadata, metadataRuleSets } from 'page-metadata-parser' import domino from 'domino' async function comments (models, id, sort) { let orderBy let join switch (sort) { case 'top': orderBy = 'ORDER BY x.sats DESC NULLS LAST' join = LEFT_JOIN_SATS break case 'recent': orderBy = 'ORDER BY "Item".created_at DESC' join = '' break default: orderBy = ORDER_BY_SATS join = LEFT_JOIN_SATS break } const flat = await models.$queryRaw(` WITH RECURSIVE base AS ( ${SELECT}, ARRAY[row_number() OVER (${orderBy}, "Item".path)] AS sort_path FROM "Item" ${join} WHERE "parentId" = $1 UNION ALL ${SELECT}, p.sort_path || row_number() OVER (${orderBy}, "Item".path) FROM base p JOIN "Item" ON ltree2text(subpath("Item"."path", 0, -1)) = p."path" ${join}) SELECT * FROM base ORDER BY sort_path`, Number(id)) return nestComments(flat, id)[0] } export async function getItem (parent, { id }, { models }) { const [item] = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" WHERE id = $1`, Number(id)) if (item) { item.comments = comments(models, id, 'hot') } return item } function topClause (within) { let interval = ' AND created_at >= $1 - INTERVAL ' switch (within) { case 'day': interval += "'1 day'" break case 'week': interval += "'7 days'" break case 'month': interval += "'1 month'" break case 'year': interval += "'1 year'" break default: interval = '' break } return interval } export default { Query: { moreItems: async (parent, { sort, cursor, name, within }, { me, models }) => { const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) let items; let user; let pins switch (sort) { case 'user': if (!name) { throw new UserInputError('must supply name', { argumentName: 'name' }) } user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } }) if (!user) { throw new UserInputError('no user has that name', { argumentName: 'name' }) } items = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $2 AND "pinId" IS NULL ORDER BY created_at DESC OFFSET $3 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`,, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) break case 'hot': // HACK we can speed hack the first hot page, by limiting our query to only // the most recently created items so that the tables doesn't have to // fully be computed // if the offset is 0, we limit our search to posts from the last week // if there are 21 items, return them ... if not do the unrestricted query // instead of doing this we should materialize a view ... but this is easier for now if (decodedCursor.offset === 0) { items = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" ${timedLeftJoinSats(1)} WHERE "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $1 AND created_at > $3 AND "pinId" IS NULL ${timedOrderBySats(1)} OFFSET $2 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset, new Date(new Date() - 7)) } if (decodedCursor.offset !== 0 || items?.length < LIMIT) { items = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" ${timedLeftJoinSats(1)} WHERE "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $1 AND "pinId" IS NULL ${timedOrderBySats(1)} OFFSET $2 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) } if (decodedCursor.offset === 0) { // get pins for the page and return those separately pins = await models.$queryRaw(`SELECT rank_filter.* FROM ( ${SELECT}, rank() OVER ( PARTITION BY "pinId" ORDER BY created_at DESC ) FROM "Item" WHERE "pinId" IS NOT NULL ) rank_filter WHERE RANK = 1`) } break case 'wot': items = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" ${timedLeftJoinWeightedSats(1)} WHERE "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $1 AND "pinId" IS NULL ${timedOrderBySats(1)} OFFSET $2 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) break case 'top': items = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" ${timedLeftJoinSats(1)} WHERE "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $1 AND "pinId" IS NULL ${topClause(within)} ORDER BY x.sats DESC NULLS LAST, created_at DESC OFFSET $2 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) break default: items = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" WHERE "parentId" IS NULL AND created_at <= $1 AND "pinId" IS NULL ORDER BY created_at DESC OFFSET $2 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) break } return { cursor: items.