import { createHash, randomBytes } from 'node:crypto' import NextAuth from 'next-auth' import CredentialsProvider from 'next-auth/providers/credentials' import GitHubProvider from 'next-auth/providers/github' import TwitterProvider from 'next-auth/providers/twitter' import EmailProvider from 'next-auth/providers/email' import prisma from '@/api/models' import nodemailer from 'nodemailer' import { PrismaAdapter } from '@auth/prisma-adapter' import { NodeNextRequest, NodeNextResponse } from 'next/dist/server/base-http/node' import { getToken, encode as encodeJWT } from 'next-auth/jwt' import { datePivot } from '@/lib/time' import { schnorr } from '@noble/curves/secp256k1' import { notifyReferral } from '@/lib/webPush' import { hashEmail } from '@/lib/crypto' import * as cookie from 'cookie' import { multiAuthMiddleware } from '@/pages/api/graphql' import { BECH32_CHARSET } from '@/lib/constants' /** * Stores userIds in user table * @returns {Partial} * */ function getEventCallbacks () { return { async linkAccount ({ user, profile, account }) { if (account.provider === 'github') { await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { githubId: } }) } else if (account.provider === 'twitter') { await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { twitterId: } }) } }, async signIn ({ user, profile, account, isNewUser }) { if (account.provider === 'github') { await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { githubId: } }) } else if (account.provider === 'twitter') { await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { twitterId: } }) } } } } async function getReferrerFromCookie (referrer) { let referrerId let type let typeId try { if (referrer.startsWith('item-')) { const item = await prisma.item.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(referrer.slice(5)) } }) type = item?.parentId ? 'COMMENT' : 'POST' referrerId = item?.userId typeId = item?.id } else if (referrer.startsWith('profile-')) { const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { name: referrer.slice(8) } }) type = 'PROFILE' referrerId = user?.id typeId = user?.id } else if (referrer.startsWith('territory-')) { type = 'TERRITORY' typeId = referrer.slice(10) const sub = await prisma.sub.findUnique({ where: { name: typeId } }) referrerId = sub?.userId } else { return { referrerId: (await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { name: referrer } }))?.id } } } catch (error) { console.error('error getting referrer id', error) return } return { referrerId, type, typeId: String(typeId) } } async function getReferrerData (referrer, landing) { const referrerData = await getReferrerFromCookie(referrer) if (landing) { const landingData = await getReferrerFromCookie(landing) // explicit referrer takes precedence over landing referrer return { ...landingData, ...referrerData } } return referrerData } /** @returns {Partial} */ function getCallbacks (req, res) { return { /** * @param {object} token Decrypted JSON Web Token * @param {object} user User object (only available on sign in) * @param {object} account Provider account (only available on sign in) * @param {object} profile Provider profile (only available on sign in) * @param {boolean} isNewUser True if new user (only available on sign in) * @return {object} JSON Web Token that will be saved */ async jwt ({ token, user, account, profile, isNewUser }) { if (user) { // token won't have an id on it for new logins, we add it // note: token is what's kept in the jwt = Number( // if referrer exists, set on user // isNewUser doesn't work for nostr/lightning auth because we create the user before nextauth can // this means users can update their referrer if they don't have one, which is fine if (req.cookies.sn_referrer && user?.id) { const referrerData = await getReferrerData(req.cookies.sn_referrer, req.cookies.sn_referee_landing) if (referrerData?.referrerId && referrerData.referrerId !== parseInt(user?.id)) { // if user doesn't have a referrer, record it in the db const { count } = await prisma.user.updateMany({ where: { id:, referrerId: null }, data: { referrerId: referrerData.referrerId } }) if (count > 0) { // if user has an associated landing, record it in the db if (referrerData.type && referrerData.typeId) { await prisma.oneDayReferral.create({ data: { ...referrerData, refereeId:, landing: true } }) } notifyReferral(referrerData.referrerId) } } } } if (token?.id) { // HACK token.sub is used by nextjs v4 internally and is used like a userId // setting it here allows us to link multiple auth method to an account // ... in v3 this linking field was token.sub = Number( } // add multi_auth cookie for user that just logged in if (user && req && res) { const secret = process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET const jwt = await encodeJWT({ token, secret }) const me = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: } }) setMultiAuthCookies(new NodeNextRequest(req), new NodeNextResponse(res), {, jwt }) } return token }, async session ({ session, token }) { // note: this function takes the current token (result of running jwt above) // and returns a new object session that's returned whenever get|use[Server]Session is called = return session } } } function setMultiAuthCookies (req, res, { id, jwt, name, photoId }) { const b64Encode = obj => Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(obj)).toString('base64') const b64Decode = s => JSON.parse(Buffer.from(s, 'base64')) // default expiration for next-auth JWTs is in 1 month const expiresAt = datePivot(new Date(), { months: 1 }) const secure = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' const cookieOptions = { path: '/', httpOnly: true, secure, sameSite: 'lax', expires: expiresAt } // add JWT to **httpOnly** cookie res.appendHeader('Set-Cookie', cookie.serialize(`multi_auth.