import { Form, MarkdownInput, SubmitButton } from '../components/form' import { gql, useMutation } from '@apollo/client' import styles from './reply.module.css' import { COMMENTS } from '../fragments/comments' import { useMe } from './me' import TextareaAutosize from 'react-textarea-autosize' import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react' import Link from 'next/link' import FeeButton from './fee-button' import { commentsViewedAfterComment } from '../lib/new-comments' import { commentSchema } from '../lib/validate' import Info from './info' export function ReplyOnAnotherPage ({ parentId }) { return ( <Link href={`/items/${parentId}`}> <a className={`${styles.replyButtons} text-muted`}>reply on another page</a> </Link> ) } function FreebieDialog () { return ( <div className='text-muted'> you have no sats, so this one is on us <Info> <ul className='font-weight-bold'> <li>Free comments have limited visibility and are listed at the bottom of the comment section until other stackers zap them.</li> <li>Free comments will not cover comments that cost more than 1 sat.</li> <li>To get fully visibile and unrestricted comments right away, fund your account with a few sats or earn some on Stacker News.</li> </ul> </Info> </div> ) } export default function Reply ({ item, onSuccess, replyOpen, children, placeholder }) { const [reply, setReply] = useState(replyOpen) const me = useMe() const parentId = useEffect(() => { setReply(replyOpen || !!localStorage.getItem('reply-' + parentId + '-' + 'text')) }, []) const [createComment] = useMutation( gql` ${COMMENTS} mutation createComment($text: String!, $parentId: ID!) { createComment(text: $text, parentId: $parentId) { ...CommentFields comments { ...CommentsRecursive } } }`, { update (cache, { data: { createComment } }) { cache.modify({ id: `Item:${parentId}`, fields: { comments (existingCommentRefs = []) { const newCommentRef = cache.writeFragment({ data: createComment, fragment: COMMENTS, fragmentName: 'CommentsRecursive' }) return [newCommentRef, ...existingCommentRefs] } } }) const ancestors = item.path.split('.') // update all ancestors ancestors.forEach(id => { cache.modify({ id: `Item:${id}`, fields: { ncomments (existingNComments = 0) { return existingNComments + 1 } } }) }) // so that we don't see indicator for our own comments, we record this comments as the latest time // but we also have record num comments, in case someone else commented when we did const root = ancestors[0] commentsViewedAfterComment(root, createComment.createdAt) } } ) const replyInput = useRef(null) useEffect(() => { if (replyInput.current && reply && !replyOpen) replyInput.current.focus() }, [reply]) return ( <div> {replyOpen ? <div className={styles.replyButtons} /> : ( <div className={styles.replyButtons}> <div onClick={() => setReply(!reply)} > {reply ? 'cancel' : 'reply'} </div> {/* HACK if we need more items, we should probably do a comment toolbar */} {children} </div>)} <div className={reply ? `${styles.reply}` : 'd-none'}> <Form initial={{ text: '' }} schema={commentSchema} onSubmit={async (values, { resetForm }) => { const { error } = await createComment({ variables: { ...values, parentId } }) if (error) { throw new Error({ message: error.toString() }) } resetForm({ text: '' }) setReply(replyOpen || false) }} storageKeyPrefix={'reply-' + parentId} > <MarkdownInput name='text' as={TextareaAutosize} minRows={6} autoFocus={!replyOpen} required placeholder={placeholder} hint={me?.sats < 1 && <FreebieDialog />} innerRef={replyInput} /> {reply && <div className='mt-1'> <FeeButton baseFee={1} parentId={parentId} text='reply' ChildButton={SubmitButton} variant='secondary' alwaysShow /> </div>} </Form> </div> </div> ) } export function ReplySkeleton () { return ( <div className={`${styles.reply} ${styles.skeleton}`}> <div className={`${styles.input} clouds`} /> <div className={`${styles.button} clouds`} /> </div> ) }