import { gql } from 'graphql-tag' import Link from 'next/link' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { getGetServerSideProps } from '@/api/ssrApollo' import { CopyInput, Select, DatePicker } from '@/components/form' import { CenterLayout } from '@/components/layout' import { useMe } from '@/components/me' import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client' import PageLoading from '@/components/page-loading' import { WHENS } from '@/lib/constants' import dynamic from 'next/dynamic' import { numWithUnits } from '@/lib/format' import { whenToFrom } from '@/lib/time' import { WhenComposedChartSkeleton } from '@/components/charts-skeletons' const WhenComposedChart = dynamic(() => import('@/components/charts').then(mod => mod.WhenComposedChart), { loading: () => <WhenComposedChartSkeleton /> }) const REFERRALS = gql` query Referrals($when: String!, $from: String, $to: String) { referrals(when: $when, from: $from, to: $to) { totalSats totalReferrals stats { time data { name value } } } }` export const getServerSideProps = getGetServerSideProps({ query: REFERRALS, authRequired: true }) export default function Referrals ({ ssrData }) { const router = useRouter() const me = useMe() const select = async values => { const { when, ...query } = values if (when !== 'custom') { delete query.from; delete } if (query.from && ! return await router.push({ pathname: `/referrals/${when}`, query }) } const { data } = useQuery(REFERRALS, { variables: { when: router.query.when, from: router.query.from, to: } }) if (!data && !ssrData) return <PageLoading /> const { referrals: { totalSats, totalReferrals, stats } } = data || ssrData const when = router.query.when return ( <CenterLayout footerLinks> <div className='fw-bold text-muted text-center pt-5 pb-3 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center flex-wrap'> <h4 className='fw-bold text-muted text-center d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center'> {numWithUnits(totalReferrals, { unitPlural: 'referrals', unitSingular: 'referral' })} & {numWithUnits(totalSats, { abbreviate: false })} in the last <Select groupClassName='mb-0 mx-2' className='w-auto' name='when' size='sm' items={WHENS} value={router.query.when || 'day'} noForm onChange={(formik, e) => { const range = === 'custom' ? { from: whenToFrom(when), to: } : {} select({ when:, ...range }) }} /> </h4> {when === 'custom' && <DatePicker noForm fromName='from' toName='to' className='p-0 px-2' onChange={(formik, [from, to], e) => { select({ when, from: from.getTime(), to: to.getTime() }) }} from={router.query.from} to={} when={router.query.when} />} </div> <WhenComposedChart data={stats} lineNames={['sats']} barNames={['referrals']} barAxis='right' /> <div className='text-small pt-5 px-3 d-flex w-100 align-items-center' > <div className='nav-item text-muted pe-2' style={{ 'white-space': 'nowrap' }}>referral link:</div> <CopyInput size='sm' groupClassName='mb-0 w-100' readOnly noForm placeholder={`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_URL}/r/${}`} /> </div> <ul className='py-3 text-muted'> <li>{`appending /r/${} to any SN link makes it a ref link`} <ul> <li>e.g.{}</li> </ul> </li> <li>earn 21% of boost and job fees spent by referred stackers</li> <li>earn 2.1% of all zaps received by referred stackers</li> <li><Link href='/invites'>invite links</Link> are also implicitly referral links</li> </ul> </CenterLayout> ) }