* Use same naming scheme between ln containers and env vars * Add router_lnd container * Only open channels to router_lnd * Use 1sat base fee and 0ppm fee rate * Add script to test routing * Also fund router_lnd wallet * Receiver fallbacks * Rename to predecessorId * Remove useless wallet table join * Missing renaming to predecessor * Fix payment stuck on sender error We want to await the invoice poll promise so we can check for receiver errors, but in case of sender errors, the promise will never settle. * Don't log failed forwards as sender errors * fix check for receiver error --------- Co-authored-by: Keyan <34140557+huumn@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: k00b <k00b@stacker.news>
1021 lines
31 KiB
1021 lines
31 KiB
import {
getInvoice as getInvoiceFromLnd, deletePayment, getPayment,
} from 'ln-service'
import crypto, { timingSafeEqual } from 'crypto'
import { decodeCursor, LIMIT, nextCursorEncoded } from '@/lib/cursor'
import { SELECT, itemQueryWithMeta } from './item'
import { formatMsats, msatsToSats, msatsToSatsDecimal, satsToMsats } from '@/lib/format'
import {
} from '@/lib/constants'
import { amountSchema, validateSchema, withdrawlSchema, lnAddrSchema } from '@/lib/validate'
import assertGofacYourself from './ofac'
import assertApiKeyNotPermitted from './apiKey'
import { bolt11Tags } from '@/lib/bolt11'
import { finalizeHodlInvoice } from '@/worker/wallet'
import walletDefs from '@/wallets/server'
import { generateResolverName, generateTypeDefName } from '@/wallets/graphql'
import { lnAddrOptions } from '@/lib/lnurl'
import { GqlAuthenticationError, GqlAuthorizationError, GqlInputError } from '@/lib/error'
import { getNodeSockets, getOurPubkey } from '../lnd'
import validateWallet from '@/wallets/validate'
import { canReceive } from '@/wallets/common'
import performPaidAction from '../paidAction'
import performPayingAction from '../payingAction'
function injectResolvers (resolvers) {
console.group('injected GraphQL resolvers:')
for (const walletDef of walletDefs) {
const resolverName = generateResolverName(walletDef.walletField)
resolvers.Mutation[resolverName] = async (parent, { settings, validateLightning, vaultEntries, ...data }, { me, models }) => {
console.log('resolving', resolverName, { settings, validateLightning, vaultEntries, ...data })
let existingVaultEntries
if (typeof vaultEntries === 'undefined' && data.id) {
// this mutation was sent from an unsynced client
// to pass validation, we need to add the existing vault entries for validation
// in case the client is removing the receiving config
existingVaultEntries = await models.vaultEntry.findMany({
where: {
walletId: Number(data.id)
const validData = await validateWallet(walletDef,
{ ...data, ...settings, vaultEntries: vaultEntries ?? existingVaultEntries },
{ serverSide: true })
if (validData) {
data && Object.keys(validData).filter(key => key in data).forEach(key => { data[key] = validData[key] })
settings && Object.keys(validData).filter(key => key in settings).forEach(key => { settings[key] = validData[key] })
// wallet in shape of db row
const wallet = {
field: walletDef.walletField,
type: walletDef.walletType,
userId: me?.id
const logger = walletLogger({ wallet, models })
return await upsertWallet({
walletDef.testCreateInvoice && validateLightning && canReceive({ def: walletDef, config: data })
? (data) => walletDef.testCreateInvoice(data, { logger, me, models })
: null
}, {
}, { logger, me, models })
return resolvers
export async function getInvoice (parent, { id }, { me, models, lnd }) {
const inv = await models.invoice.findUnique({
where: {
id: Number(id)
if (!inv) {
throw new GqlInputError('invoice not found')
if (inv.userId === USER_ID.anon) {
return inv
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
if (inv.userId !== me.id) {
throw new GqlInputError('not ur invoice')
return inv
export async function getWithdrawl (parent, { id }, { me, models, lnd }) {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
const wdrwl = await models.withdrawl.findUnique({