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null, items, pins } }, allItems: async (parent, { cursor }, { models }) => { const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) const items = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" ORDER BY created_at DESC OFFSET $1 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.offset) return { cursor: items.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null, items } }, moreFlatComments: async (parent, { cursor, name, sort, within }, { me, models }) => { const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) let comments, user switch (sort) { case 'user': if (!name) { throw new UserInputError('must supply name', { argumentName: 'name' }) } user = await models.user.findUnique({ where: { name } }) if (!user) { throw new UserInputError('no user has that name', { argumentName: 'name' }) } comments = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" WHERE "userId" = $1 AND "parentId" IS NOT NULL AND created_at <= $2 ORDER BY created_at DESC OFFSET $3 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`,, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) break case 'top': comments = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" ${timedLeftJoinSats(1)} WHERE "parentId" IS NOT NULL AND created_at <= $1 ${topClause(within)} ORDER BY x.sats DESC NULLS LAST, created_at DESC OFFSET $2 LIMIT ${LIMIT}`, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset) break default: throw new UserInputError('invalid sort type', { argumentName: 'sort' }) } return { cursor: comments.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null, comments } }, item: getItem, pageTitle: async (parent, { url }, { models }) => { try { const response = await fetch(ensureProtocol(url), { redirect: 'follow' }) const html = await response.text() const doc = domino.createWindow(html).document const metadata = getMetadata(doc, url, { title: metadataRuleSets.title }) return metadata?.title } catch (e) { return null } }, dupes: async (parent, { url }, { models }) => { const urlObj = new URL(ensureProtocol(url)) let uri = urlObj.hostname + urlObj.pathname uri = uri.endsWith('/') ? uri.slice(0, -1) : uri let similar = `(http(s)?://)?${uri}/?` const whitelist = ['', '', ''] if (whitelist.includes(uri)) { similar += `\\${}` } else { similar += '(\\?%)?' } return await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" WHERE url SIMILAR TO $1 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 3`, similar) }, comments: async (parent, { id, sort }, { models }) => { return comments(models, id, sort) }, search: async (parent, { query, cursor }, { models, search }) => { const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor) const sitems = await{ index: 'item', size: LIMIT, from: decodedCursor.offset, body: { query: { bool: { must: { bool: { should: [ { // all terms are matched in fields multi_match: { query, type: 'most_fields', fields: ['title^20', 'text'], fuzziness: 'AUTO', prefix_length: 3, minimum_should_match: '100%', boost: 2 } }, { // only some terms must match multi_match: { query, type: 'most_fields', fields: ['title^20', 'text'], fuzziness: 'AUTO', minimum_should_match: '60%' } } // TODO: add wildcard matches for // and url ] } }, filter: { range: { createdAt: { lte: decodedCursor.time } } } } } } }) const items = => e._source) return { cursor: items.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null, items } } }, Mutation: { createLink: async (parent, { title, url, boost }, { me, models }) => { if (!title) { throw new UserInputError('link must have title', { argumentName: 'title' }) } if (!url) { throw new UserInputError('link must have url', { argumentName: 'url' }) } return await createItem(parent, { title, url: ensureProtocol(url), boost }, { me, models }) }, updateLink: async (parent, { id, title, url }, { me, models }) => { if (!id) { throw new UserInputError('link must have id', { argumentName: 'id' }) } if (!title) { throw new UserInputError('link must have title', { argumentName: 'title' }) } if (!url) { throw new UserInputError('link must have url', { argumentName: 'url' }) } // update iff this item belongs to me const item = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } }) if (Number(item.userId) !