const WebSocket = require('ws') // You might need to install this: npm install ws const { nip19 } = require('nostr-tools') // Keep this for formatting // ANSI color codes const colors = { reset: '\x1b[0m', bright: '\x1b[1m', dim: '\x1b[2m', underscore: '\x1b[4m', blink: '\x1b[5m', reverse: '\x1b[7m', hidden: '\x1b[8m', fg: { black: '\x1b[30m', red: '\x1b[31m', green: '\x1b[32m', yellow: '\x1b[33m', blue: '\x1b[34m', magenta: '\x1b[35m', cyan: '\x1b[36m', white: '\x1b[37m', gray: '\x1b[90m', crimson: '\x1b[38m' }, bg: { black: '\x1b[40m', red: '\x1b[41m', green: '\x1b[42m', yellow: '\x1b[43m', blue: '\x1b[44m', magenta: '\x1b[45m', cyan: '\x1b[46m', white: '\x1b[47m', gray: '\x1b[100m', crimson: '\x1b[48m' } } /** * Checks if a URL is a media file or hosted on a media platform * @param {String} url - URL to check * @returns {Boolean} - true if it's likely a media URL */ function isMediaUrl (url) { // Check for common media file extensions const mediaExtensions = /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|tiff|ico|mp4|webm|mov|avi|mkv|flv|wmv|mp3|wav|ogg|flac|aac|m4a)($|\?)/i if (mediaExtensions.test(url)) return true // Check for common media hosting platforms const mediaHostingPatterns = [ // Image hosting /nostr\.build\/[ai]\/\w+/i, /i\.imgur\.com\/\w+/i, /i\.ibb\.co\/\w+\//i, // Video hosting /tenor\.com\/view\//i, /giphy\.com\/gifs\//i, // Audio hosting /soundcloud\.com\//i, /spotify\.com\//i ] // Check each pattern for (const pattern of mediaHostingPatterns) { if (pattern.test(url)) return true } return false } /** * Fetches events from Nostr relays using WebSockets * @param {Array} relayUrls - Array of relay URLs * @param {Object} filter - Nostr filter object * @param {Number} timeoutMs - Timeout in milliseconds * @returns {Promise} - Array of events matching the filter */ async function fetchEvents (relayUrls, filter, timeoutMs = 10000) { console.log(`Fetching events with filter: ${JSON.stringify(filter)}`) const events = [] for (const url of relayUrls) { try { const ws = new WebSocket(url) const relayEvents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { ws.close() resolve([]) // Resolve with empty array on timeout }, timeoutMs) const localEvents = [] ws.on('open', () => { // Create a unique request ID const requestId = `req${Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)}` // Format and send the request const request = JSON.stringify(['REQ', requestId, filter]) ws.send(request) ws.on('message', (data) => { try { const message = JSON.parse(data.toString()) // Check if it's an EVENT message if (message[0] === 'EVENT' && message[2]) { localEvents.push(message[2]) } else if (message[0] === 'EOSE') { clearTimeout(timeout) ws.close() resolve(localEvents) } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error parsing message: ${error.message}`) } }) }) ws.on('error', (error) => { console.error(`WebSocket error for ${url}: ${error.message}`) clearTimeout(timeout) resolve([]) // Resolve with empty array on error }) ws.on('close', () => { clearTimeout(timeout) resolve(localEvents) }) }) console.log(`Got ${relayEvents.length} events from ${url}`) events.push(...relayEvents) } catch (error) { console.error(`Error connecting to ${url}: ${error.message}`) } } // Remove duplicates based on event ID const uniqueEvents = {} events.forEach(event => { if (!uniqueEvents[]) { uniqueEvents[] = event } }) return Object.values(uniqueEvents) } /** * Get Nostr notes from followings of specified users that contain external links * and were posted within the specified time interval. * * @param {Array} userPubkeys - Array of Nostr user public keys * @param {Number} timeIntervalHours - Number of hours to look back from now * @param {Array} relayUrls - Array of Nostr relay URLs * @returns {Promise} - Array of note objects containing external links within the time interval */ async function getNotesWithLinks (userPubkeys, timeIntervalHours, relayUrls) { // Calculate the cutoff time in seconds (Nostr uses UNIX timestamp) const now = Math.floor( / 1000) const cutoffTime = now - (timeIntervalHours * 60 * 60) const allNotesWithLinks = [] const allFollowedPubkeys = new Set() // To collect all followed pubkeys // First get the followings for each user for (const pubkey of userPubkeys) { try { console.log(`Fetching follow list for ${pubkey} from ${relayUrls.length} relays...`) // Get the most recent contact list (kind 3) const followListEvents = await fetchEvents(relayUrls, { kinds: [3], authors: [pubkey] }) if (followListEvents.length === 0) { console.log(`No follow list found for user ${pubkey}. Verify this pubkey has contacts on these relays.`) continue } // Find the most recent follow list event const latestFollowList = followListEvents.reduce((latest, event) => !latest || event.created_at > latest.created_at ? event : latest, null) if (!latestFollowList) { console.log(`No valid follow list found for user ${pubkey}`) continue } console.log(`Found follow list created at: ${new Date(latestFollowList.created_at * 1000).toISOString()}`) // Check if tags property exists if (!latestFollowList.tags) { console.log(`No tags found in follow list for user ${pubkey}`) console.log('Follow list data:', JSON.stringify(latestFollowList, null, 2)) continue } // Extract followed pubkeys from the follow list (tag type 'p') const followedPubkeys = latestFollowList.tags .filter(tag => tag[0] === 'p') .map(tag => tag[1]) if (!followedPubkeys || followedPubkeys.length === 0) { console.log(`No followed users found for user ${pubkey}`) continue } // Add all followed pubkeys to our set followedPubkeys.forEach(pk => allFollowedPubkeys.add(pk)) console.log(`Added ${followedPubkeys.length} followed users for ${pubkey} (total: ${allFollowedPubkeys.size})`) } catch (error) { console.error(`Error processing user ${pubkey}:`, error) } } // If we found any followed pubkeys, fetch their notes in a single batch if (allFollowedPubkeys.size > 0) { console.log(`Fetching notes from ${allFollowedPubkeys.size} followed users in a single batch...