where: {
id: Number(id)
if (!wdrwl) {
throw new GqlInputError('withdrawal not found')
if (wdrwl.userId !== me.id) {
throw new GqlInputError('not ur withdrawal')
return wdrwl
export function createHmac (hash) {
const key = Buffer.from(process.env.INVOICE_HMAC_KEY, 'hex')
return crypto.createHmac('sha256', key).update(Buffer.from(hash, 'hex')).digest('hex')
export function verifyHmac (hash, hmac) {
const hmac2 = createHmac(hash)
if (!timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(hmac), Buffer.from(hmac2))) {
throw new GqlAuthorizationError('bad hmac')
return true
const resolvers = {
Query: {
invoice: getInvoice,
wallet: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
return await models.wallet.findUnique({
where: {
userId: me.id,
id: Number(id)
include: {
vaultEntries: true
walletByType: async (parent, { type }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
const wallet = await models.wallet.findFirst({
where: {
userId: me.id,
include: {
vaultEntries: true
return wallet
wallets: async (parent, args, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
return await models.wallet.findMany({
include: {
vaultEntries: true
where: {
userId: me.id
orderBy: {
priority: 'asc'
withdrawl: getWithdrawl,
direct: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
return await models.directPayment.findUnique({
where: {
id: Number(id),
receiverId: me.id
numBolt11s: async (parent, args, { me, models, lnd }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
return await models.withdrawl.count({
where: {
userId: me.id,
hash: { not: null }
connectAddress: async (parent, args, { lnd }) => {
return process.env.LND_CONNECT_ADDRESS
walletHistory: async (parent, { cursor, inc }, { me, models, lnd }) => {
const decodedCursor = decodeCursor(cursor)
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
const include = new Set(inc?.split(','))
const queries = []
if (include.has('invoice')) {
id, created_at as "createdAt", COALESCE("msatsReceived", "msatsRequested") as msats,
'invoice' as type,
'bolt11', bolt11,
'status', CASE WHEN "confirmedAt" IS NOT NULL THEN 'CONFIRMED'
WHEN "expiresAt" <= $2 AND NOT "isHeld" THEN 'EXPIRED'
'description', "desc",
'invoiceComment', comment,
'invoicePayerData', "lud18Data") as other
FROM "Invoice"
WHERE "userId" = $1
AND created_at <= $2)`
if (include.has('withdrawal')) {
"Withdrawl".id, "Withdrawl".created_at as "createdAt",
COALESCE("msatsPaid", "msatsPaying") as msats,
CASE WHEN bool_and("InvoiceForward".id IS NULL) THEN 'withdrawal' ELSE 'p2p' END as type,
'bolt11', "Withdrawl".bolt11,
'autoWithdraw', "autoWithdraw",
'status', COALESCE(status::text, 'PENDING'),
'msatsFee', COALESCE("msatsFeePaid", "msatsFeePaying")) as other
FROM "Withdrawl"
LEFT JOIN "InvoiceForward" ON "Withdrawl".id = "InvoiceForward"."withdrawlId"
WHERE "Withdrawl"."userId" = $1
AND "Withdrawl".created_at <= $2
GROUP BY "Withdrawl".id)`
`(SELECT id, created_at as "createdAt", msats, 'direct' as type,
'bolt11', bolt11,
'description', "desc",
'invoiceComment', comment,
'invoicePayerData', "lud18Data") as other
FROM "DirectPayment"
WHERE "DirectPayment"."receiverId" = $1
AND "DirectPayment".created_at <= $2)`
if (include.has('stacked')) {
// query1 - get all sats stacked as OP or as a forward
MAX("ItemAct".created_at) AS "createdAt",
* (CASE WHEN "Item"."userId" = $1 THEN
COALESCE(1 - ((SELECT SUM(pct) FROM "ItemForward" WHERE "itemId" = "Item".id) / 100.0), 1)
(SELECT pct FROM "ItemForward" WHERE "itemId" = "Item".id AND "userId" = $1) / 100.0
) AS msats,
'stacked' AS type, NULL::JSONB AS other
FROM "ItemAct"
JOIN "Item" ON "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id
-- only join to with item forward for items where we aren't the OP
LEFT JOIN "ItemForward" ON "ItemForward"."itemId" = "Item".id AND "Item"."userId" <> $1
WHERE "ItemAct".act = 'TIP'
AND ("Item"."userId" = $1 OR "ItemForward"."userId" = $1)
AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $2