== Number( { throw new AuthenticationError('item does not belong to you') } if ( > new Date(item.createdAt).getTime() + 10 * 60000) { throw new UserInputError('item can no longer be editted') } return await updateItem(parent, { id, data: { title, url: ensureProtocol(url) } }, { me, models }) }, createDiscussion: async (parent, { title, text, boost }, { me, models }) => { if (!title) { throw new UserInputError('discussion must have title', { argumentName: 'title' }) } return await createItem(parent, { title, text, boost }, { me, models }) }, updateDiscussion: async (parent, { id, title, text }, { me, models }) => { if (!id) { throw new UserInputError('discussion must have id', { argumentName: 'id' }) } if (!title) { throw new UserInputError('discussion must have title', { argumentName: 'title' }) } // update iff this item belongs to me const item = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } }) if (Number(item.userId) !== Number( { throw new AuthenticationError('item does not belong to you') } // if it's not the FAQ and older than 10 minutes if ( !== 349 && > new Date(item.createdAt).getTime() + 10 * 60000) { throw new UserInputError('item can no longer be editted') } return await updateItem(parent, { id, data: { title, text } }, { me, models }) }, createComment: async (parent, { text, parentId }, { me, models }) => { if (!text) { throw new UserInputError('comment must have text', { argumentName: 'text' }) } if (!parentId) { throw new UserInputError('comment must have parent', { argumentName: 'parentId' }) } return await createItem(parent, { text, parentId }, { me, models }) }, updateComment: async (parent, { id, text }, { me, models }) => { if (!text) { throw new UserInputError('comment must have text', { argumentName: 'text' }) } if (!id) { throw new UserInputError('comment must have id', { argumentName: 'id' }) } // update iff this comment belongs to me const comment = await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: Number(id) } }) if (Number(comment.userId) !== Number( { throw new AuthenticationError('comment does not belong to you') } if ( > new Date(comment.createdAt).getTime() + 10 * 60000) { throw new UserInputError('comment can no longer be editted') } return await updateItem(parent, { id, data: { text } }, { me, models }) }, act: async (parent, { id, sats }, { me, models }) => { // need to make sure we are logged in if (!me) { throw new AuthenticationError('you must be logged in') } if (sats <= 0) { throw new UserInputError('sats must be positive', { argumentName: 'sats' }) } // disallow self tips const [item] = await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" WHERE id = $1 AND "userId" = $2`, Number(id), if (item) { throw new UserInputError('cannot tip your self') } const [{ item_act: vote }] = await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw`SELECT item_act(${Number(id)}, ${}, 'TIP', ${Number(sats)})`) return { vote, sats } } }, Item: { position: async (item, args, { models }) => { if (!item.pinId) { return null } const pin = await{ where: { id: item.pinId } }) if (!pin) { return null } return pin.position }, prior: async (item, args, { models }) => { if (!item.pinId) { return null } const prior = await models.item.findFirst({ where: { pinId: item.pinId, createdAt: { lt: item.createdAt } }, orderBy: { createdAt: 'desc' } }) if (!prior) { return null } return }, user: async (item, args, { models }) => await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: item.userId } }), ncomments: async (item, args, { models }) => { const [{ count }] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT count(*) FROM "Item" WHERE path <@ text2ltree(${item.path}) AND id != ${}` return count || 0 }, sats: async (item, args, { models }) => { const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({ sum: { sats: true }, where: { itemId:, userId: { not: item.userId }, act: { not: 'BOOST' } } }) return sats || 0 }, upvotes: async (item, args, { models }) => { const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({ sum: { sats: true }, where: { itemId:, userId: { not: item.userId }, act: 'VOTE' } }) return sats || 0 }, boost: async (item, args, { models }) => { const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({ sum: { sats: true }, where: { itemId:, act: 'BOOST' } }) return sats || 0 }, meSats: async (item, args, { me, models }) => { if (!me) return 0 const { sum: { sats } } = await models.itemAct.aggregate({ sum: { sats: true }, where: { itemId:, userId:, OR: [ { act: 'TIP' }, { act: 'VOTE' } ] } }) return sats || 0 }, mine: async (item, args, { me, models }) => { return