import AccordianItem from './accordian-item' import { Col, InputGroup, Row, Form as BootstrapForm, Badge } from 'react-bootstrap' import { Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, Form, Input, MarkdownInput } from './form' import FeeButton, { FeeButtonProvider } from './fee-button' import { gql, useApolloClient, useLazyQuery } from '@apollo/client' import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { MAX_TERRITORY_DESC_LENGTH, POST_TYPES, TERRITORY_BILLING_OPTIONS, TERRITORY_PERIOD_COST } from '@/lib/constants' import { territorySchema } from '@/lib/validate' import { useMe } from './me' import Info from './info' import { abbrNum } from '@/lib/format' import { purchasedType } from '@/lib/territory' import { SUB } from '@/fragments/subs' import { usePaidMutation } from './use-paid-mutation' import { UNARCHIVE_TERRITORY, UPSERT_SUB } from '@/fragments/paidAction' export default function TerritoryForm ({ sub }) { const router = useRouter() const client = useApolloClient() const { me } = useMe() const [upsertSub] = usePaidMutation(UPSERT_SUB) const [unarchiveTerritory] = usePaidMutation(UNARCHIVE_TERRITORY) const schema = territorySchema({ client, me, sub }) const [fetchSub] = useLazyQuery(SUB) const [archived, setArchived] = useState(false) const onNameChange = useCallback(async (formik, e) => { // never show "territory archived" warning during edits if (sub) return const name = const { data } = await fetchSub({ variables: { sub: name } }) setArchived(data?.sub?.status === 'STOPPED') }, [fetchSub, setArchived]) const onSubmit = useCallback( async ({ ...variables }) => { const { error, payError } = archived ? await unarchiveTerritory({ variables }) : await upsertSub({ variables: { oldName: sub?.name, ...variables } }) if (error) throw error if (payError) return // modify graphql cache to include new sub client.cache.modify({ fields: { subs (existing = [], { readField }) { const newSubRef = client.cache.writeFragment({ data: { __typename: 'Sub', name: }, fragment: gql` fragment SubSubmitFragment on Sub { name }` }) if (existing.some(ref => readField('name', ref) === { return existing } return [...existing, newSubRef] } } }) await router.push(`/~${}`) }, [client, upsertSub, unarchiveTerritory, router, archived] ) const [billing, setBilling] = useState((sub?.billingType || 'MONTHLY').toLowerCase()) const lineItems = useMemo(() => { const lines = { territory: TERRITORY_BILLING_OPTIONS('first')[billing] } if (!sub) return lines // we are changing billing type so prorate the change if (sub?.billingType?.toLowerCase() !== billing) { const alreadyBilled = TERRITORY_PERIOD_COST(purchasedType(sub)) lines.paid = { term: `- ${abbrNum(alreadyBilled)} sats`, label: 'already paid', op: '-', modifier: cost => cost - alreadyBilled } return lines } }, [sub, billing]) return ( <FeeButtonProvider baseLineItems={lineItems}> <Form initial={{ name: sub?.name || '', desc: sub?.desc || '', baseCost: sub?.baseCost || 10, postTypes: sub?.postTypes || POST_TYPES, billingType: sub?.billingType || 'MONTHLY', billingAutoRenew: sub?.billingAutoRenew || false, moderated: sub?.moderated || false, nsfw: sub?.nsfw || false }} schema={schema} onSubmit={onSubmit} className='mb-5' storageKeyPrefix={sub ? undefined : 'territory'} > <Input label='name' name='name' required autoFocus clear maxLength={32} prepend={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>~</InputGroup.Text>} onChange={onNameChange} warn={archived && ( <div className='d-flex align-items-center'>this territory is archived <Info> <ul> <li>This territory got archived because the previous founder did not pay for the upkeep</li> <li>You can proceed but will inherit the old content</li> </ul> </Info> </div> )} /> <MarkdownInput label='description' name='desc' maxLength={MAX_TERRITORY_DESC_LENGTH} required minRows={3} /> <Input label='post cost' name='baseCost' type='number' required append={<InputGroup.Text className='text-monospace'>sats</InputGroup.Text>} /> <CheckboxGroup label='post types' name='postTypes'> <Row> <Col xs={4} sm='auto'> <Checkbox inline label='links' value='LINK' name='postTypes' id='links-checkbox' groupClassName='ms-1 mb-0' /> </Col> <Col xs={4} sm='auto'> <Checkbox inline label='discussions' value='DISCUSSION' name='postTypes' id='discussions-checkbox' groupClassName='ms-1 mb-0' /> </Col> <Col xs={4} sm='auto'> <Checkbox inline label='bounties' value='BOUNTY' name='postTypes' id='bounties-checkbox' groupClassName='ms-1 mb-0' /> </Col> <Col xs={4} sm='auto'> <Checkbox inline label='polls' value='POLL' name='postTypes' id='polls-checkbox' groupClassName='ms-1 mb-0' /> </Col> </Row> </CheckboxGroup> {sub?.billingType !== 'ONCE' && <> <CheckboxGroup label={ <span className='d-flex align-items-center'>billing {sub && sub.billingType !== 'ONCE' && <Info> You will be credited what you paid for your current billing period when you change your billing period to a longer duration. If you change from yearly to monthly, when your year ends, your monthly billing will begin. </Info>} </span> } name='billing' groupClassName={billing !== 'once' ? 'mb-0' : ''} > <Checkbox type='radio' label='100k sats/month' value='MONTHLY' name='billingType' id='monthly-checkbox' handleChange={checked => checked && setBilling('monthly')} groupClassName='ms-1 mb-0' /> <Checkbox type='radio' label='1m sats/year' value='YEARLY' name='billingType' id='yearly-checkbox' handleChange={checked => checked && setBilling('yearly')} groupClassName='ms-1 mb-0' /> <Checkbox type='radio' label='3m sats once' value='ONCE' name='billingType' id='once-checkbox' handleChange={checked => checked && setBilling('once')} groupClassName='ms-1 mb-0' /> </CheckboxGroup> {billing !== 'once' && <Checkbox label='auto-renew' name='billingAutoRenew' groupClassName='ms-1 mt-2' />} </>} <AccordianItem header={<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '92%' }}>options</div>} body={ <> <BootstrapForm.Label>moderation</BootstrapForm.Label> <Checkbox inline label={ <div className='d-flex align-items-center'>enable moderation <Info> <ol> <li>Outlaw posts and comments with a click</li> <li>Your territory will get a <Badge bg='secondary'>moderated</Badge> badge</li> </ol> </Info> </div> } name='moderated' groupClassName='ms-1' /> <BootstrapForm.Label>nsfw</BootstrapForm.Label> <Checkbox inline label={ <div className='d-flex align-items-center'>mark as nsfw <Info> <ol> <li>Let stackers know that your territory may contain explicit content</li> <li>Your territory will get a <Badge bg='secondary'>nsfw</Badge> badge</li> </ol> </Info> </div> } name='nsfw' groupClassName='ms-1' /> </> } /> <div className='mt-3 d-flex justify-content-end'> <FeeButton text={sub ? 'save' : 'found it'} variant='secondary' disabled={sub?.status === 'STOPPED'} /> </div> </Form> </FeeButtonProvider> ) }