AND ("ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" IS NULL OR "ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" = 'PAID')
GROUP BY "Item".id)`
min("Earn".id) as id, created_at as "createdAt",
sum(msats) as msats, 'earn' as type, NULL::JSONB AS other
FROM "Earn"
WHERE "Earn"."userId" = $1 AND "Earn".created_at <= $2
GROUP BY "userId", created_at)`
`(SELECT id, created_at as "createdAt", msats, 'referral' as type, NULL::JSONB AS other
FROM "ReferralAct"
WHERE "ReferralAct"."referrerId" = $1 AND "ReferralAct".created_at <= $2)`
`(SELECT id, created_at as "createdAt", msats, 'revenue' as type,
jsonb_build_object('subName', "SubAct"."subName") as other
FROM "SubAct"
WHERE "userId" = $1 AND type = 'REVENUE'
AND created_at <= $2)`
if (include.has('spent')) {
`(SELECT "Item".id, MAX("ItemAct".created_at) as "createdAt", sum("ItemAct".msats) as msats,
'spent' as type, NULL::JSONB AS other
FROM "ItemAct"
JOIN "Item" on "ItemAct"."itemId" = "Item".id
WHERE "ItemAct"."userId" = $1
AND "ItemAct".created_at <= $2
AND ("ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" IS NULL OR "ItemAct"."invoiceActionState" = 'PAID')
GROUP BY "Item".id)`
`(SELECT id, created_at as "createdAt", sats * 1000 as msats,'donation' as type, NULL::JSONB AS other
FROM "Donation"
WHERE "userId" = $1
AND created_at <= $2)`
`(SELECT id, created_at as "createdAt", msats, 'billing' as type,
jsonb_build_object('subName', "SubAct"."subName") as other
FROM "SubAct"
WHERE "userId" = $1 AND type = 'BILLING'
AND created_at <= $2)`
if (queries.length === 0) {
return {
cursor: null,
facts: []
let history = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
${queries.join(' UNION ALL ')}
ORDER BY "createdAt" DESC
me.id, decodedCursor.time, decodedCursor.offset)
history = history.map(f => {
f = { ...f, ...f.other }
if (f.bolt11) {
f.description = bolt11Tags(f.bolt11).description
switch (f.type) {
case 'withdrawal':
f.msats = (-1 * Number(f.msats)) - Number(f.msatsFee)
case 'p2p':
f.msats = -1 * Number(f.msats)
case 'spent':
case 'donation':
case 'billing':
f.msats *= -1
return f
return {
cursor: history.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor) : null,
facts: history
walletLogs: async (parent, { type, from, to, cursor }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
// we cursoring with the wallet logs on the client
// if we have from, don't use cursor
// regardless, store the state of the cursor for the next call
const decodedCursor = cursor ? decodeCursor(cursor) : { offset: 0, time: to ?? new Date() }
let logs = []
let nextCursor
if (from) {
logs = await models.walletLog.findMany({
where: {
userId: me.id,
wallet: type ?? undefined,
createdAt: {
gt: from ? new Date(Number(from)) : undefined,
lte: to ? new Date(Number(to)) : undefined
orderBy: [
{ createdAt: 'desc' },
{ id: 'desc' }
nextCursor = nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor, logs.length)
} else {
logs = await models.walletLog.findMany({
where: {
userId: me.id,
wallet: type ?? undefined,
createdAt: {
lte: decodedCursor.time
orderBy: [
{ createdAt: 'desc' },
{ id: 'desc' }
take: LIMIT,
skip: decodedCursor.offset
nextCursor = logs.length === LIMIT ? nextCursorEncoded(decodedCursor, logs.length) : null
return {
cursor: nextCursor,
entries: logs
Wallet: {
wallet: async (wallet) => {
return {
__resolveType: generateTypeDefName(wallet.type)
WalletDetails: {
__resolveType: wallet => wallet.__resolveType
InvoiceOrDirect: {
__resolveType: invoiceOrDirect => invoiceOrDirect.__resolveType
Mutation: {
createInvoice: async (parent, { amount }, { me, models, lnd, headers }) => {
await validateSchema(amountSchema, { amount })
await assertGofacYourself({ models, headers })
const { invoice, paymentMethod } = await performPaidAction('RECEIVE', {
msats: satsToMsats(amount)
}, { models, lnd, me })
return {
paymentMethod === PAID_ACTION_PAYMENT_METHODS.DIRECT ? 'Direct' : 'Invoice'
createWithdrawl: createWithdrawal,
cancelInvoice: async (parent, { hash, hmac }, { models, lnd, boss }) => {
verifyHmac(hash, hmac)
await finalizeHodlInvoice({ data: { hash }, lnd, models, boss })