me?.id === item.userId }, root: async (item, args, { models }) => { if (!item.parentId) { return null } return (await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" WHERE id = ( SELECT ltree2text(subltree(path, 0, 1))::integer FROM "Item" WHERE id = $1)`, Number([0] }, parent: async (item, args, { models }) => { if (!item.parentId) { return null } return await models.item.findUnique({ where: { id: item.parentId } }) } } } const namePattern = /\B@[\w_]+/gi export const createMentions = async (item, models) => { // if we miss a mention, in the rare circumstance there's some kind of // failure, it's not a big deal so we don't do it transactionally // ideally, we probably would if (!item.text) { return } try { const mentions = item.text.match(namePattern)?.map(m => m.slice(1)) if (mentions?.length > 0) { const users = await models.user.findMany({ where: { name: { in: mentions } } }) users.forEach(async user => { const data = { itemId:, userId: } await models.mention.upsert({ where: { itemId_userId: data }, update: data, create: data }) }) } } catch (e) { console.log('mention failure', e) } } const updateItem = async (parent, { id, data }, { me, models }) => { const item = await models.item.update({ where: { id: Number(id) }, data }) await createMentions(item, models) return item } const createItem = async (parent, { title, url, text, boost, parentId }, { me, models }) => { if (!me) { throw new AuthenticationError('you must be logged in') } if (boost && boost < 0) { throw new UserInputError('boost must be positive', { argumentName: 'boost' }) } const [item] = await serialize(models, models.$queryRaw(`${SELECT} FROM create_item($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) AS "Item"`, title, url, text, Number(boost || 0), Number(parentId), Number( await createMentions(item, models) item.comments = [] return item } function nestComments (flat, parentId) { const result = [] let added = 0 for (let i = 0; i < flat.length;) { if (!flat[i].comments) flat[i].comments = [] if (Number(flat[i].parentId) === Number(parentId)) { result.push(flat[i]) added++ i++ } else if (result.length > 0) { const item = result[result.length - 1] const [nested, newAdded] = nestComments(flat.slice(i), if (newAdded === 0) { break } item.comments.push(...nested) i += newAdded added += newAdded } else { break } } return [result, added] } // we have to do our own query because ltree is unsupported export const SELECT = `SELECT "Item".id, "Item".created_at as "createdAt", "Item".updated_at as "updatedAt", "Item".title, "Item".text, "Item".url, "Item"."userId", "Item"."parentId", "Item"."pinId", ltree2text("Item"."path") AS "path"` const LEFT_JOIN_SATS_SELECT = 'SELECT, SUM(CASE WHEN "ItemAct".act = \'VOTE\' THEN "ItemAct".sats ELSE 0 END) as sats, SUM(CASE WHEN "ItemAct".act = \'BOOST\' THEN "ItemAct".sats ELSE 0 END) as boost' function timedLeftJoinSats (num) { return `LEFT JOIN (${LEFT_JOIN_SATS_SELECT} FROM "Item" i JOIN "ItemAct" ON = "ItemAct"."itemId" AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $${num} GROUP BY x ON "Item".id =` } const LEFT_JOIN_WEIGHTED_SATS_SELECT = 'SELECT, SUM(CASE WHEN "ItemAct".act = \'VOTE\' THEN "ItemAct".sats * ELSE 0 END) as sats, SUM(CASE WHEN "ItemAct".act = \'BOOST\' THEN "ItemAct".sats ELSE 0 END) as boost' function timedLeftJoinWeightedSats (num) { return ` LEFT JOIN ( ${LEFT_JOIN_WEIGHTED_SATS_SELECT} FROM "Item" i JOIN "ItemAct" ON = "ItemAct"."itemId" AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $${num} JOIN users on "ItemAct"."userId" = GROUP BY ) x ON "Item".id =` } const LEFT_JOIN_SATS = `LEFT JOIN (${LEFT_JOIN_SATS_SELECT} FROM "Item" i JOIN "ItemAct" ON = "ItemAct"."itemId" GROUP BY x ON "Item".id =` /* NOTE: because many items will have the same rank, we need to tie break with a unique field so pagination works */ function timedOrderBySats (num) { return `ORDER BY (GREATEST(x.sats-1, 0)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ($${num} - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 1.5) + (x.boost)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ($${num} - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 5)) DESC NULLS LAST, "Item".id DESC` } const ORDER_BY_SATS = `ORDER BY ((x.sats-1)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 1.5) + (x.boost)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 5)) DESC NULLS LAST, "Item".id DESC`