import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import React, { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react' import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button' import Toast from 'react-bootstrap/Toast' import ToastBody from 'react-bootstrap/ToastBody' import ToastContainer from 'react-bootstrap/ToastContainer' import styles from './toast.module.css' const ToastContext = createContext(() => {}) export const TOAST_DEFAULT_DELAY_MS = 5000 const mapHidden = ({ id, tag }) => toast => { // mark every previous toast with same tag as hidden if (toast.tag === tag && !== id) return { ...toast, hidden: true } return toast } export const ToastProvider = ({ children }) => { const router = useRouter() const [toasts, setToasts] = useState([]) const toastId = useRef(0) const removeToast = useCallback(({ id, tag }) => { setToasts(toasts => toasts.filter(toast => { if ( === id) { // remove the toast with the passed id with no exceptions return false } const sameTag = tag && tag === toast.tag // remove toasts with same tag return !sameTag })) }, [setToasts]) const dispatchToast = useCallback((toast) => { toast = { ...toast, createdAt: +new Date(), id: toastId.current++ } setToasts(toasts => [...toasts, toast].map(mapHidden(toast))) return () => removeToast(toast) }, [setToasts, removeToast]) const toaster = useMemo(() => ({ success: (body, options) => { const toast = { body, variant: 'success', autohide: true, delay: TOAST_DEFAULT_DELAY_MS, tag: options?.tag || body, ...options } return dispatchToast(toast) }, warning: (body, options) => { const toast = { body, variant: 'warning', autohide: true, delay: TOAST_DEFAULT_DELAY_MS, tag: options?.tag || body, ...options } return dispatchToast(toast) }, danger: (body, options) => { const toast = { body, variant: 'danger', autohide: false, tag: options?.tag || body, ...options } return dispatchToast(toast) } }), [dispatchToast, removeToast]) // Only clear toasts with no cancel function on page navigation // since navigation should not interfere with being able to cancel an action. useEffect(() => { const handleRouteChangeStart = () => setToasts(toasts => toasts.length > 0 ? toasts.filter(({ persistOnNavigate }) => persistOnNavigate) : toasts)'routeChangeStart', handleRouteChangeStart) return () => {'routeChangeStart', handleRouteChangeStart) } }, [, setToasts]) // this function merges toasts with the same tag into one toast. // for example: 3x 'zap pending' -> '(3) zap pending' const tagReducer = (toasts, toast) => { const { tag } = toast // has tag? if (!tag) return [...toasts, toast] // existing tag? const idx = toasts.findIndex(toast => toast.tag === tag) if (idx === -1) return [...toasts, toast] // merge toasts with same tag const prevToast = toasts[idx] let { amount } = prevToast amount = amount ? amount + 1 : 2 const body = `(${amount}) ${toast.body}` return [ ...toasts.slice(0, idx), { ...toast, amount, body }, ...toasts.slice(idx + 1) ] } // only show toast with highest ID of each tag const visibleToasts = toasts.reduce(tagReducer, []) return ( { => { const textStyle = toast.variant === 'warning' ? 'text-dark' : '' const onClose = () => { toast.onClose?.() removeToast(toast) } // a toast is unhidden if it was hidden before since it now gets rendered const unhidden = toast.hidden // we only need to start the animation at a different timing when it was hidden by another toast before. // if we don't do this, the animation for rerendered toasts skips ahead and toast delay and animation get out of sync. const elapsed = (+new Date() - toast.createdAt) const animationDelay = unhidden ? `-${elapsed}ms` : undefined const animationDuration = `${toast.delay}ms` return ( removeToast(toast)} >
{toast.progressBar &&
} ) })} {children} ) } export const useToast = () => useContext(ToastContext)