return await models.invoice.findFirst({ where: { hash } })
dropBolt11: async (parent, { hash }, { me, models, lnd }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
const retention = `${INVOICE_RETENTION_DAYS} days`
const [invoice] = await models.$queryRaw`
WITH to_be_updated AS (
SELECT id, hash, bolt11
FROM "Withdrawl"
WHERE "userId" = ${me.id}
AND hash = ${hash}
AND now() > created_at + ${retention}::INTERVAL
), updated_rows AS (
UPDATE "Withdrawl"
SET hash = NULL, bolt11 = NULL, preimage = NULL
FROM to_be_updated
WHERE "Withdrawl".id = to_be_updated.id)
SELECT * FROM to_be_updated;`
if (invoice) {
try {
await deletePayment({ id: invoice.hash, lnd })
} catch (error) {
await models.withdrawl.update({
where: { id: invoice.id },
data: { hash: invoice.hash, bolt11: invoice.bolt11, preimage: invoice.preimage }
throw new GqlInputError('failed to drop bolt11 from lnd')
await models.$queryRaw`
UPDATE "DirectPayment"
SET hash = NULL, bolt11 = NULL, preimage = NULL
WHERE "receiverId" = ${me.id}
AND hash = ${hash}
AND now() > created_at + ${retention}::INTERVAL
return true
setWalletPriority: async (parent, { id, priority }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
await models.wallet.update({ where: { userId: me.id, id: Number(id) }, data: { priority } })
return true
removeWallet: async (parent, { id }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
const wallet = await models.wallet.findUnique({ where: { userId: me.id, id: Number(id) } })
if (!wallet) {
throw new GqlInputError('wallet not found')
const logger = walletLogger({ wallet, models })
await models.wallet.delete({ where: { userId: me.id, id: Number(id) } })
logger.info('wallet detached')
return true
deleteWalletLogs: async (parent, { wallet }, { me, models }) => {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
await models.walletLog.deleteMany({ where: { userId: me.id, wallet } })
return true
Withdrawl: {
satsPaying: w => msatsToSats(w.msatsPaying),
satsPaid: w => msatsToSats(w.msatsPaid),
satsFeePaying: w => w.invoiceForward ? 0 : msatsToSats(w.msatsFeePaying),
satsFeePaid: w => w.invoiceForward ? 0 : msatsToSats(w.msatsFeePaid),
// we never want to fetch the sensitive data full monty in nested resolvers
forwardedActionType: async (withdrawl, args, { models }) => {
return (await models.invoiceForward.findUnique({
where: { withdrawlId: Number(withdrawl.id) },
include: {
invoice: true
preimage: async (withdrawl, args, { lnd }) => {
try {
if (withdrawl.status === 'CONFIRMED' && withdrawl.hash) {
return withdrawl.preimage ?? (await getPayment({ id: withdrawl.hash, lnd })).payment.secret
} catch (err) {
console.error('error fetching payment from LND', err)
Direct: {
nostr: async (direct, args, { models }) => {
try {
return JSON.parse(direct.desc)
} catch (err) {
return null
sats: direct => msatsToSats(direct.msats)
Invoice: {
satsReceived: i => msatsToSats(i.msatsReceived),
satsRequested: i => msatsToSats(i.msatsRequested),
// we never want to fetch the sensitive data full monty in nested resolvers
forwardStatus: async (invoice, args, { models }) => {
const forward = await models.invoiceForward.findUnique({
where: { invoiceId: Number(invoice.id) },
include: {
withdrawl: true
return forward?.withdrawl?.status
forwardedSats: async (invoice, args, { models }) => {
const msats = (await models.invoiceForward.findUnique({
where: { invoiceId: Number(invoice.id) },
include: {
withdrawl: true
return msats ? msatsToSats(msats) : null
nostr: async (invoice, args, { models }) => {
try {
return JSON.parse(invoice.desc)
} catch (err) {
return null
confirmedPreimage: async (invoice, args, { lnd }) => {
try {
if (invoice.confirmedAt) {
return invoice.preimage ?? (await getInvoiceFromLnd({ id: invoice.hash, lnd })).secret
} catch (err) {
console.error('error fetching invoice from LND', err)
return null
item: async (invoice, args, { models, me }) => {
if (!invoice.actionId) return null
switch (invoice.actionType) {
case 'ZAP':
case 'DOWN_ZAP':
case 'POLL_VOTE':
case 'BOOST':
return (await itemQueryWithMeta({