${id}`, jwt, cookieOptions)) // switch to user we just added res.appendHeader('Set-Cookie', cookie.serialize('multi_auth.user-id', id, { ...cookieOptions, httpOnly: false })) let newMultiAuth = [{ id, name, photoId }] if (req.cookies.multi_auth) { const oldMultiAuth = b64Decode(req.cookies.multi_auth) // make sure we don't add duplicates if (oldMultiAuth.some(({ id: id_ }) => id_ === id)) return newMultiAuth = [...oldMultiAuth, ...newMultiAuth] } res.appendHeader('Set-Cookie', cookie.serialize('multi_auth', b64Encode(newMultiAuth), { ...cookieOptions, httpOnly: false })) } async function pubkeyAuth (credentials, req, res, pubkeyColumnName) { const { k1, pubkey } = credentials // are we trying to add a new account for switching between? const { body } = req.body const multiAuth = typeof body.multiAuth === 'string' ? body.multiAuth === 'true' : !!body.multiAuth try { // does the given challenge (k1) exist in our db? const lnauth = await prisma.lnAuth.findUnique({ where: { k1 } }) // delete challenge to prevent replay attacks await prisma.lnAuth.delete({ where: { k1 } }) // does the given pubkey match the one for which we verified the signature? if (lnauth.pubkey === pubkey) { // does the pubkey already exist in our db? let user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { [pubkeyColumnName]: pubkey } }) // make following code aware of cookie pointer for account switching req = multiAuthMiddleware(req) // token will be undefined if we're not logged in at all or if we switched to anon const token = await getToken({ req }) if (!user) { // we have not seen this pubkey before // only update our pubkey if we're logged in (token exists) // and we're not currently trying to add a new account if (token?.id && !multiAuth) { user = await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { [pubkeyColumnName]: pubkey } }) } else { // we're not logged in: create new user with that pubkey user = await prisma.user.create({ data: { name: pubkey.slice(0, 10), [pubkeyColumnName]: pubkey } }) } } return user } } catch (error) { console.log(error) } return null } async function nostrEventAuth (event) { // parse event const e = JSON.parse(event) // is the event id a hash of this event const id = createHash('sha256').update( JSON.stringify( [0, e.pubkey, e.created_at, e.kind, e.tags, e.content] ) ).digest('hex') if (id !== { throw new Error('invalid event id') } // is the signature valid if (!(await schnorr.verify(e.sig,, e.pubkey))) { throw new Error('invalid signature') } // is the challenge present in the event if (!(e.tags[0].length === 2 && e.tags[0][0] === 'challenge')) { throw new Error('expected tags = [["challenge", ]]') } const pubkey = e.pubkey const k1 = e.tags[0][1] await prisma.lnAuth.update({ data: { pubkey }, where: { k1 } }) return { k1, pubkey } } /** @type {import('next-auth/providers').Provider[]} */ const getProviders = res => [ CredentialsProvider({ id: 'lightning', name: 'Lightning', credentials: { pubkey: { label: 'publickey', type: 'text' }, k1: { label: 'k1', type: 'text' } }, authorize: async (credentials, req) => { return await pubkeyAuth(credentials, new NodeNextRequest(req), new NodeNextResponse(res), 'pubkey') } }), CredentialsProvider({ id: 'nostr', name: 'Nostr', credentials: { event: { label: 'event', type: 'text' } }, authorize: async ({ event }, req) => { const credentials = await nostrEventAuth(event) return await pubkeyAuth(credentials, new NodeNextRequest(req), new NodeNextResponse(res), 'nostrAuthPubkey') } }), GitHubProvider({ clientId: process.env.GITHUB_ID, clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_SECRET, authorization: { url: '', params: { scope: '' } }, profile (profile) { return { id:, name: profile.login } } }), TwitterProvider({ clientId: process.env.TWITTER_ID, clientSecret: process.env.TWITTER_SECRET, profile (profile) { return { id:, name: profile.screen_name } } }), EmailProvider({ server: process.env.LOGIN_EMAIL_SERVER, from: process.env.LOGIN_EMAIL_FROM, maxAge: 5 * 60, // expires in 5 minutes generateVerificationToken: generateRandomString, sendVerificationRequest }) ] /** @returns {import('next-auth').AuthOptions} */ export const getAuthOptions = (req, res) => ({ callbacks: getCallbacks(req, res), providers: getProviders(res), adapter: { ...PrismaAdapter(prisma), createUser: data => { // replace email with email hash in new user payload if ( { const { email } = data data.emailHash = hashEmail({ email }) delete // used to be used for name of new accounts. since it's missing, let's generate a new name = data.emailHash.substring(0, 10) // sign them up for the newsletter // don't await it, let it run async enrollInNewsletter({ email }) } return prisma.user.create({ data }) }, getUserByEmail: async email => { const hashedEmail = hashEmail({ email }) let user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { // lookup by email hash since we don't store plaintext emails any more emailHash: hashedEmail } }) if (!user) { user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { // lookup by email