import { useCallback } from 'react' import { useMe } from '@/components/me' import useLocalState from '@/components/use-local-state' import { useWalletLogger } from '@/components/wallet-logger' import { SSR } from '@/lib/constants' import { bolt11Tags } from '@/lib/bolt11' import * as lnbits from '@/components/wallet/lnbits' import * as nwc from '@/components/wallet/nwc' import * as lnc from '@/components/wallet/lnc' import * as lnd from '@/components/wallet/lnd' import { useApolloClient, useMutation, useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import { REMOVE_WALLET, WALLET_BY_TYPE } from '@/fragments/wallet' import { autowithdrawInitial } from '../autowithdraw-shared' // wallet definitions export const WALLET_DEFS = [lnbits, nwc, lnc, lnd] export const Status = { Initialized: 'Initialized', Enabled: 'Enabled', Locked: 'Locked', Error: 'Error' } export function useWallet (name) { const me = useMe() const wallet = name ? getWalletByName(name) : getEnabledWallet(me) const { logger } = useWalletLogger(wallet) const [config, saveConfig, clearConfig] = useConfig(wallet) // FIXME: This throws 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' when I disable LNbits const sendPayment = useCallback(async (bolt11) => { const hash = bolt11Tags(bolt11).payment_hash'sending payment:', `payment_hash=${hash}`) try { const { preimage } = await wallet.sendPayment({ bolt11, ...config, logger }) logger.ok('payment successful:', `payment_hash=${hash}`, `preimage=${preimage}`) } catch (err) { const message = err.message || err.toString?.() logger.error('payment failed:', `payment_hash=${hash}`, message) throw err } }, [wallet, config, logger]) const enable = useCallback(() => { enableWallet(name, me) logger.ok('wallet enabled') }, [name, me, logger]) const disable = useCallback(() => { disableWallet(name, me)'wallet disabled') }, [name, me, logger]) const save = useCallback(async (config) => { try { // validate should log custom INFO and OK message // validate is optional since validation might happen during save on server // TODO: add timeout await wallet.validate?.({ me, logger, ...config }) await saveConfig(config) logger.ok('wallet attached') } catch (err) { const message = err.message || err.toString?.() logger.error(message) throw err } }, [saveConfig, me, logger]) // delete is a reserved keyword const delete_ = useCallback(() => { try { clearConfig() logger.ok('wallet detached') } catch (err) { const message = err.message || err.toString?.() logger.error(message) throw err } }, [clearConfig, logger]) return { ...wallet, sendPayment, config, save, delete: delete_, enable, disable, isConfigured: !!config, status: config?.enabled || config?.priority ? Status.Enabled : Status.Initialized, logger } } function useConfig (wallet) { if (!wallet) return [] if (wallet.sendPayment) { // FIXME: this throws 'Error: Should have a queue' when I enable LNbits // probably because of conditional hooks? return useLocalConfig(wallet) } if (wallet.server) { return useServerConfig(wallet) } // TODO: if wallets can do both return a merged version that knows which field goes where return [] } function useLocalConfig (wallet) { const me = useMe() const storageKey = getStorageKey(wallet?.name, me) return useLocalState(storageKey) } function useServerConfig (wallet) { const client = useApolloClient() const me = useMe() const { walletType, mutation } = wallet.server const { data } = useQuery(WALLET_BY_TYPE, { variables: { type: walletType } }) const [upsertWallet] = useMutation(mutation, { refetchQueries: ['WalletLogs'], onError: (err) => { client.refetchQueries({ include: ['WalletLogs'] }) throw err } }) const [removeWallet] = useMutation(REMOVE_WALLET, { refetchQueries: ['WalletLogs'], onError: (err) => { client.refetchQueries({ include: ['WalletLogs'] }) throw err } }) const walletId = data?.walletByType?.id const serverConfig = { id: walletId, priority: data?.walletByType?.priority, } const autowithdrawSettings = autowithdrawInitial({ me, priority: serverConfig?.priority }) const config = { ...serverConfig, autowithdrawSettings } const saveConfig = useCallback(async ({ autoWithdrawThreshold, autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent, priority, ...config }) => { await upsertWallet({ variables: { id: walletId, ...config, settings: { autoWithdrawThreshold: Number(autoWithdrawThreshold), autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent: Number(autoWithdrawMaxFeePercent), priority: !!priority } } }) }, [upsertWallet, walletId]) const clearConfig = useCallback(async () => { await removeWallet({ variables: { id: config?.id } }) }, [removeWallet, config?.id]) return [config, saveConfig, clearConfig] } export function getWalletByName (name) { return WALLET_DEFS.find(def => === name) } export function getServerWallet (type) { return WALLET_DEFS.find(def => def.server?.walletType === type) } export function getEnabledWallet (me) { // TODO: handle multiple enabled wallets return WALLET_DEFS .filter(def => !!def.sendPayment) .find(def => { const key = getStorageKey(, me) const config = SSR ? null : JSON.parse(window?.localStorage.getItem(key)) return config?.enabled }) } function getStorageKey (name, me) { let storageKey = `wallet:${name}` if (me) { storageKey = `${storageKey}:${}` } return storageKey } function enableWallet (name, me) { // mark all wallets as disabled except the one to enable for (const walletDef of WALLET_DEFS) { const key = getStorageKey(, me) let config = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(key)) const toEnable = === name if (config || toEnable) { config = { ...config, enabled: toEnable } window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(config)) } } } function disableWallet (name, me) { const key = getStorageKey(name, me) const config = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(key)) if (!config) return config.enabled = false window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(config)) }