query: `
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = $1`
}, Number(invoice.actionId)))?.[0]
return null
itemAct: async (invoice, args, { models, me }) => {
const action2act = {
switch (invoice.actionType) {
case 'ZAP':
case 'DOWN_ZAP':
case 'POLL_VOTE':
case 'BOOST':
return (await models.$queryRaw`
SELECT id, act, "invoiceId", "invoiceActionState", msats
FROM "ItemAct"
WHERE "ItemAct"."invoiceId" = ${Number(invoice.id)}::INTEGER
AND "ItemAct"."userId" = ${me?.id}::INTEGER
AND act = ${action2act[invoice.actionType]}::"ItemActType"`
return null
Fact: {
item: async (fact, args, { models }) => {
if (fact.type !== 'spent' && fact.type !== 'stacked') {
return null
const [item] = await models.$queryRawUnsafe(`
FROM "Item"
WHERE id = $1`, Number(fact.id))
return item
sats: fact => msatsToSatsDecimal(fact.msats)
export default injectResolvers(resolvers)
export const walletLogger = ({ wallet, models }) => {
// no-op logger if wallet is not provided
if (!wallet) {
return {
ok: () => {},
info: () => {},
error: () => {},
warn: () => {}
// server implementation of wallet logger interface on client
const log = (level) => async (message, context = {}) => {
try {
if (context?.bolt11) {
// automatically populate context from bolt11 to avoid duplicating this code
const decoded = await parsePaymentRequest({ request: context.bolt11 })
context = {
amount: formatMsats(decoded.mtokens),
payment_hash: decoded.id,
created_at: decoded.created_at,
expires_at: decoded.expires_at,
description: decoded.description,
// payments should affect wallet status
status: true
context.recv = true
await models.walletLog.create({
data: {
userId: wallet.userId,
wallet: wallet.type,
} catch (err) {
console.error('error creating wallet log:', err)
return {
ok: (message, context) => log('SUCCESS')(message, context),
info: (message, context) => log('INFO')(message, context),
error: (message, context) => log('ERROR')(message, context),
warn: (message, context) => log('WARN')(message, context)
async function upsertWallet (
{ wallet, testCreateInvoice }, { settings, data, vaultEntries }, { logger, me, models }) {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
assertApiKeyNotPermitted({ me })
if (testCreateInvoice) {
try {
await testCreateInvoice(data)
} catch (err) {
const message = 'failed to create test invoice: ' + (err.message || err.toString?.())
throw new GqlInputError(message)
const { id, enabled, priority, ...walletData } = data
const txs = []
if (id) {
const oldVaultEntries = await models.vaultEntry.findMany({ where: { userId: me.id, walletId: Number(id) } })
// createMany is the set difference of the new - old
// deleteMany is the set difference of the old - new
// updateMany is the intersection of the old and new
const difference = (a = [], b = [], key = 'key') => a.filter(x => !b.find(y => y[key] === x[key]))
const intersectionMerge = (a = [], b = [], key = 'key') => a.filter(x => b.find(y => y[key] === x[key]))
.map(x => ({ [key]: x[key], ...b.find(y => y[key] === x[key]) }))
where: { id: Number(id), userId: me.id },
data: {
// client only wallets has no walletData
...(Object.keys(walletData).length > 0
? {
[wallet.field]: {
update: {
where: { walletId: Number(id) },
data: walletData
: {}),
? {
vaultEntries: {
deleteMany: difference(oldVaultEntries, vaultEntries, 'key').map(({ key }) => ({
userId: me.id, key
create: difference(vaultEntries, oldVaultEntries, 'key').map(({ key, iv, value }) => ({
key, iv, value, userId: me.id
update: intersectionMerge(oldVaultEntries, vaultEntries, 'key').map(({ key, iv, value }) => ({
where: { userId_key: { userId: me.id, key } },
data: { value, iv }
: {})
include: {
vaultEntries: true
} else {
include: {
vaultEntries: true
data: {
userId: me.id,
type: wallet.type,
// client only wallets has no walletData
...(Object.keys(walletData).length > 0 ? { [wallet.field]: { create: walletData } } : {}),
? {
vaultEntries: {
createMany: {
data: vaultEntries?.map(({ key, iv, value }) => ({ key, iv, value, userId: me.id }))
: {})
if (settings) {
