import Alert from 'react-bootstrap/Alert' import styles from './banners.module.css' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { useMe } from '@/components/me' import { useMutation } from '@apollo/client' import { WELCOME_BANNER_MUTATION } from '@/fragments/users' import { useToast } from '@/components/toast' import { BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS } from '@/lib/constants' import { msatsToSats, numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format' export function WelcomeBanner ({ Banner }) { const { me } = useMe() const toaster = useToast() const [hidden, setHidden] = useState(true) const handleClose = async () => { window.localStorage.setItem('hideWelcomeBanner', true) setHidden(true) if (me) { try { await hideWelcomeBanner() } catch (err) { console.log(err) toaster.danger('mutation failed') } } } const [hideWelcomeBanner] = useMutation(WELCOME_BANNER_MUTATION, { update (cache) { cache.modify({ id: `User:${}`, fields: { hideWelcomeBanner () { return true } } }) } }) useEffect(() => { setHidden(me?.privates?.hideWelcomeBanner || (!me && window.localStorage.getItem('hideWelcomeBanner'))) }, [me?.privates?.hideWelcomeBanner]) if (hidden) return null return Banner ? : ( 👋 Welcome to Stacker News!

To get started, check out our{' '} FAQs or{' '} content guidelines, or go ahead and{' '} { me ? ( make a post ) : ( <> sign up or create an{' '} anonymous post ) }.

) } export function MadnessBanner ({ handleClose }) { const { me } = useMe() return ( ⚡️ Million Sat Madness Is Here! {me ? (
We're giving away 3 million sats to the top Stacker News contributors in March. See the leaderboard!
How does Million Sat Madness work? Click here.
) : (
We're giving away 3 million sats to the top Stacker News contributors in March. Sign up!
Need help? Check out our FAQs.
) } export function WalletLimitBanner () { const { me } = useMe() const limitReached = me?.privates?.sats >= msatsToSats(BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS) if (!me || !limitReached) return return ( Your wallet is over the current limit ({numWithUnits(msatsToSats(BALANCE_LIMIT_MSATS))})

Deposits to your wallet from outside of SN are blocked.

Please spend or withdraw sats to restore full wallet functionality.

) } export function WalletSecurityBanner ({ isActive }) { return ( Gunslingin' Safety Tips

Listen up, pardner! Put a limit on yer spendin' wallet or hook up a wallet that's only for Stacker News. It'll keep them varmints from cleanin' out yer whole goldmine if they rustle up yer wallet.

Your spending wallet's credentials are never sent to our servers in plain text. To sync across devices, enable device sync in your settings.

) } export function AuthBanner () { return ( Please add a second auth method to avoid losing access to your account. ) }