import Item from './item' import ItemJob from './item-job' import Reply from './reply' import Comment from './comment' import Text, { ZoomableImage } from './text' import Comments from './comments' import styles from '../styles/item.module.css' import itemStyles from './item.module.css' import { NOFOLLOW_LIMIT } from '../lib/constants' import { useMe } from './me' import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button' import { TwitterTweetEmbed } from 'react-twitter-embed' import YouTube from 'react-youtube' import useDarkMode from './dark-mode' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import Poll from './poll' import { commentsViewed } from '../lib/new-comments' import Related from './related' import PastBounties from './past-bounties' import Check from '../svgs/check-double-line.svg' import Share from './share' import Toc from './table-of-contents' import Link from 'next/link' import { RootProvider } from './root' import { IMGPROXY_URL_REGEXP } from '../lib/url' function BioItem ({ item, handleClick }) { const me = useMe() if (!item.text) { return null } return ( <> <ItemText item={item} /> {me?.name === && <div className='d-flex'> <Button className='ms-auto' onClick={handleClick} size='md' variant='link' >edit bio </Button> </div>} <Reply item={item} /> </> ) } function TweetSkeleton () { return ( <div className={styles.tweetsSkeleton}> <div className={styles.tweetSkeleton}> <div className={`${styles.img} clouds`} /> <div className={styles.content1}> <div className={`${styles.line} clouds`} /> <div className={`${styles.line} clouds`} /> <div className={`${styles.line} clouds`} /> </div> </div> </div> ) } function ItemEmbed ({ item }) { const [darkMode] = useDarkMode() const [overflowing, setOverflowing] = useState(false) const [show, setShow] = useState(false) const twitter = item.url?.match(/^https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?\w+\/status(?:es)?\/(?<id>\d+)/) if (twitter?.groups?.id) { return ( <div className={`${styles.twitterContainer} ${show ? '' : styles.twitterContained}`}> <TwitterTweetEmbed tweetId={} options={{ width: '550px', theme: darkMode ? 'dark' : 'light' }} placeholder={<TweetSkeleton />} onLoad={() => setOverflowing(true)} /> {overflowing && !show && <Button size='lg' variant='info' className={styles.twitterShowFull} onClick={() => setShow(true)}> show full tweet </Button>} </div> ) } const youtube = item.url?.match(/(https?:\/\/)?((www\.)?(youtube(-nocookie)?|youtube.googleapis)\.com.*(v\/|v=|vi=|vi\/|e\/|embed\/|user\/.*\/u\/\d+\/)|youtu\.be\/)(?<id>[_0-9a-z-]+)((?:\?|&)(?:t|start)=(?<start>\d+))?/i) if (youtube?.groups?.id) { return ( <div style={{ maxWidth: '640px', paddingRight: '15px' }}> <YouTube videoId={} containerClassName={styles.youtubeContainer} opts={{ playerVars: { start: youtube?.groups?.start } }} /> </div> ) } if (item.url?.match(IMGPROXY_URL_REGEXP)) { return <ZoomableImage src={item.url} /> } return null } function FwdUser ({ user }) { return ( <div className={styles.other}> 100% of zaps are forwarded to{' '} <Link href={`/${}`}> @{} </Link> </div> ) } function TopLevelItem ({ item, noReply, ...props }) { const ItemComponent = item.isJob ? ItemJob : Item return ( <ItemComponent item={item} full right={ !noReply && <> <Share item={item} /> <Toc text={item.text} /> </> } belowTitle={item.fwdUser && <FwdUser user={item.fwdUser} />} {...props} > <div className={styles.fullItemContainer}> {item.text && <ItemText item={item} />} {item.url && <ItemEmbed item={item} />} {item.poll && <Poll item={item} />} {item.bounty && <div className='fw-bold mt-2'> {item.bountyPaidTo?.length ? ( <div className='px-3 py-1 d-inline-block bg-grey-medium rounded text-success'> <Check className='fill-success' /> {item.bounty} sats paid </div>) : ( <div className='px-3 py-1 d-inline-block bg-grey-darkmode rounded text-light'> {item.bounty} sats bounty </div>)} </div>} </div> {!noReply && <> <Reply item={item} replyOpen placeholder={item.ncomments ? undefined : 'start the conversation ...'} /> {!item.position && !item.isJob && !item.parentId && !item.bounty > 0 && <Related title={item.title} itemId={} />} {item.bounty > 0 && <PastBounties item={item} />} </>} </ItemComponent> ) } function ItemText ({ item }) { return <Text topLevel nofollow={item.sats + item.boost < NOFOLLOW_LIMIT}>{item.searchText || item.text}</Text> } export default function ItemFull ({ item, bio, rank, ...props }) { useEffect(() => { commentsViewed(item) }, [item.lastCommentAt]) return ( <> {rank ? ( <div className={`${itemStyles.rank} pt-2 align-self-start`}> {rank} </div>) : <div />} <RootProvider root={item.root || item}> {item.parentId ? <Comment topLevel item={item} replyOpen includeParent noComments {...props} /> : ( <div>{bio ? <BioItem item={item} {...props} /> : <TopLevelItem item={item} {...props} />} </div>)} {item.comments && <div className={styles.comments}> <Comments parentId={} parentCreatedAt={item.createdAt} pinned={item.position} bio={bio} commentSats={item.commentSats} comments={item.comments} /> </div>} </RootProvider> </> ) }