/* we want to take all the validate members from the provided wallet and compose into a single yup schema for formik validation ... the validate member can be on of: - a yup schema - a function that throws on an invalid value - a regular expression that must match */ import { autowithdrawSchemaMembers } from '@/lib/validate' import * as Yup from '@/lib/yup' import { canReceive } from './common' export default async function validateWallet (walletDef, data, options = { abortEarly: true, topLevel: true }) { let schema = composeWalletSchema(walletDef) if (canReceive({ def: walletDef, config: data })) { schema = schema.concat(autowithdrawSchemaMembers) } await schema.validate(data, options) const casted = schema.cast(data, { assert: false }) if (options.topLevel && walletDef.validate) { await walletDef.validate(casted) } return casted } function createFieldSchema (name, validate) { if (!validate) { throw new Error(`No validation provided for field ${name}`) } if (Yup.isSchema(validate)) { // If validate is already a Yup schema, return it directly return validate } else if (typeof validate === 'function') { // If validate is a function, create a custom Yup test return Yup.mixed().test({ name, test: (value, context) => { try { validate(value) return true } catch (error) { return context.createError({ message: error.message }) } } }) } else if (validate instanceof RegExp) { // If validate is a regular expression, use Yup.matches return Yup.string().matches(validate, `${name} is invalid`) } else { throw new Error(`validate for ${name} must be a yup schema, function, or regular expression`) } } function composeWalletSchema (walletDef) { const { fields } = walletDef const schemaShape = fields.reduce((acc, field) => { const { name, validate, optional, requiredWithout } = field acc[name] = createFieldSchema(name, validate) if (!optional) { acc[name] = acc[name].required('Required') } else if (requiredWithout) { acc[name] = acc[name].when([requiredWithout], ([pairSetting], schema) => { if (!pairSetting) return schema.required(`required if ${requiredWithout} not set`) return Yup.mixed().or([schema.test({ test: value => value !== pairSetting, message: `${name} cannot be the same as ${requiredWithout}` }), Yup.mixed().notRequired()]) }) } return acc }, {}) // we use Object.keys(schemaShape).reverse() to avoid cyclic dependencies in Yup schema // see https://github.com/jquense/yup/issues/176#issuecomment-367352042 const composedSchema = Yup.object().shape(schemaShape, Object.keys(schemaShape).reverse()).concat(Yup.object({ enabled: Yup.boolean(), priority: Yup.number().min(0, 'must be at least 0').max(100, 'must be at most 100') })) return composedSchema }