ekzyis dd36155b04
Fix duplicate push notifications on item edit if mentioned (#563)
* Refactor service worker event listeners into own file

* Refactor service worker onPush listener

* Only show one MENTION push notification per item

* Update index.js to have newline


Co-authored-by: ekzyis <>
Co-authored-by: Keyan <>
2023-10-20 19:21:44 -05:00

75 lines
3.0 KiB

/* global self */
import { precacheAndRoute } from 'workbox-precaching'
import { offlineFallback } from 'workbox-recipes'
import { setDefaultHandler } from 'workbox-routing'
import { NetworkOnly } from 'workbox-strategies'
import { enable } from 'workbox-navigation-preload'
import manifest from './precache-manifest.json'
import { onPush, onNotificationClick, onPushSubscriptionChange, onMessage } from './eventListener'
// comment out to enable workbox console logs
self.__WB_DISABLE_DEV_LOGS = true
// preloading improves startup performance
// ignore precache manifest generated by InjectManifest
// they statically check for the presence of this variable
// precache the manifest we generated ourselves
// immediately replace existing service workers with this one
// (no wait until this one becomes active)
self.addEventListener('install', () => self.skipWaiting())
// Using network-only as the default strategy ensures that we fallback
// to the browser as if the service worker wouldn't exist.
// The browser may use own caching (HTTP cache).
// Also, the offline fallback only works if request matched a route
setDefaultHandler(new NetworkOnly({
plugins: [{
fetchDidFail: async (args) => {
// tell us why a request failed in dev
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && console.log('fetch did fail', ...args)
fetchDidSucceed: async ({ request, response, event, state }) => {
if (
response.ok &&
request.headers.get('x-nextjs-data') &&
response.headers.get('x-nextjs-matched-path') &&
response.headers.get('content-type') === 'application/json' &&
response.headers.get('content-length') === '2' &&
response.status === 200) {
console.log('service worker detected a successful yet empty nextjs SSR data response')
console.log('nextjs has a bug where it returns a 200 with empty data when it should return a 404')
console.log('HACK ... intercepting response and returning 404')
const headers = new Headers(response.headers)
return new Response(null, {
status: 404,
statusText: 'Not Found',
ok: false
return response
// This won't work in dev because pages are never cached.
// See
offlineFallback({ pageFallback: '/offline' })
self.addEventListener('push', onPush(self))
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', onNotificationClick(self))
self.addEventListener('message', onMessage(self))
self.addEventListener('pushsubscriptionchange', onPushSubscriptionChange(self), false)