* Poll failed invoices with visibility timeout * Don't return intermediate failed invoices * Don't retry too old invoices * Retry invoices on client * Only attempt payment 3 times * Fix fallbacks during last retry * Rename retry column to paymentAttempt * Fix no index used * Resolve TODOs * Use expiring locks * Better comments for constants * Acquire lock during retry * Use expiring lock in retry mutation * Use now() instead of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP * Cosmetic changes * Immediately show failed post payments in notifications * Update hasNewNotes * Never retry on user cancel For a consistent UX and less mental overhead, I decided to remove the exception for ITEM_CREATE where it would still retry in the background even though we want to show the payment failure immediately in notifications. * Fix notifications without pending retries missing if no send wallets If a stacker has no send wallets, they would miss notifications about failed payments because they would never get retried. This commit fixes this by making the notifications query aware if the stacker has send wallets. This way, it can tell if a notification will be retried or not. * Stop hiding userCancel in notifications As mentioned in a previous commit, I want to show anything that will not be attempted anymore in notifications. Before, I wanted to hide manually cancelled invoices but to not change experience unnecessarily and to decrease mental overhead, I changed my mind. * Also consider invoice.cancelledAt in notifications * Always retry failed payments, even without send wallets * Fix notification indicator on retry timeout * Set invoice.updated_at to date slightly in the future * Use default job priority * Stop retrying after one hour * Remove special case for ITEM_CREATE * Replace retryTimeout job with notification indicator query * Fix sortTime --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com>
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import { createHodlInvoice, createInvoice, parsePaymentRequest } from 'ln-service'
import { datePivot } from '@/lib/time'
import { PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS, USER_ID } from '@/lib/constants'
import { createHmac } from '@/api/resolvers/wallet'
import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'
import { createWrappedInvoice, createInvoice as createUserInvoice } from '@/wallets/server'
import { assertBelowMaxPendingInvoices, assertBelowMaxPendingDirectPayments } from './lib/assert'
import * as ITEM_CREATE from './itemCreate'
import * as ITEM_UPDATE from './itemUpdate'
import * as ZAP from './zap'
import * as DOWN_ZAP from './downZap'
import * as POLL_VOTE from './pollVote'
import * as TERRITORY_CREATE from './territoryCreate'
import * as TERRITORY_UPDATE from './territoryUpdate'
import * as TERRITORY_BILLING from './territoryBilling'
import * as TERRITORY_UNARCHIVE from './territoryUnarchive'
import * as DONATE from './donate'
import * as BOOST from './boost'
import * as RECEIVE from './receive'
import * as BUY_CREDITS from './buyCredits'
import * as INVITE_GIFT from './inviteGift'
export const paidActions = {
export default async function performPaidAction (actionType, args, incomingContext) {
try {
const { me, models, forcePaymentMethod } = incomingContext
const paidAction = paidActions[actionType]
console.group('performPaidAction', actionType, args)
if (!paidAction) {
throw new Error(`Invalid action type ${actionType}`)
if (!me && !paidAction.anonable) {
throw new Error('You must be logged in to perform this action')
// treat context as immutable
const contextWithMe = {
me: me ? await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(me.id) } }) : undefined
const context = {
cost: await paidAction.getCost(args, contextWithMe),
sybilFeePercent: await paidAction.getSybilFeePercent?.(args, contextWithMe)
// special case for zero cost actions
if (context.cost === 0n) {
console.log('performing zero cost action')
return await performNoInvoiceAction(actionType, args, { ...context, paymentMethod: 'ZERO_COST' })
for (const paymentMethod of paidAction.paymentMethods) {
console.log(`considering payment method ${paymentMethod}`)
const contextWithPaymentMethod = { ...context, paymentMethod }
if (forcePaymentMethod &&
paymentMethod !== forcePaymentMethod) {
console.log('skipping payment method', paymentMethod, 'because forcePaymentMethod is set to', forcePaymentMethod)
// payment methods that anonymous users can use
if (paymentMethod === PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.P2P) {
try {
return await performP2PAction(actionType, args, contextWithPaymentMethod)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof NonInvoiceablePeerError) {
console.log('peer cannot be invoiced, skipping')
console.error(`${paymentMethod} action failed`, e)
throw e
return await beginPessimisticAction(actionType, args, contextWithPaymentMethod)
// additional payment methods that logged in users can use
if (me) {
try {
return await performNoInvoiceAction(actionType, args, contextWithPaymentMethod)
} catch (e) {
// if we fail with fee credits or reward sats, but not because of insufficient funds, bail