where: { id: me.id },
data: settings
data: {
userId: me.id,
wallet: wallet.type,
level: 'SUCCESS',
message: id ? 'wallet details updated' : 'wallet attached'
data: {
userId: me.id,
wallet: wallet.type,
level: enabled ? 'SUCCESS' : 'INFO',
message: enabled ? 'wallet enabled' : 'wallet disabled'
const [upsertedWallet] = await models.$transaction(txs)
return upsertedWallet
export async function createWithdrawal (parent, { invoice, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd, headers, wallet, logger }) {
assertApiKeyNotPermitted({ me })
await validateSchema(withdrawlSchema, { invoice, maxFee })
await assertGofacYourself({ models, headers })
// remove 'lightning:' prefix if present
invoice = invoice.replace(/^lightning:/, '')
// decode invoice to get amount
let decoded, sockets
try {
decoded = await parsePaymentRequest({ request: invoice })
} catch (error) {
throw new GqlInputError('could not decode invoice')
try {
sockets = await getNodeSockets({ lnd, public_key: decoded.destination })
} catch (error) {
// likely not found if it's an unannounced channel, e.g. phoenix
if (sockets) {
for (const { socket } of sockets) {
const ip = socket.split(':')[0]
await assertGofacYourself({ models, headers, ip })
if (!decoded.mtokens || BigInt(decoded.mtokens) <= 0) {
throw new GqlInputError('invoice must specify an amount')
if (decoded.mtokens > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
throw new GqlInputError('invoice amount is too large')
// check if there's an invoice with same hash that has an invoiceForward
// we can't allow this because it creates two outgoing payments from our node
// with the same hash
const selfPayment = await models.invoice.findUnique({
where: { hash: decoded.id },
include: { invoiceForward: true }
if (selfPayment?.invoiceForward) {
throw new GqlInputError('SN cannot pay an invoice that SN is proxying')
return await performPayingAction({ bolt11: invoice, maxFee, walletId: wallet?.id }, { me, models, lnd })
export async function sendToLnAddr (parent, { addr, amount, maxFee, comment, ...payer },
{ me, models, lnd, headers }) {
if (!me) {
throw new GqlAuthenticationError()
assertApiKeyNotPermitted({ me })
const res = await fetchLnAddrInvoice({ addr, amount, maxFee, comment, ...payer },
// take pr and createWithdrawl
return await createWithdrawal(parent, { invoice: res.pr, maxFee }, { me, models, lnd, headers })
export async function fetchLnAddrInvoice (
{ addr, amount, maxFee, comment, ...payer },
me, models, lnd, autoWithdraw = false
}) {
const options = await lnAddrOptions(addr)
await validateSchema(lnAddrSchema, { addr, amount, maxFee, comment, ...payer }, options)
if (payer) {
payer = {
identifier: payer.identifier ? `${me.name}@stacker.news` : undefined
payer = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(payer).filter(([, value]) => !!value)
const milliamount = 1000 * amount
const callback = new URL(options.callback)
callback.searchParams.append('amount', milliamount)
if (comment?.length) {
callback.searchParams.append('comment', comment)
let stringifiedPayerData = ''
if (payer && Object.entries(payer).length) {
stringifiedPayerData = JSON.stringify(payer)
callback.searchParams.append('payerdata', stringifiedPayerData)
// call callback with amount and conditionally comment
const res = await (await fetch(callback.toString())).json()
if (res.status === 'ERROR') {
throw new Error(res.reason)
// decode invoice
try {
const decoded = await parsePaymentRequest({ request: res.pr })
const ourPubkey = await getOurPubkey({ lnd })
if (autoWithdraw && decoded.destination === ourPubkey && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
// unset lnaddr so we don't trigger another withdrawal with same destination
await models.wallet.deleteMany({
where: { userId: me.id, type: 'LIGHTNING_ADDRESS' }
throw new Error('automated withdrawals to other stackers are not allowed')
if (!decoded.mtokens || BigInt(decoded.mtokens) !== BigInt(milliamount)) {
throw new Error('invoice has incorrect amount')
} catch (e) {
throw e
return res