#!/bin/sh set -e docker__compose() { if [ ! -x "$(command -v docker-compose)" ]; then echo "docker compose is not installed" echo "installation instructions are here: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/" exit 0 fi if [ -z "$COMPOSE_PROFILES" ]; then COMPOSE_PROFILES="images,search,payments,email,capture" fi ENV_LOCAL= if [ -f .env.local ]; then ENV_LOCAL='--env-file .env.local' fi CURRENT_UID=$(id -u) CURRENT_GID=$(id -g) COMPOSE_PROFILES=$COMPOSE_PROFILES command docker compose --env-file .env.development $ENV_LOCAL "$@" } docker__exec() { if [ ! -x "$(command -v docker)" ]; then echo "docker is not installed" echo "installation instructions are here: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/" exit 0 fi DOCKER_CLI_HINTS=false command docker exec -i "$@" } docker__sn_lnd() { t=$1 if [ "$t" = "-t" ]; then shift else t="" fi docker__exec $t -u lnd sn_lnd lncli "$@" } docker__stacker_lnd() { t=$1 if [ "$t" = "-t" ]; then shift else t="" fi docker__exec $t -u lnd stacker_lnd lncli "$@" } docker__stacker_cln() { t=$1 if [ "$t" = "-t" ]; then shift else t="" fi docker__exec $t -u clightning stacker_cln lightning-cli --regtest "$@" } sndev__start() { shift if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then docker__compose up --build exit 0 fi docker__compose up "$@" } sndev__help_start() { help=" start the sndev env USAGE $ sndev start [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...] OPTIONS" echo "$help" docker__compose up --help | awk '/Options:/{y=1;next}y' } sndev__stop() { shift docker__compose down "$@" } sndev__help_stop() { help=" stop the sndev env USAGE $ sndev stop [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...] OPTIONS" echo "$help" docker__compose down --help | awk '/Options:/{y=1;next}y' } sndev__open() { shift service=$(docker__compose ps $1 --format '{{.Label "CONNECT"}}') if [ -z "$service" ]; then echo "no url found for $1" exit 1 fi service="http://$service" echo "opening $1 ... $service" if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then open $service elif [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]; then xdg-open $service elif [ "$(uname)" = "Windows_NT" ]; then start $service fi } sndev__help_open() { help=" open a container's url if it has one USAGE $ sndev open SERVICE OPTIONS no options currently exist " echo "$help" } sndev__restart() { shift docker__compose restart "$@" } sndev__help_restart() { help=" restart the sndev env USAGE $ sndev restart [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...] OPTIONS" echo "$help" docker__compose restart --help | awk '/Options:/{y=1;next}y' } sndev__logs() { shift docker__compose logs "$@" } sndev__help_logs() { help=" get logs from sndev env USAGE $ sndev logs [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...] OPTIONS" echo "$help" docker__compose logs --help | awk '/Options:/{y=1;next}y' } sndev__status() { shift if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then docker__compose ps -a --format 'table {{.Service}}\t{{.State}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Label "CONNECT"}}' exit 0 fi docker__compose ps "$@" } sndev__help_status() { help=" show container status of sndev env USAGE $ sndev status [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...] OPTIONS" echo "$help" docker__compose ps --help | awk '/Options:/{y=1;next}y' } sndev__delete() { printf "this deletes containers, volumes, and orphans - are you sure? [y/N] " read -r answer if [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then docker__compose down --volumes --remove-orphans else echo "delete cancelled" fi } sndev__help_delete() { help=" remove orphans and volumes from sndev env equivalent to sndev stop --volumes --remove-orphans USAGE $ sndev delete " echo "$help" } sndev__fund() { shift docker__stacker_lnd -t payinvoice "$@" } sndev__help_fund() { help=" pay a bolt11 for funding USAGE $ sndev fund [OPTIONS] OPTIONS" echo "$help" docker__stacker_lnd payinvoice -h | awk '/OPTIONS:/{y=1;next}y' | awk '!/^[\t ]+--pay_req value/' } sndev__cln_fund() { shift docker__stacker_cln -t pay "$@" } sndev__help_cln_fund() { help=" pay a bolt11 for funding with CLN USAGE $ sndev cln_fund " echo "$help" } sndev__cln_withdraw() { shift label=$(date +%s) docker__stacker_cln -t invoice "$1" "$label" sndev | jq -r '.bolt11' } sndev__help_cln_withdraw() { help=" create a bolt11 for withdrawal with CLN USAGE $ sndev cln_withdraw " echo "$help" } sndev__withdraw() { shift docker__stacker_lnd addinvoice --amt "$@" | jq -r '.payment_request' } sndev__help_withdraw() { help=" create a bolt11 for withdrawal USAGE $ sndev withdraw [OPTIONS] OPTIONS" echo "$help" docker__stacker_lnd addinvoice -h | awk '/OPTIONS:/{y=1;next}y' | awk '!