console.error(`${paymentMethod} action failed`, e)
if (!e.message.includes('\\"users\\" violates check constraint \\"msats_positive\\"') &&
!e.message.includes('\\"users\\" violates check constraint \\"mcredits_positive\\"')) {
throw e
} else if (paymentMethod === PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.OPTIMISTIC) {
return await performOptimisticAction(actionType, args, contextWithPaymentMethod)
} else if (paymentMethod === PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.DIRECT) {
try {
return await performDirectAction(actionType, args, contextWithPaymentMethod)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof NonInvoiceablePeerError) {
console.log('peer cannot be invoiced, skipping')
console.error(`${paymentMethod} action failed`, e)
throw e
throw new Error('No working payment method found')
} catch (e) {
console.error('performPaidAction failed', e)
throw e
} finally {
async function performNoInvoiceAction (actionType, args, incomingContext) {
const { me, models, cost, paymentMethod } = incomingContext
const action = paidActions[actionType]
const result = await models.$transaction(async tx => {
const context = { ...incomingContext, tx }
if (paymentMethod === 'FEE_CREDIT') {
await tx.user.update({
where: {
id: me?.id ?? USER_ID.anon
data: { mcredits: { decrement: cost } }
} else if (paymentMethod === PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.REWARD_SATS) {
await tx.user.update({
where: {
id: me?.id ?? USER_ID.anon
data: { msats: { decrement: cost } }
const result = await action.perform(args, context)
await action.onPaid?.(result, context)
return {
}, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted })
// run non critical side effects in the background
// after the transaction has been committed
action.nonCriticalSideEffects?.(result.result, incomingContext).catch(console.error)
return result
async function performOptimisticAction (actionType, args, incomingContext) {
const { models, invoiceArgs: incomingInvoiceArgs } = incomingContext
const action = paidActions[actionType]
const optimisticContext = { ...incomingContext, optimistic: true }
const invoiceArgs = incomingInvoiceArgs ?? await createSNInvoice(actionType, args, optimisticContext)
return await models.$transaction(async tx => {
const context = { ...optimisticContext, tx, invoiceArgs }
const invoice = await createDbInvoice(actionType, args, context)
return {
result: await action.perform?.({ invoiceId: invoice.id, ...args }, context),
paymentMethod: 'OPTIMISTIC'
}, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted })
async function beginPessimisticAction (actionType, args, context) {
const action = paidActions[actionType]
if (!action.paymentMethods.includes(PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.PESSIMISTIC)) {
throw new Error(`This action ${actionType} does not support pessimistic invoicing`)
// just create the invoice and complete action when it's paid
const invoiceArgs = context.invoiceArgs ?? await createSNInvoice(actionType, args, context)
return {
invoice: await createDbInvoice(actionType, args, { ...context, invoiceArgs }),
paymentMethod: 'PESSIMISTIC'
async function performP2PAction (actionType, args, incomingContext) {
// if the action has an invoiceable peer, we'll create a peer invoice
// wrap it, and return the wrapped invoice
const { cost, sybilFeePercent, models, lnd, me } = incomingContext
if (!sybilFeePercent) {
throw new Error('sybil fee percent is not set for an invoiceable peer action')
const userId = await paidActions[actionType]?.getInvoiceablePeer?.(args, incomingContext)
if (!userId) {
throw new NonInvoiceablePeerError()
let context
try {
await assertBelowMaxPendingInvoices(incomingContext)
const description = await paidActions[actionType].describe(args, incomingContext)
const { invoice, wrappedInvoice, wallet, maxFee } = await createWrappedInvoice(userId, {
msats: cost,
feePercent: sybilFeePercent,
}, { models, me, lnd })
context = {
invoiceArgs: {
bolt11: invoice,
wrappedBolt11: wrappedInvoice,
} catch (e) {
console.error('failed to create wrapped invoice', e)
throw new NonInvoiceablePeerError()
return me
? await performOptimisticAction(actionType, args, context)
: await beginPessimisticAction(actionType, args, context)
// we don't need to use the module for perform-ing outside actions
// because we can't track the state of outside invoices we aren't paid/paying
async function performDirectAction (actionType, args, incomingContext) {
const { models, lnd, cost } = incomingContext
const { comment, lud18Data, noteStr, description: actionDescription } = args
const userId = await paidActions[actionType]?.getInvoiceablePeer?.(args, incomingContext)
if (!userId) {
throw new NonInvoiceablePeerError()
let invoiceObject
try {
await assertBelowMaxPendingDirectPayments(userId, incomingContext)
const description = actionDescription ?? await paidActions[actionType].describe(args, incomingContext)
invoiceObject = await createUserInvoice(userId, {
msats: cost,
}, { models, lnd })
} catch (e) {
console.error('failed to create outside invoice', e)
throw new NonInvoiceablePeerError()
const { invoice, wallet } = invoiceObject
const hash = parsePaymentRequest({ request: invoice }).id
