const serialize = require('../api/resolvers/serial') const ITEM_EACH_REWARD = 3.0 const UPVOTE_EACH_REWARD = 6.0 const TOP_ITEMS = 21 const EARLY_MULTIPLIER_MAX = 100.0 // TODO: use a weekly trust measure or make trust decay function earn ({ models }) { return async function ({ name }) { console.log('running', name) // compute how much sn earned today const [{ sum }] = await models.$queryRaw` SELECT sum("ItemAct".sats) FROM "ItemAct" JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id WHERE ("ItemAct".act in ('BOOST', 'STREAM') OR ("ItemAct".act IN ('VOTE','POLL') AND "Item"."userId" = "ItemAct"."userId")) AND "ItemAct".created_at > now_utc() - INTERVAL '1 day'` /* How earnings work: 1/3: top 21 posts over last 36 hours, scored on a relative basis 1/3: top 21 comments over last 36 hours, scored on a relative basis 1/3: top upvoters of top posts/comments, scored on: - their trust - how much they tipped - how early they upvoted it - how the post/comment scored */ // get earners { id, earnings } const earners = await models.$queryRaw(` WITH item_ratios AS ( SELECT *, "weightedVotes"/coalesce(NULLIF(sum("weightedVotes") OVER (PARTITION BY "parentId" IS NULL),0), ${TOP_ITEMS}) AS ratio FROM ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY "parentId" IS NULL ORDER BY "weightedVotes" desc) AS r FROM "Item" WHERE created_at >= now_utc() - interval '36 hours' ) x WHERE x.r <= ${TOP_ITEMS} ), upvoters AS ( SELECT "ItemAct"."userId",, item_ratios.ratio, item_ratios."parentId", sum("ItemAct".sats) as tipped, min("ItemAct".created_at) as acted_at FROM item_ratios JOIN "ItemAct" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = WHERE act IN ('VOTE','TIP') AND "ItemAct"."userId" <> item_ratios."userId" GROUP BY "ItemAct"."userId",, item_ratios.ratio, item_ratios."parentId" ), upvoter_ratios AS ( SELECT "userId", sum(early_multiplier*tipped_ratio*ratio* as upvoting_score, "parentId" IS NULL as "isPost" FROM ( SELECT *, ${EARLY_MULTIPLIER_MAX}/(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by id order by acted_at asc)) AS early_multiplier, tipped::float/(sum(tipped) OVER (partition by id)) tipped_ratio FROM upvoters ) u JOIN users on "userId" = GROUP BY "userId", "parentId" IS NULL ) SELECT "userId" as id, FLOOR(sum(proportion)*${sum}*1000) as earnings FROM ( SELECT "userId", upvoting_score/(sum(upvoting_score) OVER (PARTITION BY "isPost"))/${UPVOTE_EACH_REWARD} as proportion FROM upvoter_ratios UNION ALL SELECT "userId", ratio/${ITEM_EACH_REWARD} as proportion FROM item_ratios ) a GROUP BY "userId" HAVING FLOOR(sum(proportion)*${sum}) >= 1`) // for each earner, serialize earnings // we do this for each earner because we don't need to serialize // all earner updates together earners.forEach(async earner => { if (earner.earnings > 0) { await serialize(models, models.$executeRaw`SELECT earn(${}, ${earner.earnings})`) } }) console.log('done', name) } } module.exports = { earn }