as a fallback in case a user attempts to login by email during the migration // and their email hasn't been migrated yet email } }) } // HACK! This is required to satisfy next-auth's check here: // // since we are nulling `email`, but it expects it to be truthy there. // Since we have the email from the input request, we can copy it here and pretend like we store user emails, even though we don't. if (user) { = email } return user }, useVerificationToken: async ({ identifier, token }) => { // we need to find the most recent verification request for this email/identifier const verificationRequest = await prisma.verificationToken.findFirst({ where: { identifier, attempts: { lt: 2 // count starts at 0 } }, orderBy: { createdAt: 'desc' } }) if (!verificationRequest) throw new Error('No verification request found') if (verificationRequest.token === token) { // if correct delete the token and continue await prisma.verificationToken.delete({ where: { id: } }) return verificationRequest } await prisma.verificationToken.update({ where: { id: }, data: { attempts: { increment: 1 } } }) await prisma.verificationToken.deleteMany({ where: { id:, attempts: { gte: 2 } } }) return null } }, session: { strategy: 'jwt' }, pages: { signIn: '/login', verifyRequest: '/email', error: '/auth/error' }, events: getEventCallbacks() }) async function enrollInNewsletter ({ email }) { if (process.env.LIST_MONK_URL && process.env.LIST_MONK_AUTH) { try { const response = await fetch(process.env.LIST_MONK_URL + '/api/subscribers', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(process.env.LIST_MONK_AUTH).toString('base64') }, body: JSON.stringify({ email, name: 'blank', lists: [2], status: 'enabled', preconfirm_subscriptions: true }) }) const jsonResponse = await response.json() console.log(jsonResponse) } catch (err) { console.log('error signing user up for newsletter') console.log(err) } } else { console.log('LIST MONK env vars not set, skipping newsletter enrollment') } } export default async (req, res) => { await NextAuth(req, res, getAuthOptions(req, res)) } function generateRandomString (length = 6, charset = BECH32_CHARSET) { const bytes = randomBytes(length) let result = '' // Map each byte to a character in the charset for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += charset[bytes[i] % charset.length] } return result } async function sendVerificationRequest ({ identifier: email, url, token, provider }) { let user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { // Look for the user by hashed email emailHash: hashEmail({ email }) } }) if (!user) { user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { // or plaintext email, in case a user tries to login via email during the migration // before their particular record has been migrated email } }) } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { server, from } = provider const site = new URL(url).host nodemailer.createTransport(server).sendMail( { to: email, from, subject: `login to ${site}`, text: text({ url, token, site, email }), html: user ? html({ url, token, site, email }) : newUserHtml({ url, token, site, email }) }, (error) => { if (error) { return reject(new Error('SEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_ERROR', error)) } return resolve() } ) }) } // Email HTML body const html = ({ url, token, site, email }) => { // Insert invisible space into domains and email address to prevent both the // email address and the domain from being turned into a hyperlink by email // clients like Outlook and Apple mail, as this is confusing because it seems // like they are supposed to click on their email address to sign in. const escapedEmail = `${email.replace(/\./g, '​.')}` const escapedSite = `${site.replace(/\./g, '​.')}` // Some simple styling options const backgroundColor = '#f5f5f5' const textColor = '#212529' const mainBackgroundColor = '#ffffff' // Uses tables for layout and inline CSS due to email client limitations return `
login with ${escapedEmail}
copy this magic code
Expires in 5 minutes
If you did not request this email you can safely ignore it.
` } // Email text body –fallback for email clients that don't render HTML const text = ({ url, token, site }) => `Sign in to ${site}\ncopy this code: ${token}\n\n\nExpires in 5 minutes` const newUserHtml = ({ url, token, site, email }) => { const escapedEmail = `${email.replace(/\./g, '​.')}` const dailyUrl = new URL('/daily', process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL).href const guideUrl = new URL('/guide', process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL).href const faqUrl = new URL('/faq', process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL).href const topUrl = new URL('/top/stackers/forever', process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL).href const postUrl = new URL('/post', process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL).href // Some simple styling options const backgroundColor = '#f5f5f5' const textColor = '#212529' const mainBackgroundColor = '#ffffff' return `
Welcome to Stacker News!
If you know how Stacker News works, copy the magic code below.
If you want to learn how Stacker News works, keep reading.
login with ${escapedEmail}
copy this magic code
Expires in 5 minutes
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P.S. We're thrilled you're joinin' the posse!
If you did not request this email you can safely ignore it.
` }