const payment = await models.directPayment.create({
data: {
desc: noteStr,
bolt11: invoice,
msats: cost,
walletId: wallet.id,
receiverId: userId
return {
invoice: payment,
paymentMethod: 'DIRECT'
export async function retryPaidAction (actionType, args, incomingContext) {
const { models, me } = incomingContext
const { invoice: failedInvoice } = args
console.log('retryPaidAction', actionType, args)
const action = paidActions[actionType]
if (!action) {
throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - invalid action type ${actionType}`)
if (!me) {
throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - must be logged in ${actionType}`)
if (!failedInvoice) {
throw new Error(`retryPaidAction - missing invoice ${actionType}`)
const { msatsRequested, actionId, actionArgs, actionOptimistic } = failedInvoice
const retryContext = {
optimistic: actionOptimistic,
me: await models.user.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(me.id) } }),
cost: BigInt(msatsRequested),
predecessorId: failedInvoice.id
let invoiceArgs
const invoiceForward = await models.invoiceForward.findUnique({
where: {
invoiceId: failedInvoice.id
include: {
wallet: true
if (invoiceForward) {
// this is a wrapped invoice, we need to retry it with receiver fallbacks
try {
const { userId } = invoiceForward.wallet
// this will return an invoice from the first receiver wallet that didn't fail yet and throw if none is available
const { invoice: bolt11, wrappedInvoice: wrappedBolt11, wallet, maxFee } = await createWrappedInvoice(userId, {
msats: failedInvoice.msatsRequested,
feePercent: await action.getSybilFeePercent?.(actionArgs, retryContext),
description: await action.describe?.(actionArgs, retryContext),
}, retryContext)
invoiceArgs = { bolt11, wrappedBolt11, wallet, maxFee }
} catch (err) {
console.log('failed to retry wrapped invoice, falling back to SN:', err)
invoiceArgs ??= await createSNInvoice(actionType, actionArgs, retryContext)
return await models.$transaction(async tx => {
const context = { ...retryContext, tx, invoiceArgs }
// update the old invoice to RETRYING, so that it's not confused with FAILED
await tx.invoice.update({
where: {
id: failedInvoice.id,
actionState: 'FAILED'
data: {
actionState: 'RETRYING'
// create a new invoice
const invoice = await createDbInvoice(actionType, actionArgs, context)
return {
result: await action.retry?.({ invoiceId: failedInvoice.id, newInvoiceId: invoice.id }, context),
paymentMethod: actionOptimistic ? 'OPTIMISTIC' : 'PESSIMISTIC'
}, { isolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadCommitted })
export class NonInvoiceablePeerError extends Error {
constructor () {
super('non invoiceable peer')
this.name = 'NonInvoiceablePeerError'
// we seperate the invoice creation into two functions because
// because if lnd is slow, it'll timeout the interactive tx
async function createSNInvoice (actionType, args, context) {
const { me, lnd, cost, optimistic } = context
const action = paidActions[actionType]
const createLNDInvoice = optimistic ? createInvoice : createHodlInvoice
await assertBelowMaxPendingInvoices(context)
if (cost < 1000n) {
// sanity check
throw new Error('The cost of the action must be at least 1 sat')
const expiresAt = datePivot(new Date(), { seconds: INVOICE_EXPIRE_SECS })
const invoice = await createLNDInvoice({
description: me?.hideInvoiceDesc ? undefined : await action.describe(args, context),
mtokens: String(cost),
expires_at: expiresAt
return { bolt11: invoice.request, preimage: invoice.secret }
async function createDbInvoice (actionType, args, context) {
const { me, models, tx, cost, optimistic, actionId, invoiceArgs, paymentAttempt, predecessorId } = context
const { bolt11, wrappedBolt11, preimage, wallet, maxFee } = invoiceArgs
const db = tx ?? models
if (cost < 1000n) {
// sanity check
throw new Error('The cost of the action must be at least 1 sat')
const servedBolt11 = wrappedBolt11 ?? bolt11
const servedInvoice = parsePaymentRequest({ request: servedBolt11 })
const expiresAt = new Date(servedInvoice.expires_at)
const invoiceData = {
hash: servedInvoice.id,
msatsRequested: BigInt(servedInvoice.mtokens),
bolt11: servedBolt11,
userId: me?.id ?? USER_ID.anon,
actionState: wrappedBolt11 ? 'PENDING_HELD' : optimistic ? 'PENDING' : 'PENDING_HELD',
actionOptimistic: optimistic,
actionArgs: args,
let invoice
if (wrappedBolt11) {
invoice = (await db.invoiceForward.create({
include: { invoice: true },
data: {
maxFeeMsats: maxFee,
invoice: {
create: invoiceData
wallet: {
connect: {
id: wallet.id
} else {
invoice = await db.invoice.create({ data: invoiceData })
// insert a job to check the invoice after it's set to expire
await db.$executeRaw`
INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, retrylimit, retrybackoff, startafter, keepuntil, priority)
VALUES ('checkInvoice',
jsonb_build_object('hash', ${invoice.hash}::TEXT), 21, true,
${expiresAt}::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE + interval '10m', 100)`
// the HMAC is only returned during invoice creation
// this makes sure that only the person who created this invoice
// has access to the HMAC
invoice.hmac = createHmac(invoice.hash)
return invoice