/^[\t ]+(--amt|--amt_msat) value/' } sndev__psql() { shift docker__exec -t db psql "$@" -U sn -d stackernews } sndev__help_psql() { help=" open psql on db USAGE $ sndev psql [OPTIONS] OPTIONS" echo "$help" docker__exec db psql --help | awk '/General options:/{y=1;next}y' | sed -n '/Connection options:/q;p' | awk '!/^([\t ]+-l, --list)|([\t ]+-d, --dbname)|([\t ]+-\?, --help)|([\t ]--help=)/' } sndev__prisma() { shift docker__exec -t -u apprunner app npx prisma "$@" } sndev__help_prisma() { help=" run prisma commands USAGE $ sndev prisma [COMMAND] COMMANDS" echo "$help" sndev__prisma --help | awk '/Commands/{y=1;next}y' | awk '!/^([\t ]+init)|([\t ]+studio)/' | sed -n '/Flags/q;p' } sndev__lint() { shift docker__exec -t -u apprunner app npm run lint } sndev__help_lint() { help=" run linters USAGE $ sndev lint " echo "$help" } sndev__compose() { shift docker__compose "$@" } sndev__help_compose() { docker__compose --help } sndev__sn_lndcli() { shift docker__sn_lnd -t "$@" } sndev__help_sn_lndcli() { docker__sn_lnd --help } sndev__stacker_lndcli() { shift docker__stacker_lnd -t "$@" } sndev__help_stacker_lndcli() { docker__stacker_lnd --help } sndev__stacker_clncli() { shift docker__stacker_cln -t "$@" } sndev__help_stacker_clncli() { docker__stacker_cln help } sndev__stacker_litcli() { shift docker__exec -t litd litcli -n regtest --rpcserver localhost:8444 "$@" } sndev__help_stacker_litcli() { docker__exec -t litd litcli -h } __sndev__pr_track() { json=$(curl -fsSH "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" "https://api.github.com/repos/stackernews/stacker.news/pulls/$1") case $(git config --get remote.origin.url) in "http"*) url=$(echo "$json" | grep -e '"clone_url"' | head -n1 | sed -e 's/^.*"clone_url":[[:space:]]*"//; s/",[[:space:]]*$//') ;; *) url=$(echo "$json" | grep -e '"ssh_url"' | head -n1 | sed -e 's/^.*"ssh_url":[[:space:]]*"//; s/",[[:space:]]*$//') ;; esac push=$(git remote -v | grep -e "$url .*push" | head -n1) || true if [ -n "$push" ]; then remote=$(echo "$push" | cut -f 1) else remote=$(echo "$json" | grep -e '"login"' | head -n1 | sed -e 's/^.*"login":[[:space:]]*"//; s/",[[:space:]]*$//') git remote remove "$remote" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || true git remote add "$remote" "$url" fi ref=$(echo "$json" | grep -e '"ref"' | head -n1 | sed -e 's/^.*"ref":[[:space:]]*"//; s/",[[:space:]]*$//') git fetch "$remote" "$ref" git checkout -b "pr/$1" "$remote/$ref" exit 0 } __sndev__pr_detach() { refspec="+refs/pull/$1/head:refs/remotes/pr/$1" case $(git config --get remote.origin.url) in "http"*) git fetch https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news.git "$refspec" ;; *) git fetch git@github.com:stackernews/stacker.news.git "$refspec" ;; esac git checkout "pr/$1" exit 0 } sndev__pr() { shift case $1 in -t|--track) call "__sndev__pr_track" "$2" ;; *) call "__sndev__pr_detach" "$1" ;; esac } sndev__help_pr() { help=" fetch and checkout a pr USAGE $ sndev pr [OPTIONS] OPTIONS -t, --track track the pr in a new branch, creating a remote if necessary defaults to checking out the pr in a detached state " echo "$help" } sndev__login() { shift if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo " argument required" sndev__help_login exit 1 fi # hardcode token for which is the hex digest of the sha256 of # "SNDEV-TOKEN3_0W_PhDRZVanbeJsZZGIEljexkKoGbL6qGIqSwTjjI" # next-auth concats the token with the secret from env and then sha256's it token="d5fce54babffcb070c39f78d947761fd9ec37647fafcecb9734a3085a78e5c5e" salt="202c90943c313b829e65e3f29164fb5dd7ea3370d7262c4159691c2f6493bb8b" # upsert user with nym and nym@sndev.team email="$1@sndev.team" docker__exec db psql -U sn -d stackernews -q </dev/null 2>&1; then # if it's sndev COMMAND help, then call help for that command case $3 in -h|--help|help) call "sndev__help_$2" exit 0 ;; esac shift # remove func from args "$func" "$@" # invoke our named function w/ all remaining arguments else # if it's sndev -h COMMAND, then call help for that command case $2 in -h|--help) call "sndev__help_$3" exit 0 ;; esac sndev__help exit 1 fi } call "sndev__$1" "$@"