`) // Convert Set to Array for the filter const followedPubkeysArray = Array.from(allFollowedPubkeys) // Fetch notes from all followed users at once const notes = await fetchEvents(relayUrls, { kinds: [1], authors: followedPubkeysArray, since: cutoffTime }, 30000) // Use a longer timeout for this larger query console.log(`Retrieved ${notes.length} total notes from followed users`) // Filter notes that have URLs (excluding notes with only media URLs) const notesWithUrls = notes.filter(note => { // Extract all URLs from content const urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g const matches = note.content.match(urlRegex) || [] if (matches.length === 0) return false // No URLs at all // Check if any URL is not a media file const hasNonMediaUrl = matches.some(url => !isMediaUrl(url)) return hasNonMediaUrl }) console.log(`Found ${notesWithUrls.length} notes containing non-media URLs`) // Get all unique authors from the filtered notes const authorsWithUrls = new Set( => note.pubkey)) console.log(`Notes with URLs came from ${authorsWithUrls.size} unique authors`) // Fetch metadata for all relevant authors in a single batch if (authorsWithUrls.size > 0) { console.log(`Fetching metadata for ${authorsWithUrls.size} authors...`) const allMetadata = await fetchEvents(relayUrls, { kinds: [0], authors: Array.from(authorsWithUrls) }) // Create a map of author pubkey to their latest metadata const metadataByAuthor = {} allMetadata.forEach(meta => { if (!metadataByAuthor[meta.pubkey] || meta.created_at > metadataByAuthor[meta.pubkey].created_at) { metadataByAuthor[meta.pubkey] = meta } }) // Attach metadata to notes for (const note of notesWithUrls) { if (metadataByAuthor[note.pubkey]) { try { const metadata = JSON.parse(metadataByAuthor[note.pubkey].content) note.userMetadata = metadata } catch (e) { console.error(`Error parsing metadata for ${note.pubkey}: ${e.message}`) } } } } // Add all notes with URLs to our results allNotesWithLinks.push(...notesWithUrls) } return allNotesWithLinks } /** * Format the notes for display with colorful output * * @param {Array} notes - Array of note objects * @returns {String} - Formatted string with note information */ function formatNoteOutput (notes) { const output = [] for (const note of notes) { // Get note ID as npub const noteId = nip19.noteEncode( const pubkey = nip19.npubEncode(note.pubkey) // Get user display name or fall back to npub const userName = note.userMetadata ? (note.userMetadata.display_name || || pubkey) : pubkey // Get timestamp as readable date const timestamp = new Date(note.created_at * 1000).toISOString() // Extract URLs from content, marking media URLs with colors const urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g const matches = note.content.match(urlRegex) || [] // Format URLs with colors const markedUrls = => { const isMedia = isMediaUrl(url) if (isMedia) { return `${colors.fg.gray}${url}${colors.reset} (media)` } else { return `${colors.bright}${colors.fg.cyan}${url}${colors.reset}` } }) // Format output with colors output.push(`${colors.bright}${colors.fg.yellow}Note by ${colors.fg.magenta}${userName}${colors.fg.yellow} at ${timestamp}${colors.reset}`) output.push(`${}Note ID: ${colors.reset}${noteId}`) output.push(`${}Pubkey: ${colors.reset}${pubkey}`) // Add links with a heading output.push(`${colors.bright}${}External URLs:${colors.reset}`) markedUrls.forEach(url => { output.push(` • ${url}`) }) // Add content with a heading output.push(`${colors.bright}${}Note content:${colors.reset}`) // Colorize any links in content when displaying let coloredContent = note.content for (const url of matches) { const isMedia = isMediaUrl(url) const colorCode = isMedia ? colors.fg.gray : colors.bright + colors.fg.cyan coloredContent = coloredContent.replace( new RegExp(escapeRegExp(url), 'g'), `${colorCode}${url}${colors.reset}` ) } output.push(coloredContent) output.push(`${colors.fg.yellow}${'-'.repeat(50)}${colors.reset}`) } return output.join('\n') } /** * Escape special characters for use in a regular expression * @param {String} string - String to escape * @returns {String} - Escaped string */ function escapeRegExp (string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') } /** * Main function to execute the script */ async function main () { // Example usage const userPubkey = '05933d8782d155d10cf8a06f37962f329855188063903d332714fbd881bac46e' // List of relays that were working in our test const relayUrls = [ 'wss://', 'wss://', 'wss://', 'wss://', 'wss://', 'wss://' ] try { console.log(`${colors.bright}${}Fetching notes with links...${colors.reset}`) const notesWithLinks = await getNotesWithLinks([userPubkey], 24, relayUrls) if (notesWithLinks.length > 0) { const formattedOutput = formatNoteOutput(notesWithLinks) console.log(formattedOutput) console.log(`${colors.bright}${}Total notes with links: ${notesWithLinks.length}${colors.reset}`) } else { console.log(`${colors.fg.yellow}No notes with links found in the specified time interval.${colors.reset}`) } } catch (error) { console.error(`${}Error: ${error}${colors.reset}`) } } // Execute the script main()